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程序员文章站 2024-01-16 14:26:34

Copy_3_of_Templates.class.php 文件是已经增加缓存方式的,再次刷新页面不会生成缓存,未考虑项目中某些页面是否要缓存,以后用该类在逐步添加,希望有朋友可以一起交流!
  1. header('Content-Type:text/html;charset=utf-8');
  2. define('ROOT_HOST',dirname(__FILE__));
  3. define('HTML_DIR',ROOT_HOST.'/moban/');
  4. define('COMPILED_DIR',ROOT_HOST.'/data/compiled/');
  5. define('CACHE_DIR',ROOT_HOST.'/data/cache/');
  6. //是否开启缓冲区
  7. define('NEW_CACHE', false);
  8. //判断是否开启缓冲区
  9. NEW_CACHE ? ob_start() : null;
  10. //引入模板类
  11. require ROOT_HOST.'/lib/Templates.class.php';
  12. $_moban = new Templates();
  13. $array = array(a=>'你好呀',b=>'我不是很好,但我很想你',c=>'你都在家里了,怎么还想我呀?');
  14. $xcvu = '你好啊,这是一个XCVU';
  15. $zmq = "hi";
  16. $title = "这是一个模板引擎自定义方法!";
  17. $ling = "因为正在修改一个“函数”????????????????";
  18. $_moban->assign('ling', $ling);
  19. $_moban->assign('title',$title);
  20. $_moban->assign('zmq', $zmq);
  21. $_moban->assign('xcvu', $xcvu);
  22. $_moban->assign('abc',5>4);
  23. $_moban->assign('array', $array);
  24. $_moban->display('index.html');
  25. ?>
  1. BBBasd不知道说点什么好,可又想说点什么好

