ExtJS 4 : desktop shortcut location
2024-01-17 14:43:52
ExtJS 4 Desktop 例子中的桌面图标始终在第一列显示,不论有多少个。重写Desktop的部分方法,让其自动适应位置。
Ext.override(Ext.ux.desktop.Desktop, { createDataView: function () { var me = this; return { xtype: 'dataview', overItemCls: 'x-view-over', trackOver: true, itemSelector: me.shortcutItemSelector, store: me.shortcuts, tpl: new Ext.XTemplate(me.shortcutTpl), listeners: { 'refresh': me.positionItems, 'resize': me.positionItems } }; }, positionItems: function() { var me = this, height = this.getHeight(), x = 0, y = 0; // get the max width and height of shortcuts if (!me.itemWidth && !me.itemHeight) { me.itemHeight = 0; var h = 0, rh; this.all.each(function(item) { var el = Ext.get(item), box = el.getBox(); me.itemWidth = me.itemWidth || box.right; me.itemHeight = (rh = box.bottom - h) > me.itemHeight ? rh : me.itemHeight; h = box.bottom; }); } this.all.each(function(item) { var el = Ext.get(item); if ((y+me.itemHeight) > height) { x += me.itemWidth; y = 0; } el.setXY([x, y]); y += me.itemHeight; }); } });
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