jdcb查询SQL Server数据乱码问题解决方法
2024-01-08 22:15:34
用jdcb查询SQL Server数据源数据时,在window环境下数据没有任何异常,但到linux环境下,英文和数字没有任何问题,但中文出现乱码,搜索SQLServer jdbc乱码原因,没有得到想要的答案,于是,从SQLServer驱动的实现开始,查找没有想Mysql配置url是,编码属性配置:
一想,在Mysql jdbc相关的文章中我们看到Mysql jdbc连接与客户端时通过socket的连接来通信的,那么MS SqlServer思想肯定也是一样,那么socket的接收byte数据要转化为String,那肯定要使用
重新启动应用,测试,it is ok, feel good...
public Connection connect(String s, Properties properties) throws SQLServerException { try { Logger.setLogWriter(this, DriverManager.getLogWriter()); } catch(NoSuchMethodError nosuchmethoderror) { Util.println("This version of sqlserver jdbc driver needs the JVM to support level 1.4 or higher"); Util.println("The current JVM level is:" + Util.sJDKVersion); try { Logger.setLogStream(this, DriverManager.getLogStream()); } catch(Exception exception) { } } SQLServerConnection sqlserverconnection = null; //解析URL Properties properties1 = Util.parseUrl(s); if(properties1 == null) return null; Object obj = null; Object obj1 = null; int i = DriverManager.getLoginTimeout(); if(i > 0) properties1.put("loginTimeout", (new Integer(i)).toString()); for(int j = 0; j < driverProperties.length; j++) { String s1 = driverProperties[j]; if(properties1.getProperty(s1) != null) continue; String s2 = properties.getProperty(s1); if(s2 != null) properties1.put(s1, s2); } connProperties = properties1; String s3 = properties1.getProperty("logfile"); if(s3 != null) Logger.setCustomLogFile(this, s3); sqlserverconnection = new SQLServerConnection(); sqlserverconnection.sConnectURL = s; try { //获取连接 sqlserverconnection.connect(properties1, null); } catch(SQLException sqlexception) { throw new SQLServerException(sqlserverconnection, "Failed Logon:" + sqlexception.toString() + " url:" + s, sqlexception.getSQLState(), sqlexception.getErrorCode(), false); } return sqlserverconnection; }
Properties properties1 = Util.parseUrl(s);
public static Properties parseUrl(String s) { Properties properties = new Properties(); String s1 = s; Object obj = null; Object obj1 = null; String s3 = "jdbc:sqlserver://"; if(!s1.startsWith(s3)) return null; s1 = s1.substring(s3.length()); try { StringTokenizer stringtokenizer = new StringTokenizer(s1, ":/&?;", true); String s2 = stringtokenizer.nextToken(); properties.put("serverName", s2); String s4 = stringtokenizer.nextToken(); if(s4.equals(":")) { String s7 = stringtokenizer.nextToken(); properties.put("portNumber", s7); String s5 = stringtokenizer.nextToken(); } int i = 0; do { if(!stringtokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) break; String s6 = stringtokenizer.nextToken(); if(++i % 2 != 0) { StringTokenizer stringtokenizer1 = new StringTokenizer(s6, "=", true); String s8 = stringtokenizer1.nextToken(); if(stringtokenizer1.hasMoreTokens()) { stringtokenizer1.nextToken(); if(stringtokenizer1.hasMoreTokens()) { String s9 = stringtokenizer1.nextToken(); properties.put(s8, s9); } } else { properties.put("databaseName", s8); } } } while(true); } catch(NoSuchElementException nosuchelementexception) { } return properties; }
public Connection connect(Properties properties, BasePooledConnection basepooledconnection) throws SQLServerException { int k; ConnectionProperties connectionproperties; int l; int i1; int i2; activeConnectionProperties = properties; pooledConnectionParent = basepooledconnection; conPropertiesArray = new ConnectionProperties[10]; for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) conPropertiesArray[i] = new ConnectionProperties(); String s = null; String s1 = null; //获取数据库连接属性配置 s = properties.getProperty("enableFailover"); boolean flag = s != null && s.equals("true"); s = "user"; s1 = properties.getProperty(s); if(s1 == null) s1 = ""; buildConnectionProperties(s, s1, flag); s = "password"; s1 = properties.getProperty(s); if(s1 == null) s1 = ""; buildConnectionProperties(s, s1, flag); s = "databaseName"; s1 = properties.getProperty(s); if(s1 == null) s1 = properties.getProperty("database"); buildConnectionProperties(s, s1, flag); String s2 = s1; s = "serverName"; s1 = properties.getProperty(s); if(s1 == null) s1 = properties.getProperty("host"); if(s1 == null) s1 = "localhost"; String s3 = s1; int j = s1.indexOf('\\'); String s4 = null; if(j >= 0) { String s5 = s1.substring(j + 1, s1.length()); s1 = s1.substring(0, j); s4 = getInstancePort(s1, s5); } else { String s6 = properties.getProperty("instanceName"); if(s6 != null) s4 = getInstancePort(s1, s6); } buildConnectionProperties(s, s1, flag); s = "portNumber"; s1 = properties.getProperty(s); if(s1 == null) s1 = properties.getProperty("port"); if(s1 == null || s1.equals("0")) if(s4 == null) s1 = "1433"; else s1 = s4; buildConnectionProperties(s, s1, flag); s = "sqlVersion"; s1 = properties.getProperty(s); if(s1 == null) s1 = properties.getProperty("sqlversion"); buildConnectionProperties(s, s1, flag); s = "asciiStringParameters"; s1 = properties.getProperty(s); buildConnectionProperties(s, s1, flag); s = "booleanLiterals"; s1 = properties.getProperty(s); buildConnectionProperties(s, s1, flag); s = "applicationName"; s1 = properties.getProperty(s); buildConnectionProperties(s, s1, flag); s = "instanceName"; s1 = properties.getProperty(s); buildConnectionProperties(s, s1, flag); s = "lastUpdateCount"; s1 = properties.getProperty(s); buildConnectionProperties(s, s1, flag); s = "disableStatementPooling"; s1 = properties.getProperty(s); buildConnectionProperties(s, s1, flag); s = "trustedAuthentication"; s1 = properties.getProperty(s); buildConnectionProperties(s, s1, flag); s = "codepage"; s1 = properties.getProperty(s); buildConnectionProperties(s, s1, flag); s = "loginTimeout"; s1 = properties.getProperty(s); buildConnectionProperties(s, s1, flag); s = "lockTimeout"; s1 = properties.getProperty(s); buildConnectionProperties(s, s1, flag); s = "xopenStates"; s1 = properties.getProperty(s); buildConnectionProperties(s, s1, flag); s = "enableFailover"; s1 = properties.getProperty(s); buildConnectionProperties(s, s1, flag); s = "selectMethod"; s1 = properties.getProperty(s); if(s1 == null || !s1.equals("cursor")) s1 = "default"; buildConnectionProperties(s, s1, flag); s = "preExecuteMetaData"; s1 = properties.getProperty(s); buildConnectionProperties(s, s1, flag); s = "iterativeBatching"; s1 = properties.getProperty(s); buildConnectionProperties(s, s1, flag); s = "connectionRetryCount"; s1 = properties.getProperty(s); buildConnectionProperties(s, s1, flag); s = "connectionRetryWait"; s1 = properties.getProperty(s); buildConnectionProperties(s, s1, flag); s = "trustedAuthenticationPort"; s1 = properties.getProperty(s); buildConnectionProperties(s, s1, flag); s = "ntlmAuthentication"; s1 = properties.getProperty(s); buildConnectionProperties(s, s1, flag); s = "domain"; s1 = properties.getProperty(s); ... }
一想,在Mysql jdbc相关的文章中我们看到Mysql jdbc连接与客户端时通过socket的连接来通信的,那么MS SqlServer思想肯定也是一样,那么socket的接收byte数据要转化为String,那肯定要使用
public String(byte bytes[], Charset charset) { this(bytes, 0, bytes.length, charset); }
public String(byte bytes[]) { this(bytes, 0, bytes.length); }
public String(byte bytes[], int offset, int length) { checkBounds(bytes, offset, length); //委托给StringCoding解码 this.value = StringCoding.decode(bytes, offset, length); }
static char[] decode(byte[] ba, int off, int len) { //关键在这句获取系统默认字符编码 String csn = Charset.defaultCharset().name(); try { // use charset name decode() variant which provides caching. return decode(csn, ba, off, len); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException x) { warnUnsupportedCharset(csn); } try { return decode("ISO-8859-1", ba, off, len); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException x) { // If this code is hit during VM initialization, MessageUtils is // the only way we will be able to get any kind of error message. MessageUtils.err("ISO-8859-1 charset not available: " + x.toString()); // If we can not find ISO-8859-1 (a required encoding) then things // are seriously wrong with the installation. System.exit(1); return null; } } public static Charset defaultCharset() { if (defaultCharset == null) { synchronized (Charset.class) { //在当前线程访问控制权限下,获取系统文件编码 String csn = AccessController.doPrivileged( new GetPropertyAction("file.encoding")); Charset cs = lookup(csn); if (cs != null) defaultCharset = cs; else //如果系统编码为空,则默认为UTF-8 defaultCharset = forName("UTF-8"); } } return defaultCharset; }
donald@linux:~/tomcat/bin>locale ... LC_ALL=zh_CN.UTF-8 LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8
export LC_ALL=zh_CN.G export LANG=zh_CN.GBK
donald@linux:~/tomcat/bin>source /etc/profile donald@linux:~/tomcat/bin> tail -n 20 /etc/profile ... export LC_ALL=zh_CN.GBK export LANG=zh_CN.GBK donald@linux:~/tomcat/bin>
重新启动应用,测试,it is ok, feel good...
String oname=rs.getString("name"); byte[] namebyte=oname.getBytes("GBK2312"); name=new String(namebyte);
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