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Mina 过滤链默认构建器

程序员文章站 2024-01-13 12:45:28
MINA TCP简单通信实例:http://donald-draper.iteye.com/blog/2375297
MINA 编解码器实例:http://donald-draper.iteye.com/blog/2375317
MINA 多路分离解码器实例:http://donald-draper.iteye.com/blog/2375324
IoAcceptor acceptor=new NioSocketAcceptor();
DefaultIoFilterChainBuilder defaultIoFilterChainBuilder = acceptor.getFilterChain();
LoggingFilter loggingFilter = new LoggingFilter();
defaultIoFilterChainBuilder.addLast("loggingFilter", loggingFilter);

 public NioSocketAcceptor()
        super(new DefaultSocketSessionConfig(), org/apache/mina/transport/socket/nio/NioProcessor);
        selectorProvider = null;
  protected AbstractPollingIoAcceptor(IoSessionConfig sessionConfig, Class processorClass)
        this(sessionConfig, null, ((IoProcessor) (new SimpleIoProcessorPool(processorClass))), true, null);
   private AbstractPollingIoAcceptor(IoSessionConfig sessionConfig, Executor executor, IoProcessor processor, boolean createdProcessor, SelectorProvider selectorProvider)
        super(sessionConfig, executor);
  protected AbstractIoAcceptor(IoSessionConfig sessionConfig, Executor executor)
        super(sessionConfig, executor);

public abstract class AbstractIoService
    implements IoService
    private static final AtomicInteger id = new AtomicInteger();
    private final String threadName;
    private final Executor executor;//线程池执行器
    private final boolean createdExecutor;//是否创建了线程池
    private IoHandler handler;//Io处理器
    protected final IoSessionConfig sessionConfig;//Io会话配置
    private final IoServiceListener serviceActivationListener = new IoServiceListener() {
    private IoFilterChainBuilder filterChainBuilder;//过滤器链
    private IoSessionDataStructureFactory sessionDataStructureFactory;//会话属性管理器
    private final IoServiceListenerSupport listeners = new IoServiceListenerSupport(this);
    protected final Object disposalLock = new Object();
    private volatile boolean disposing;
    private volatile boolean disposed;
    private IoServiceStatistics stats;
    protected AbstractIoService(IoSessionConfig sessionConfig, Executor executor)
        filterChainBuilder = new DefaultIoFilterChainBuilder();//默认过滤链构建器
        this.sessionConfig = sessionConfig;//初始化Session配置
        if(executor == null)
            this.executor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
            createdExecutor = true;
        } else
            this.executor = executor;
            createdExecutor = false;
     public final void setFilterChainBuilder(IoFilterChainBuilder builder)
        if(builder == null)
            builder = new DefaultIoFilterChainBuilder();
        filterChainBuilder = builder;
    public final DefaultIoFilterChainBuilder getFilterChain()
        if(filterChainBuilder instanceof DefaultIoFilterChainBuilder)
            return (DefaultIoFilterChainBuilder)filterChainBuilder;
            throw new IllegalStateException("Current filter chain builder is not a DefaultIoFilterChainBuilder.");


 * An interface that builds {@link IoFilterChain} in predefined way
 * when {@link IoSession} is created.  You can extract common filter chain
 * modification logic to this interface.  For example, to add a filter
 * to the chain,
 * <pre>
 * public class MyFilterChainBuilder implements IoFilterChainBuilder {
 *     public void buildFilterChain( IoFilterChain chain ) throws Exception {
 *         chain.addLast( "myFilter", new MyFilter() );
 *     }
 * }
 * </pre>
 * @author The Apache Directory Project (mina-dev@directory.apache.org)
public interface IoFilterChainBuilder
    public abstract void buildFilterChain(IoFilterChain iofilterchain)
        throws Exception;
    public static final IoFilterChainBuilder NOOP = new IoFilterChainBuilder() {

        public void buildFilterChain(IoFilterChain iofilterchain)
            throws Exception
        public String toString()
            return "NOOP";