  2. 1号

  3. 2号

  4. ........
  • 复制代码
    1. /* about:Richard.z
    2. * site:http://www.zmq.cc
    3. * E_mail:code@zmq.cc
    4. * date:2013/01/02/17:30
    5. * */
    6. class Templates{
    7. private $_CaChe;
    8. private $_Compiled;
    9. private $_HtmlFile;
    10. private $_FileVar;
    11. private $_KeyArr = array();
    12. public function __construct(){
    13. if(!is_dir(HTML_DIR) || !is_dir(COMPILED_DIR) || !is_dir(CACHE_DIR)){
    14. exit('Your directory does not exist!');
    15. }
    16. }
    17. public function assign($_var, $_value){
    18. if(isset($_var) && !empty($_var)){
    19. $this->_KeyArr[$_var] = $_value;
    20. }else{
    21. exit('Please set your value!');
    22. }
    23. }
    24. public function display($_File){
    25. //设置模板的变量
    26. $this->_HtmlFile = HTML_DIR.$_File;
    27. //设置编译
    28. $this->_Compiled = COMPILED_DIR.md5($_File).$_File.'.php';
    29. //设置缓存
    30. $this->_CaChe = CACHE_DIR.md5($_File).$_File.'.html';
    31. //判断模板是否存在
    32. if(!file_exists($this->_HtmlFile)){
    33. exit('Template file does not exist');
    34. }
    35. //赋值和判断读取
    36. if(!$this->_FileVar = file_get_contents($this->_HtmlFile)){
    37. exit('The template file read error!');
    38. }
    39. //if edit Compiled File date if(!file_exists($this->_Compiled) || filemtime($this->_Compiled) _HtmlFile)){
    40. $this->Set_Comilled();
    41. }
    42. //Include Compiled
    43. include $this->_Compiled;
    44. }
    45. //public function
    46. public function Set_Comilled(){
    47. $this->SetArr();
    48. $this->SetInclude();
    49. if(!file_put_contents($this->_Compiled, $this->_FileVar)){
    50. exit('Compiled files generated error!');
    51. }
    52. }
    53. //arr
    54. private function SetArr(){
    55. $_preaa = array(
    56. '//',
    57. '//',
    58. '//',
    59. '//',
    60. '//',
    61. '//',
    62. '//',
    63. '//');
    64. $_prebb = array(
    65. '_KeyArr["$1"];?>',
    66. '_KeyArr["$1"]) {?>',
    67. '',
    68. '',
    69. '_KeyArr["$1"] as \$$2=>\$$3) { ?>',
    70. '',
    71. '',
    72. '');
    73. $this->_FileVar = preg_replace($_preaa, $_prebb, $this->_FileVar);
    74. if(preg_match($_preaa[0], $this->_FileVar)){
    75. $this->_FileVar = $this->SetArr($this->_FileVar);
    76. }
    77. }
    78. //Include
    79. private function SetInclude(){
    80. $_preFile = '//';
    81. if(preg_match($_preFile, $this->_FileVar,$_File)){
    82. if(!file_exists($_File[1]) || empty($_File)){
    83. exit('You of Include File Error!');
    84. }
    85. $this->_FileVar = preg_replace($_preFile, "", $this->_FileVar);
    86. }
    87. }
    88. }
    89. ?>
    1. /* about:Richard.z
    2. * site:http://www.zmq.cc
    3. * E_mail:code@zmq.cc
    4. * date:2013/01/02/17:30 || 2013/01/14/21:35
    5. * */
    6. class Templates{
    7. private $_CaChe;
    8. private $_Compiled;
    9. private $_HtmlFile;
    10. private $_FileVar;
    11. private $_KeyArr = array();
    12. public function __construct(){
    13. if(!is_dir(HTML_DIR) || !is_dir(COMPILED_DIR) || !is_dir(CACHE_DIR)){
    14. exit('Your directory does not exist!');
    15. }
    16. }
    17. public function assign($_var, $_value){
    18. if(isset($_var) && !empty($_var)){
    19. $this->_KeyArr[$_var] = $_value;
    20. }else{
    21. exit('Please set your value!');
    22. }
    23. }
    24. public function display($_File){
    25. //设置模板的变量
    26. $this->_HtmlFile = HTML_DIR.$_File;
    27. //设置编译
    28. $this->_Compiled = COMPILED_DIR.md5($_File).$_File.'.php';
    29. //设置缓存
    30. $this->_CaChe = CACHE_DIR.md5($_File).$_File.'.html';
    31. //判断模板是否存在
    32. if(!file_exists($this->_HtmlFile)){
    33. exit('Template file does not exist');
    34. }
    35. //赋值和判断读取
    36. if(!$this->_FileVar = file_get_contents($this->_HtmlFile)){
    37. exit('The template file read error!');
    38. }
    39. //if edit Compiled File date if(!file_exists($this->_Compiled) || filemtime($this->_Compiled) _HtmlFile)){
    40. $this->Set_Comilled();
    41. }
    42. //Include Compiled
    43. include $this->_Compiled;
    44. $this->SetCaChe();
    45. }
    46. //The setting cache file if you want to be generated again
    47. private function SetCaChe(){
    48. if(!file_exists($this->_CaChe) || filemtime($this->_CaChe) _Compiled)){
    49. if(NEW_CACHE){
    50. file_put_contents($this->_CaChe, ob_get_contents());
    51. ob_end_clean();
    52. include $this->_CaChe;
    53. }
    54. }
    55. }
    56. //public function
    57. public function Set_Comilled(){
    58. $this->SetArr();
    59. $this->SetInclude();
    60. if(!file_put_contents($this->_Compiled, $this->_FileVar)){
    61. exit('Compiled files generated error!');
    62. }
    63. }
    64. //arr
    65. private function SetArr(){
    66. $_preaa = array(
    67. '//',
    68. '//',
    69. '//',
    70. '//',
    71. '//',
    72. '//',
    73. '//',
    74. '//');
    75. $_prebb = array(
    76. '_KeyArr["$1"];?>',
    77. '_KeyArr["$1"]) {?>',
    78. '',
    79. '',
    80. '_KeyArr["$1"] as \$$2=>\$$3) { ?>',
    81. '',
    82. '',
    83. '');
    84. $this->_FileVar = preg_replace($_preaa, $_prebb, $this->_FileVar);
    85. if(preg_match($_preaa[0], $this->_FileVar)){
    86. $this->_FileVar = $this->SetArr($this->_FileVar);
    87. }
    88. }
    89. //Include
    90. private function SetInclude(){
    91. $_preFile = '//';
    92. if(preg_match($_preFile, $this->_FileVar,$_File)){
    93. if(!file_exists($_File[1]) || empty($_File)){
    94. exit('You of Include File Error!');
    95. }
    96. $this->_FileVar = preg_replace($_preFile, "", $this->_FileVar);
    97. }
    98. }
    99. }
    100. ?>