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how to proxy to k8s web console

程序员文章站 2024-01-11 20:07:34
### how to access k8s web console if it's still available

1. Run the proxy:
$ cd /c/tools/env-prod
$ ls -l
-rwxr-xr-x 1 John.Wang 1049089   85 May 14 14:45 prod.listAllPods.sh*
-rw-r--r-- 1 John.Wang 1049089 6146 Oct  4  2017 prod_cluster_config

$ kubectl --kubeconfig=prod_cluster_config --namespace=env-prod proxy
Starting to serve on

2. Open the web console in your browser:
YOU MUST CHANGE "https" to "http" in "https:kubernetes-dashboard". And the final url is as follows:

select your namespace, like "env-pod"

3. How to restart a pod?
>> Just "delete" the current pod: k8s would start a new pod for it.
kubectl --kubeconfig=test_cluster_config --namespace=env-qa delete pod order-service-5fbb59878d-qqqs9

### how to tail container log with kubectl

command: kubectl --kubeconfig=prod_cluster_config --namespace=env-prod logs pod-name --tail=50 [-f]

$ cd /c/tools/env-prod/

## find the pod-name by listing all the pods
$ kubectl --kubeconfig=prod_cluster_config --namespace=env-prod get pods | grep scheduling
NAME                                                           READY   STATUS  RESTARTS AGE
scheduling-service-6995d7fc67-zpdfm       1/1      Running            0      9d

## to tail 50 lines of the container's log and stop
$ kubectl --kubeconfig=prod_cluster_config --namespace=env-prod logs scheduling-service-6995d7fc67-zpdfm --tail=50

## to keep tailing 30 lines of the container's log
$ kubectl --kubeconfig=prod_cluster_config --namespace=env-prod logs scheduling-service-6995d7fc67-zpdfm --tail=30 -f
相关标签: Kubernetes