 * A container of {@link IoFilter}s that forwards {@link IoHandler} events
 * to the consisting filters and terminal {@link IoHandler} sequentially.
 * Every {@link IoSession} has its own {@link IoFilterChain} (1-to-1 relationship). 
 * IoFilterChain是IoFilter的容器,用于转发IoHandler的事件到包含过滤器和Io处理器的链。
public interface IoFilterChain
     * Represents a name-filter pair that an {@link IoFilterChain} contains.
     * *IoFilterChain包含的IOFilter对
     * @author The Apache Directory Project (mina-dev@directory.apache.org)
    public interface Entry {
         * Returns the name of the filter.
        String getName();

         * Returns the filter.
        IoFilter getFilter();

         * Returns the {@link NextFilter} of the filter.
         * @throws IllegalStateException if the {@link NextFilter} is not available
        NextFilter getNextFilter();
    public abstract IoSession getSession();//
     * Returns the parent {@link IoSession} of this chain.
     * @return {@link IoSession}
    IoSession getSession();

     * Returns the {@link Entry} with the specified <tt>name</tt> in this chain.
     * @return <tt>null</tt> if there's no such name in this chain
    Entry getEntry(String name);

     * Returns the {@link IoFilter} with the specified <tt>name</tt> in this chain.
     * @return <tt>null</tt> if there's no such name in this chain
    IoFilter get(String name);

     * Returns the {@link NextFilter} of the {@link IoFilter} with the
     * specified <tt>name</tt> in this chain.
     * @return <tt>null</tt> if there's no such name in this chain
    NextFilter getNextFilter(String name);

     * Returns the list of all {@link Entry}s this chain contains.
    List getAll();

     * Returns the reversed list of all {@link Entry}s this chain contains.
    List getAllReversed();

     * Returns <tt>true</tt> if this chain contains an {@link IoFilter} with the
     * specified <tt>name</tt>.
    boolean contains(String name);

     * Returns <tt>true</tt> if this chain contains the specified <tt>filter</tt>.
    boolean contains(IoFilter filter);

     * Returns <tt>true</tt> if this chain contains an {@link IoFilter} of the
     * specified <tt>filterType</tt>.
    boolean contains(Class filterType);

     * Adds the specified filter with the specified name at the beginning of this chain.
     * @throws IoFilterLifeCycleException
     *             if {@link IoFilter#onPostAdd(IoFilterChain, String, NextFilter)} or
     *             {@link IoFilter#init()} throws an exception.
    void addFirst(String name, IoFilter filter);

     * Adds the specified filter with the specified name at the end of this chain.
     * @throws IoFilterLifeCycleException
     *             if {@link IoFilter#onPostAdd(IoFilterChain, String, NextFilter)} or
     *             {@link IoFilter#init()} throws an exception.
    void addLast(String name, IoFilter filter);

     * Adds the specified filter with the specified name just before the filter whose name is
     * <code>baseName</code> in this chain.
     * @throws IoFilterLifeCycleException
     *             if {@link IoFilter#onPostAdd(IoFilterChain, String, NextFilter)} or
     *             {@link IoFilter#init()} throws an exception.
    void addBefore(String baseName, String name, IoFilter filter);

     * Adds the specified filter with the specified name just after the filter whose name is
     * <code>baseName</code> in this chain.
     * @throws IoFilterLifeCycleException
     *             if {@link IoFilter#onPostAdd(IoFilterChain, String, NextFilter)} or
     *             {@link IoFilter#init()} throws an exception.
    void addAfter(String baseName, String name, IoFilter filter);

     * Removes the filter with the specified name from this chain.
     * @throws IoFilterLifeCycleException
     *             if {@link IoFilter#onPostRemove(IoFilterChain, String, NextFilter)} or
     *             {@link IoFilter#destroy()} throws an exception.
    IoFilter remove(String name);

     * Removes all filters added to this chain.清空过滤器链
     * @throws Exception if {@link IoFilter#onPostRemove(IoFilterChain, String, NextFilter)} thrown an exception.
    void clear() throws Exception;

