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Munin graphing of MySQL_MySQL

程序员文章站 2024-01-11 11:14:16
While there are many graphing tools out there and we’ve used Munin for a while now.

The MySQL plugin for Munin had fallen out of date and the show engine innodb status output changed in 5.5 making some bits of the plugin simply not work any more. Also the show global status has some extra variables so there was a need to create new graphs.

All of these are now in the 2.1.8 + development releases of Munin.

Here are samples of the new/updated graphs.

Munin graphing of MySQL_MySQL


Munin graphing of MySQL_MySQL

Table Definitions

Munin graphing of MySQL_MySQL

Innodb Buffer Pool Activity

Munin graphing of MySQL_MySQL

Innodb Buffer Pool Internal Breakdown

Munin graphing of MySQL_MySQL

Innodb Insert Buffer

Munin graphing of MySQL_MySQL

Innodb Buffer Pool

Munin graphing of MySQL_MySQL

Innodb Semaphores

Munin graphing of MySQL_MySQL

Innodb Master Thread

Munin graphing of MySQL_MySQL

Innodb Adaptive Hash Index

Munin graphing of MySQL_MySQL

Innodb Queries and Transactions

Munin graphing of MySQL_MySQL

Innodb Read Views

Munin graphing of MySQL_MySQL

Innodb Descriptors

Munin graphing of MySQL_MySQL

Performance Schema Losses

Munin graphing of MySQL_MySQL

Query Cache

Munin graphing of MySQL_MySQL

Maximum Memory of MySQL

Munin graphing of MySQL_MySQL


Munin graphing of MySQL_MySQL

Handler Read

Munin graphing of MySQL_MySQL

Handler Transaction

Munin graphing of MySQL_MySQL

Handler Write

Munin graphing of MySQL_MySQL

Handler Temporary Write/Updates

Munin graphing of MySQL_MySQL

Execution (triggers and events)

Munin graphing of MySQL_MySQL

Index Condition Pushdown

Munin graphing of MySQL_MySQL

Multi Range Read Optimizations

Some of these above graphs may miss a variable or two with MariaDB-10 because of variable name changes. These will be corrected when we get to those. In MariaDB-10 there is useful transition to information schema tables for status information which will make it significantly easier to parse.

Individual buffer pool information also has been parsed out however we haven’t worked out how to graphing this correctly. Also not yet merged is a bunch of Galera graphs which are currently waiting on some Galera provider changes.

We’ll continue to work with the Munin developers to keep this MySQL plugin up to date and useful.

There’s other graphs in the MySQL Munin plugins that we haven’t changed so aren’t included here.