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程序员文章站 2024-01-02 16:30:46
const myname = "windows硬件检视工具(测试版) --by:rex.pack(雷克斯.派)" if not lcase(replace(w...
const myname = "windows硬件检视工具(测试版) --by:rex.pack(雷克斯.派)"

if not lcase(replace(wscript.fullname, wscript.path & "\", "")) = "cscript.exe" then
	set ws = createobject("wscript.shell")
	ws.run "cmd /c mode con: cols=115 & color 0a & title " & myname & " & cscript //nologo """ & wscript.scriptfullname & """"
end if
set sd = createobject("scripting.dictionary")
	sd.comparemode = vbtextcompare
set s = new basestr
set pc = new basepc
set wmi = getobject("winmgmts:{impersonationlevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
cmdarr = split(" os cpu board memory video disk usb cachememory network bios sound battery portablebattery" & " s1 s2 s3 s4")
with sd
	.add "?", "call menu"
	.add "e", "wscript.quit"
	for i = 1 to 17
		.add cstr(i), cmdarr(i)
	.add "a", "1-6"
	.add "b", "7-9"
	.add "c", "10-13"
	.add "d", "14-17"
end with

echo myname

call menu
call main

sub menu()
	echo "[设备列表]"
	echo " 常用组 a: 1.os	2.cpu	3.主板	4.内存	5.显卡	6.硬盘"
	echo " 次级组 b: 7.usb	8.缓存	9.网卡"
	echo " 酱油组 c: 10.bios	11.声卡	电池(12.内部 13.便携)"
	echo "[测试cpu]"
	echo " 测试组 d: 14.变量幂次方运算	15.字符叠合	16.加法计算	17.叠加计算"
end sub

sub main()
	print ">": getnum = trim(input)
	with sd
		if .exists(getnum) then
			if isnumeric(getnum) then
				echo eval("pc." & .item(getnum))
				arrlu = split(.item(getnum), "-")
				for l = arrlu(0) to arrlu(1)
					echo eval("pc." & .item(cstr(l)))
			end if
			echo "#不支持的命令"
		end if
	end with
	if not err.number = 0 then echo ">x": err.clear
	call main
end sub

class basestr
	private strs
	private sub class_initialize()
		strs = ""
	end sub
	private sub class_terminate()
		call cls
	end sub
	public sub cls()
		strs = empty
	end sub
	public property let i(byval str)
		if left(str, 1) = "☆" then str = str & string(80, "=")
		strs = strs & vbcrlf & str
	end property
	public default property get i()
		i = strs
	end property
end class

class basepc
	private dps
	private sub class_initialize()
		dps = 200
	end sub
	private sub class_terminate()
		dps = empty
	end sub
	function s1()
		s1 = "变量幂次方运算 " & dps & "万次用时:" & rt("testvar = i ^ 2", dps * 10000)
	end function
	function s2()
		s2 = "字符叠合 " & dps & "000次用时:" & rt("testvar = testvar & vbtab", dps * 1000)
	end function
	function s3()
		s3 = "加法计算 " & dps & "万次用时:" & rt("testvar = 86 + 32", dps * 10000)
	end function
	function s4()
		s4 = "叠加计算 " & dps & "万次用时:" & rt("testvar = testvar + i", dps * 10000)
	end function
	private function rt(byval mathexp, byval num)
		dim nowtimer, newtimer, testvar
		nowtimer = timer
		for i = 1 to num
			execute mathexp
		newtimer = formatnumber((timer - nowtimer) * 1000, 3, true, , false) & "ms"
		rt = newtimer
		testvar = empty
	end function
	function bios()
		on error resume next
		s.i = "☆[bios]"
		s.i = "┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━┉"
		for each tempobj in wmi.instancesof("win32_bios")
			with tempobj
				s.i = "┣厂商		:" & .manufacturer
				s.i = "┇日期		:" & .releasedate
				s.i = "┇oem 版本	:" & .version
				s.i = "┇bios 版本	:" & .smbiosbiosversion
				s.i = "┇major版本	:" & .smbiosmajorversion
				s.i = "┇状态		:" & .status
			end with
		s.i = "┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━┉"
		bios = s
	end function

