2024-01-22 19:18:22
update tcrt_project t
set t.p_savedate =to_char(to_date(&基准时间,'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi')+1/96,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi'),
t.p_startdate = to_char(to_date(&基准时间,'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi')+2/96,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi')
where t.p_code =&"项目编码";
update txf_result_task t
set t.m_create_time =
(select to_char(to_date(&基准时间,'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi')+t1.nums/48,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi') from (select
dense_rank() over(partition by p_code order by p_number) nums
from txf_result_task
where p_code = &项目编码)t1 where t.m_id=t1.m_id ),
t.task_deal_time= (select to_char(to_date(&基准时间,'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi')+(t1.nums)/48+1/96,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi') from (select
dense_rank() over(partition by p_code order by p_number) nums
from txf_result_task
where p_code = &项目编码)t1 where t.m_id=t1.m_id )
where t.p_code = &项目编码;
update txf_result t
set t.r_begtime= (select p_savedate from tcrt_project t1 where t.p_code=t1.p_code),
t.r_endtime=(select max(task_deal_time) from txf_result_task t2 where t.p_code=t2.p_code)
where t.p_code = &项目编码;
update txf_note_result t
set t.v_savetime=(select to_char(to_date(max(t1.task_deal_time),'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi'),'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') from txf_result_task t1
where t1.p_code=&项目编码 and m_content in ('修改投票','参与投票')
and t1.m_to_user=t.v_voter)
where t.r_code=(select r_code from txf_result where p_code = &项目编码);
update txf_result_step t
set t.f_ctime =(select to_char(to_date(max(t1.task_deal_time), 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
from txf_result_task t1 where t1.r_code=t.r_code
and t1.f_code=t.f_code)
where t.r_code in (select r_code from txf_result where p_code = &项目编码);
update tcrt_result t
set (t.savedate,t.savetime,t.update_time,t.beg_date,t.end_date) =(
to_char(to_date(max(t1.task_deal_time), 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),'yyyy-mm-dd') ,
to_char(to_date(max(t1.task_deal_time), 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),'hh24:mi'),
to_date(max(t1.task_deal_time), 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),
to_char(to_date(max(t1.task_deal_time), 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),'yyyy-mm-dd'),
to_char((to_date(max(t1.task_deal_time), 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'))+numtoyminterval(1,'year'),'yyyy-mm-dd')
from txf_result_task t1 where t.p_code=t1.p_code
and m_content in ('修改投票','参与投票'))
where t.p_code = to_char(&项目编码);
update tcrt_document t
set t.f_savedate =(select min(t1.task_deal_time) from txf_result_task t1
where t.n_f_code=t1.f_code
and t.r_code=t1.r_code
and t.f_uploader=t1.m_to_user)
where t.r_code = (select r_code from txf_result where p_code = &项目编码);
update tcrt_document t
set t.f_savedate =(select t1.p_startdate from tcrt_project t1 where t.r_code=t1.p_code)
where t.r_code =to_char(&项目编码);
update tcrt_event t
set t.e_savedate =
to_char((to_date(min(t1.task_deal_time), 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'))-1/96,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi')
from txf_result_task t1
where t1.m_type = '1'
and t.r_code = t1.r_code
and t.n_f_code = t1.f_code
and t.e_editor = t1.m_to_user)
where t.r_code = (select r_code from txf_result where p_code = &项目编码);