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程序员文章站 2024-01-17 22:58:04

  $mysql_server_name=''; //改成自己的mysql数据库服务器

  $mysql_username='用户'; //改成自己的mysql数据库用户名

  $mysql_password='密码'; //改成自己的mysql数据库密码

  $mysql_database='数据库'; //改成自己的mysql数据库名

  mysql_connect('', $mysql_username,$mysql_password) or die('database not access');


  mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'");

  $equery2 = " select title from 表1 ";


  while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result2, MYSQL_BOTH))



  if (ord($title)>128) { //汉字开头

  echo $letter=getfirstchar($title);

  }else if(ord($title)>=48 and ord($title)

  echo $letter=iconv_substr($title,0,1,'utf-8');

  }else if(ord($title)>=65 and ord($title)

  echo $letter=iconv_substr($title,0,1,'utf-8');

  }else if(ord($title)>=97 and ord($title)

  echo $letter=iconv_substr($title,0,1,'utf-8');



  function getfirstchar($s0){

  $s=iconv("UTF-8","gb2312", $s0);


  if($asc>=-20319 and $asc

  if($asc>=-20283 and $asc=-19775 and $asc

  if($asc>=-19218 and $asc

  if($asc>=-18710 and $asc

  if($asc>=-18526 and $asc

  if($asc>=-18239 and $asc

  if($asc>=-17922 and $asc

  if($asc>=-17417 and $asc

  if($asc>=-16474 and $asc

  if($asc>=-16212 and $asc

  if($asc>=-15640 and $asc

  if($asc>=-15165 and $asc

  if($asc>=-14922 and $asc

  if($asc>=-14914 and $asc

  if($asc>=-14630 and $asc

  if($asc>=-14149 and $asc

  if($asc>=-14090 and $asc

  if($asc>=-13318 and $asc

  if($asc>=-12838 and $asc

  if($asc>=-12556 and $asc

  if($asc>=-11847 and $asc

  if($asc>=-11055 and $asc

  return false;