	function os()
		on error resume next
		s.i = "☆[操作系统]"
		s.i = "┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━┉"
		for each tempobj in wmi.instancesof("win32_operatingsystem")
			with tempobj
				s.i = "┣标签  :" & .caption
				s.i = "┇csdv  :" & .csdversion
				s.i = "┇版本  :" & .version
				s.i = "┇ram识别:" & .totalvisiblememorysize / 1024 & "mb"
				s.i = "┇ram可用:" & .freephysicalmemory / 1024 & "mb"
			end with
		s.i = "┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━┉"
		os = s
	end function
	function board()
		on error resume next
		s.i = "☆[主板]"
		s.i = "┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━┉"
		for each tempobj in wmi.instancesof("win32_baseboard")
			with tempobj
				s.i = "┣标签:" & .caption
				s.i = "┇编号:" & .product
				s.i = "┇序号:" & .serialnumber 
				s.i = "┇名称:" & .name
				s.i = "┇版本:" & .version
				s.i = "┇厂商:" & .manufacturer
				s.i = "┇状态:" & .status
			end with
		s.i = "┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━┉"
		board = s
	end function
	function cpu()
		on error resume next
		s.i = "☆[cpu]"
		s.i = "┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━┉"
		for each tempobj in wmi.instancesof("win32_processor")
			with tempobj
				mcs = .maxclockspeed
				ccs = .currentclockspeed
				if mcs mod 2 = 1 then mcs = ccs + 1
				if ccs mod 2 = 1 then ccs = ccs + 1
				if ccs = mcs then
					set srp = getobject("winmgmts:{impersonationlevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:stdregprov")
					srp.getdwordvalue &h80000002, "hardware\description\system\centralprocessor\0", "~mhz", oc
					set srp = nothing
					oc = ccs
				end if
				if oc mod 2 = 1 then oc = oc + 1
				fc = oc - mcs
				if fc > +10 then oclc = "超"
				if fc < -10 then oclc = "降"
				oclc = oclc & "频比率:" & formatpercent(fc / mcs, true, true)
				s.i = "┣cpu 名称:" & trim(.name)
				s.i = "┇cpu 架构:" & .description
				s.i = "┇制造厂商:" & .manufacturer
				s.i = "┇插口规格:" & .socketdesignation
				s.i = "┇cpu 数量:" & .cpustatus & "	" & string(.cpustatus, "※")
				s.i = "┇核心数量:" & .numberofcores & "	" & string(.numberofcores, "∷")
				s.i = "┇线程数量:" & .numberoflogicalprocessors & "	" & string(.numberoflogicalprocessors, "≈")
				s.i = "┇地址位宽:" & .addresswidth & " bit"
				s.i = "┇数据位宽:" & .datawidth  & " bit"
				s.i = "┇cpu 电压:" & .currentvoltage / 10 & "v"
				s.i = "┇外部频率:" & .extclock & " mhz"
				s.i = "┇当前频率:" & oc        & " mhz, " & oclc
				s.i = "┇原始频率:" & mcs       & " mhz"
				s.i = "┇cpu占用%:" & .loadpercentage & "%"
			end with
		s.i = "┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━┉"
		cpu = s
	end function

	function cachememory()
		on error resume next
		s.i = "☆[缓存内存]"
		s.i = "┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━┉"
		for each tempobj in wmi.instancesof("win32_cachememory")
			with tempobj
				if .maxcachesize > 0 then
					select case .purpose
						case "l1 cache" addstr = "(+databit)"
						case else
					end select
					s.i = "┇作用位:" & .purpose & " id:" & .deviceid & ":" & .maxcachesize & "kb" & addstr
					addstr = ""
				end if
			end with
		s.i = "┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━┉"
		cachememory = s
	end function

	function memory()
		on error resume next
		temparr = split("unknown other dram synchronous-dram cache-dram edo edram vram sram ram rom flash eeprom feprom eprom cdram 3dram sdram sgram rdram ddr ddr-2")
		s.i = "☆[内存]"
		s.i = "┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━┉"
		for each tempobj in wmi.instancesof("win32_physicalmemory")
			with tempobj
				s.i = "┣名称/标签:" & .name & "/" & .caption
				s.i = "┇bl    :" & .banklabel
				s.i = "┇槽    :" & .devicelocator
				s.i = "┇容量   :" & .capacity / 1048576 & "mb"
				s.i = "┇类型   :" & temparr(.memorytype)
				s.i = "┇速率   :" & .speed & "mhz"
				s.i = "┇制造商  :" & .manufacturer
				s.i = "┇热插拔  :" & iif(.hotswappable = true, true, false)
				s.i = "┇总位宽  :" & .totalwidth
				s.i = "┇数据位宽 :" & .datawidth
				s.i = "┇部分序号 :" & .partnumber
			end with
		s.i = "┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━┉"
		memory = s
	end function

