Java&MySQL Type Mapping_MySQL
MySQL Type Name | Return value of GetColumnClassName | Returned as Java Class |
BIT(1) (new in MySQL-5.0) | BIT | java.lang.Boolean |
BIT( > 1) (new in MySQL-5.0) | BIT | byte[] |
TINYINT | TINYINT | java.lang.Boolean if the configuration property tinyInt1isBit is set to true (the default) and the storage size is 1, orjava.lang.Integer if not. |
BOOL, BOOLEAN | TINYINT | See TINYINT, above as these are aliases forTINYINT(1), currently. |
SMALLINT[(M)] [UNSIGNED] | SMALLINT [UNSIGNED] | java.lang.Integer (regardless ifUNSIGNED or not) |
MEDIUMINT[(M)] [UNSIGNED] | MEDIUMINT [UNSIGNED] | java.lang.Integer, if UNSIGNEDjava.lang.Long (C/J 3.1 and earlier), orjava.lang.Integer for C/J 5.0 and later |
INT,INTEGER[(M)] [UNSIGNED] | INTEGER [UNSIGNED] | java.lang.Integer, if UNSIGNEDjava.lang.Long |
BIGINT[(M)] [UNSIGNED] | BIGINT [UNSIGNED] | java.lang.Long, if UNSIGNEDjava.math.BigInteger |
FLOAT[(M,D)] | FLOAT | java.lang.Float |
DOUBLE[(M,B)] | DOUBLE | java.lang.Double |
DECIMAL[(M[,D])] | DECIMAL | java.math.BigDecimal |
DATE | DATE | java.sql.Date |
DATETIME | DATETIME | java.sql.Timestamp |
TIMESTAMP[(M)] | TIMESTAMP | java.sql.Timestamp |
TIME | TIME | java.sql.Time |
YEAR[(2|4)] | YEAR | If yearIsDateType configuration property is set to false, then the returned object type isjava.sql.Short. If set to true (the default), then the returned object is of typejava.sql.Date with the date set to January 1st, at midnight. |
CHAR(M) | CHAR | java.lang.String (unless the character set for the column is BINARY, then byte[] is returned. |
VARCHAR(M) [BINARY] | VARCHAR | java.lang.String (unless the character set for the column is BINARY, then byte[] is returned. |
BINARY(M) | BINARY | byte[] |
TINYTEXT | VARCHAR | java.lang.String |
BLOB | BLOB | byte[] |
TEXT | VARCHAR | java.lang.String |
MEDIUMTEXT | VARCHAR | java.lang.String |
LONGTEXT | VARCHAR | java.lang.String |
ENUM('value1','value2',...) | CHAR | java.lang.String |
SET('value1','value2',...) | CHAR | java.lang.String |
上一篇: ThinkPHP开发框架函数详解:C方法
Java&MySQL Type Mapping_MySQL
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