     * Fires a {@link IoHandler#sessionCreated(IoSession)} event.  Most users don't need to
     * call this method at all.  Please use this method only when you implement a new transport
     * or fire a virtual event.
    public void fireSessionCreated(IoSession session);

     * Fires a {@link IoHandler#sessionOpened(IoSession)} event.  Most users don't need to call
     * this method at all.  Please use this method only when you implement a new transport or
     * fire a virtual event.
    public void fireSessionOpened(IoSession session);

     * Fires a {@link IoHandler#sessionClosed(IoSession)} event.  Most users don't need to call
     * this method at all.  Please use this method only when you implement a new transport or
     * fire a virtual event.
    public void fireSessionClosed(IoSession session);

     * Fires a {@link IoHandler#sessionIdle(IoSession, IdleStatus)} event.  Most users don't
     * need to call this method at all.  Please use this method only when you implement a new
     * transport or fire a virtual event.
    public void fireSessionIdle(IoSession session, IdleStatus status);

     * Fires a {@link #fireMessageReceived(IoSession, Object)} event.  Most users don't need to
     * call this method at all.  Please use this method only when you implement a new transport
     * or fire a virtual event.
    public void fireMessageReceived(IoSession session, Object message);

     * Fires a {@link IoHandler#sessionOpened(IoSession)} event.  Most users don't need to call
     * this method at all.  Please use this method only when you implement a new transport or
     * fire a virtual event.
    public void fireMessageSent(IoSession session, WriteRequest request);

     * Fires a {@link IoHandler#exceptionCaught(IoSession, Throwable)} event.  Most users don't
     * need to call this method at all.  Please use this method only when you implement a new
     * transport or fire a virtual event.
    public void fireExceptionCaught(IoSession session, Throwable cause);

     * Fires a {@link IoSession#write(Object)} event.  Most users don't need to call this
     * method at all.  Please use this method only when you implement a new transport or fire a
     * virtual event.
    public void fireFilterWrite(IoSession session, WriteRequest writeRequest);

     * Fires a {@link IoSession#close()} event.  Most users don't need to call this method at
     * all.  Please use this method only when you implement a new transport or fire a virtual
     * event.
    public void fireFilterClose(IoSession session);

再来看过滤链默认构造器 DefaultIoFilterChainBuilder
 * The default implementation of {@link IoFilterChainBuilder} which is useful
 * in most cases.  {@link DefaultIoFilterChainBuilder} has an identical interface
 * with {@link IoFilter}; it contains a list of {@link IoFilter}s that you can
 * modify. The {@link IoFilter}s which are added to this builder will be appended
 * to the {@link IoFilterChain} when {@link #buildFilterChain(IoFilterChain)} is
 * invoked.
 * <p>
 * However, the identical interface doesn't mean that it behaves in an exactly
 * same way with {@link IoFilterChain}.  {@link DefaultIoFilterChainBuilder}
 * doesn't manage the life cycle of the {@link IoFilter}s at all, and the
 * existing {@link IoSession}s won't get affected by the changes in this builder.
 * {@link IoFilterChainBuilder}s affect only newly created {@link IoSession}s.
 * 然而统一的interface,不意味着,行为与IoFilterChain一样。DefaultIoFilterChainBuilder
 * <pre>
 * IoAcceptor acceptor = ...;
 * DefaultIoFilterChainBuilder builder = acceptor.getFilterChain();
 * builder.addLast( "myFilter", new MyFilter() );
 * ...
 * </pre>
 * @author The Apache Directory Project (mina-dev@directory.apache.org)
 * @version $Rev$, $Date$
public class DefaultIoFilterChainBuilder
    implements IoFilterChainBuilder
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(org/apache/mina/core/filterchain/DefaultIoFilterChainBuilder);
    private final List entries;//List<DefaultIoFilterChainBuilder.EntryImpl>
     * Creates a new instance with an empty filter list.
    public DefaultIoFilterChainBuilder() {
        entries = new CopyOnWriteArrayList();
     private static class EntryImpl implements Entry {
        private final String name;
        private final IoFilter filter;
        private EntryImpl(String name, IoFilter filter) {
            if (name == null) {
                throw new NullPointerException("name");
            if (filter == null) {
                throw new NullPointerException("filter");