	function video()
		on error resume next
		temparr1 = split(" 其他 未知 cga ega vga svga mda hgc mcga 8514a xga linear frame buffer" & space(160 - 14) & "pc-98")
		temparr2 = split(" 其他 未知 隔行 逐行")
		s.i = "☆[显卡]"
		s.i = "┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━┉"
		for each tempobj in wmi.instancesof("win32_videocontroller")
			with tempobj
				s.i = "┣接口   :" & temparr1(.videoarchitecture)
				s.i = "┇名称   :" & .name
				s.i = "┇标签   :" & .caption
				s.i = "┇id    :" & .deviceid
				s.i = "┇gpu   :" & .videoprocessor
				s.i = "┇制造商  :" & .adaptercompatibility
				s.i = "┇物理显存 :" & .adapterram / 1048576 & "mb"
				s.i = "┇扫描模式 :" & iif(.currentscanmode = false, false, temparr2(.currentscanmode))
				s.i = "┇分辨率  :" & .currenthorizontalresolution & " x " & .currentverticalresolution
				s.i = "┇色位盘  :" & .currentbitsperpixel & "bit"
				s.i = "┇刷新率  :" & .currentrefreshrate & "hz" & "(" & .minrefreshrate & "-" & .maxrefreshrate& ")"
				s.i = "┇驱动版本 :" & .driverversion
			end with
		s.i = "┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━┉"
		video = s
	end function

