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开张了 EclipseSOAPRESTXMLperformance 

程序员文章站 2024-01-11 21:45:28

Codehaus XFire is a next-generation java SOAP framework. Codehaus XFire makes service oriented development approachable through its easy to use API and support for standards. It is also highly performant since it is built on a low memory StAX based model.

Axis 比较有趣的是AXIOM.可以只解析用户需要的SOAP部分,从而减少内存占用

AXIs Object Model (AXIOM) is an XML object model designed to improve both memory use and performance during XML processing and is based on pull parsing. By using the Streaming API for XML (StAX) pull parser, AXIOM (also referred to as OM) can control the parsing process to provide deferred building support. Deferred building is the ability of AXIOM to partially build the object model while the rest of the model is built based the user's need.

2)还学习了WS reliable client 的思想,通过自定义异常处理,将消息缓存,并进行处理。

Eclipse中的iFile 实现了 iAdaptable接口,因此可