            this.name = name;
            this.filter = filter;
        public String getName() {
            return name;
        public IoFilter getFilter() {
            return filter;
        public NextFilter getNextFilter() {
            throw new IllegalStateException();
        public String toString() {
            return "(" + getName() + ':' + filter + ')';
     * @see IoFilterChain#addFirst(String, IoFilter)
    public synchronized void addFirst(String name, IoFilter filter) {
        register(0, new EntryImpl(name, filter));
     * @see IoFilterChain#addLast(String, IoFilter)
    public synchronized void addLast(String name, IoFilter filter) {
        register(entries.size(), new EntryImpl(name, filter));
    private void register(int index, Entry e) {
        if (contains(e.getName())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Other filter is using the same name: " + e.getName());
        entries.add(index, e);
     * @see IoFilterChain#addBefore(String, String, IoFilter)
    public synchronized void addBefore(String baseName, String name,
            IoFilter filter) {

        for (ListIterator i = entries.listIterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            Entry base = (Entry) i.next();
            if (base.getName().equals(baseName)) {
                register(i.previousIndex(), new EntryImpl(name, filter));

     * @see IoFilterChain#addAfter(String, String, IoFilter)
    public synchronized void addAfter(String baseName, String name,
            IoFilter filter) {
        for (ListIterator i = entries.listIterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            Entry base = (Entry) i.next();
            if (base.getName().equals(baseName)) {
                register(i.nextIndex(), new EntryImpl(name, filter));
     private void checkBaseName(String baseName) {
        if (baseName == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("baseName");
        if (!contains(baseName)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown filter name: "
                    + baseName);
     * @see IoFilterChain#getEntry(String)
    public Entry getEntry(String name) {
        for (Iterator i = entries.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
            Entry e = (Entry) i.next();
            if (e.getName().equals(name)) {
                return e;
        return null;
     * @see IoFilterChain#get(String)
    public IoFilter get(String name) {
        Entry e = getEntry(name);
        if (e == null) {
            return null;

        return e.getFilter();
     * @see IoFilterChain#getAll()
    public List getAll() {
        return new ArrayList(entries);

     * @see IoFilterChain#getAllReversed()
    public List getAllReversed() {
        List result = getAll();
        return result;
     * @see IoFilterChain#contains(String)
    public boolean contains(String name) {
        return getEntry(name) != null;

     * @see IoFilterChain#contains(IoFilter)
    public boolean contains(IoFilter filter) {
        for (Iterator i = entries.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            Entry e = (Entry) i.next();
            if (e.getFilter() == filter) {
                return true;

        return false;
     * @see IoFilterChain#contains(Class)
    public boolean contains(Class filterType) {
        for (Iterator i = entries.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            Entry e = (Entry) i.next();
            if (filterType.isAssignableFrom(e.getFilter().getClass())) {
                return true;

        return false;
     * @see IoFilterChain#remove(String)
    public synchronized IoFilter remove(String name) {
        if (name == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("name");
        for (ListIterator i = entries.listIterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            Entry e = (Entry) i.next();
            if (e.getName().equals(name)) {
                return e.getFilter();

        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown filter name: " + name);

     * @see IoFilterChain#clear()
    public synchronized void clear() throws Exception {
    public void buildFilterChain(IoFilterChain chain) throws Exception {
        for (Iterator i = entries.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            Entry e = (Entry) i.next();
            chain.addLast(e.getName(), e.getFilter());


public abstract class AbstractIoFilterChain implements IoFilterChain
class SocketFilterChain extends AbstractIoFilterChain 
class DatagramFilterChain extends AbstractIoFilterChain 
public class VmPipeFilterChain extends AbstractIoFilterChain 

相关标签: mina