	function disk()
		on error resume next
		s.i = "☆[硬盘]"
		for each tempobj in wmi.instancesof("win32_diskdrive")
			with tempobj
				s.i = "┏[磁盘:" & .index & "]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┉"
				s.i = "┇名称  :" & .name
				s.i = "┇标签  :" & .caption
				s.i = "┇接口  :" & .interfacetype
				s.i = "┇制造商 :" & .manufacturer
				s.i = "┇序号  :" & .serialnumber
				s.i = "┇介质描述:" & .description & "	" & "┇介质类型:" & .mediatype
				s.i = "┇柱面数 :" & .totalcylinders & " 	" & "┇磁头数 :" & .totalheads
				s.i = "┇标准容量:" & formatnumber(.size / 1000000000, 2, true) & "gb" & "	" & "┇实际容量:" & formatnumber(.size / 1073741824, 2, true) & "gb"
				s.i = "┇分区数量:" & .partitions
				s.i = "┣━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┉"
				s.i = "┣[分区]┳━━━┳━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━━━━━┳━━━━━┉"
				s.i = "┇ 索引	┇主分区┇容量(gb)	┇块(大小x数量)		┇属性"
				s.i = "┣━━━╋━━━╋━━━━━━━╋━━━━━━━━━━━╋━━━━━┉"
				for each tempobj0 in wmi.instancesof("win32_diskpartition")
					if .index = tempobj0.diskindex then
						s.i = "┇ " & tempobj0.index & _
						"	┇" & tempobj0.primarypartition & _
						"	┇" & formatnumber(tempobj0.size / 1073741824, 2, true) & "gb" & _
						"	┇" & tempobj0.blocksize & "x" & tempobj0.numberofblocks & _
						" 	┇" & _
						tif(tempobj0.bootpartition, "引导,") & _
						tif(tempobj0.hiddensectors, "隐藏,") & _
						tif(tempobj0.bootable, "启动.")
					end if
				s.i = "┣━━━┻━━━┻━━━━━━━┻━━━━━━━━━━━┻━━━━━┉"
				s.i = "┣[扇区]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┉"
				s.i = "┇磁道扇区:" & .sectorspertrack
				s.i = "┇扇区大小:" & .bytespersector
				s.i = "┇总扇区数:" & .totalsectors
				s.i = "┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┉"
			end with
		temparr = split("未知 可移动磁盘 本地磁盘 网络驱动器 光盘 ram磁盘   ")
		s.i = "┏[分区信息]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┉"
		for each tempobj1 in createobject("scripting.filesystemobject").drives
			with tempobj1
				if .isready then
					pts = int(.freespace / .totalsize * 100)
					s.i = "┇盘符:" & .driveletter & " 文件系统:" & .filesystem & "	类型:" & temparr(.drivetype) & "	卷标:" & .volumename
					s.i = "┇" & "	空闲率:" & pts & "%	" & string((100 - pts) / 5, "■") & string(pts / 5, "□")
					s.i = "┇盘符:" & .driveletter & "	磁盘未准备好!"
					s.i = "┇" & "	空闲率:0%	" & "≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡"
				end if
			end with
		s.i = "┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┉"
		disk = s
	end function
	function sound()
		on error resume next
		s.i = "☆[声卡]"
		s.i = "┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━┉"
		for each tempobj in wmi.instancesof("win32_sounddevice")
			with tempobj
				s.i = "┣名称/标签:" & .name & "/" & .caption
				s.i = "┇id    :" & .deviceid
				s.i = "┇制造商  :" & .manufacturer
			end with
		s.i = "┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━┉"
		sound = s
	end function
	function network()
		on error resume next
		s.i = "☆[网卡]"
		s.i = "┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━┉"
		for each tempobj in wmi.execquery("select * from win32_networkadapter where physicaladapter = 'true'")
			with tempobj
				s.i = "┣[网卡:" & space(3 - len(.index)) & .index & "]━━━━━━━━┉"
				s.i = "┇标签 :" & .caption
				s.i = "┇pnpdid:" & .pnpdeviceid
				s.i = "┇制造商:" & .manufacturer
				s.i = "┇速率 :" & iif(typename(.speed) = "null", false, .speed / 10000 & "bps")
				s.i = "┇启用 :" & .netenabled
				s.i = "┇服务名:" & .servicename
			end with
		s.i = "┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━┉"
		network = s
	end function
	function battery()
		on error resume next
		temparr1 = split(" 放电 交流电 充满 低 临界 充电 充电>高 充电>低 充电>临界 未定义 部分充电")
		temparr2 = split(" 其他 未知 铅酸 镉镍 镍金属氢化物 锂离子 锌空气 锂聚合物")
		s.i = "☆[内部电池]"
		s.i = "┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━┉"
		for each tempobj in wmi.instancesof("win32_battery")
			with tempobj
				s.i = "┣名称/标签:" & .name & "/" & .caption
				s.i = "┇id    :" & .deviceid
				s.i = "┇pnpdid  :" & .pnpdeviceid
				s.i = "┇充电时间 :" & .batteryrechargetime
				s.i = "┇状态   :" & temparr1(.batterystatus)
				s.i = "┇材料   :" & temparr2(.chemistry)
			end with
		s.i = "┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━┉"
		battery = s
	end function
	function portablebattery()
		on error resume next
		temparr1 = split(" 其他 未知 充满 低 临界 充电 充电>高 充电>低 充电>临界 未定义 部分充电")
		temparr2 = split(" 其他 未知 铅酸 镉镍 镍金属氢化物 锂离子 锌空气 锂聚合物")
		s.i = "☆[便携电池]"
		s.i = "┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━┉"
		for each tempobj in wmi.instancesof("win32_portablebattery")
			with tempobj
				s.i = "┣名称/标签:" & .name & "/" & .caption
				s.i = "┇id    :" & .deviceid
				s.i = "┇pnpdid  :" & .pnpdeviceid
				s.i = "┇制造商  :" & .manufacturer
				s.i = "┇预计剩余 :" & .estimatedchargeremaining
				s.i = "┇预计时间 :" & .estimatedruntime
				s.i = "┇电源管理 :" & .powermanagementsupported
				s.i = "┇位置   :" & .location
				s.i = "┇智能电池 :" & .smartbatteryversion
				s.i = "┇材料   :" & temparr2(.chemistry)
			end with
		s.i = "┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━┉"
		portablebattery = s
	end function
	function usb()
		on error resume next
		s.i = "☆[usb坞]"
		s.i = "┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━┉"
		for each tempobj in wmi.instancesof("win32_usbcontroller")
			with tempobj
				s.i = "┣标签 :" & .caption
				s.i = "┇id  :" & .deviceid
				s.i = "┇pnpdid:" & .pnpdeviceid
				s.i = "┇制造商:" & .manufacturer
			end with
		s.i = "┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━┉"
		usb = s
	end function
end class


	sub print(byval texts)
		wscript.stdout.write texts
	end sub
	sub echo(byval geom_tempdata)
		wscript.echo geom_tempdata
	end sub

	sub printc(byval texts, byval lennum)
		wscript.stdout.write chr(13) & texts & string(lennum, " ")
	end sub
	sub printl(byval texts)
	end sub
	function input()
		input = wscript.stdin.readline
	end function

function iif(byval geom_tf, byval geom_t, byval geom_f)
	if geom_tf = true then iif = geom_t else iif = geom_f
end function

function tif(byval geom_tf, byval geom_t)
	if geom_tf = true then tif = geom_t
end function

function fif(byval geom_tf, byval geom_f)
	if geom_tf = false then fif = geom_f
end function



