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php vbs加密复原

程序员文章站 2024-01-13 15:57:10
php vbs加密还原

var pwd = theform.PassWord.value;var rndNum = 394058;rndNum = rndNum.toString();var curPos = 0;var tmpStr,EnCryptStr = "";for(Cnt=0;Cnt
用php还原$pwd = "";$rndNum = "394058";$curPos = 0;$tmpStr = "";$EnCryptStr = "";for($Cnt=0;$Cnt<strlen($pwd);$Cnt++)        {            if($Cnt % strlen($rndNum) == 0 ) $curPos = 0;            $tmpStr = substr($pwd,$Cnt,1);            $EnCryptStr = $EnCryptStr. fromCharCode(charCodeAt($tmpStr) - $Cnt - substr($rndNum,$curPos,1));                        $curPos +=1;         }echo $EnCryptStr;echo ''<br>'';echo $rndNum;echo ''<br>'';echo EncryptString($EnCryptStr);function fromCharCode($codes) {   if (is_scalar($codes)) $codes= func_get_args();   $str= '''';   foreach ($codes as $code) $str.= chr($code);   return $str;}function charCodeAt($word) {  if (is_array($word))    $arr = $word;  else      $arr = str_split($word);  $bin_str = '''';  foreach ($arr as $value)    $bin_str .= decbin(ord($value));  $bin_str = preg_replace(''/^.{4}(.{4}).{2}(.{6}).{2}(.{6})$/'',''$1$2$3'', $bin_str);  return bindec($bin_str);}

原函数Function EncryptString(InputText , ThePassword )''用户口令加密     Dim il_bit, il_x, il_y, il_z, il_len, i     Dim is_out     Password = InputText     il_len = Len(Password)     il_x = 0     il_y = 0     is_out = ""     For i = 1 To il_len         il_bit = AscW(Mid(Password, i, 1)) ''W系列支持unicode         il_y = (il_bit * 13 Mod 256) + il_x         is_out = is_out & ChrW(Fix(il_y)) ''取整 int和fix区别: fix修正负数         il_x = il_bit * 13 / 256     Next     is_out = is_out & ChrW(Fix(il_x))     Password = is_out     il_len = Len(Password)     il_x = 0     il_y = 0     is_out = ""     For i = 1 To il_len         il_bit = AscW(Mid(Password, i, 1)) ''取前4位值         il_y = il_bit / 16 + 64         is_out = is_out & ChrW(Fix(il_y)) ''取后4位值         il_y = (il_bit Mod 16) + 64         is_out = is_out & ChrW(Fix(il_y))     Next     EncryptString = is_out     End Function }

用php还原function EncryptString($Password){      //密码前端加密部分    $il_len = strlen($Password);    $il_x = 0;    $il_y = 0;    $is_out = "";    for($i=0;$i
php  vbs加密复原


