SQL SERVER 实现多行转多列
dt_zhubiao [主表]
id | type | title |
1 | 1 | 表单1-1 |
2 | 1 | 表单1-2 |
3 | 2 | 表单2-1 |
4 | 2 | 表单2-2 |
dt_kuozhanbiao [扩展表]
id | formid | name | title | value |
1 | 1 | ext_a | 工龄 | 18 |
2 | 1 | ext_b | 职称 | 副级 |
3 | 2 | ext_a | 工龄 | 20 |
4 | 2 | ext_b | 职称 | 正级 |
5 | 3 | ext_2a | 字段1 | 值1 |
6 | 3 | ext_2b | 字段2 | 值2 |
7 | 3 | ext_2c | 字段3 | 值3 |
8 | 4 | ext_2a | 字段1 | 值21 |
9 | 4 | ext_2b | 字段2 | 值22 |
10 | 4 | ext_2c | 字段3 | 值23 |
查询type=1时,select * from dt_zhubiao where type = 1 ...
id | type | title | ext_a | ext_b |
1 | 1 | 表单1-1 | 18 | 副级 |
2 | 1 | 表单1-2 | 20 | 正级 |
查询type=2时,select * from dt_zhubiao where type =2 ...
id | type | title | ext_2a | ext_2b | ext_2c |
3 | 2 | 表单2-1 | 值1 | 值2 | 值3 |
4 | 2 | 表单2-2 | 值21 | 值22 | 值23 |
那么问题来了,基于 select * from dt_zhubiao where type = ? 基础sql语句,如何生成这种查询结果 ?
这个问题应该多用于动态表单,之前自己尝试过join 、union去解决,都总差那么点意思。 -:)
后面去多个论坛发帖挨个问了个遍,终于寻到解决办法了。sql 代码如下:
--测试数据 if not object_id(n'tempdb..#主表') is null drop table #主表 go create table #主表([id] int,[type] int,[title] nvarchar(25)) insert #主表 select 1,1,n'表单1-1' union all select 2,1,n'表单1-2' union all select 3,2,n'表单2-1' union all select 4,2,n'表单2-2' go if not object_id(n'tempdb..#扩展表') is null drop table #扩展表 go create table #扩展表([id] int,[formid] int,[name] nvarchar(26),[title] nvarchar(23),[value] nvarchar(22)) insert #扩展表 select 1,1,n'ext_a',n'工龄',n'18' union all select 2,1,n'ext_b',n'职称',n'副级' union all select 3,2,n'ext_1',n'工龄',n'18' union all select 4,2,n'ext_b',n'职称',n'正级' union all select 5,3,n'ext_2a',n'字段1',n'值1' union all select 6,3,n'ext_2b',n'字段2',n'值2' union all select 7,3,n'ext_2c',n'字段3',n'值3'union all select 8,4,n'ext_2a',n'字段1',n'值1' union all select 9,4,n'ext_2b',n'字段2',n'值2' union all select 10,4,n'ext_2c',n'字段3',n'值3' go --测试数据结束 declare @sql varchar(max) set @sql = 'select #主表.id,#主表.type,#主表.title' select @sql = @sql + ',max(case name when ''' + name + ''' then [value] else null end)[' + name + ']' from ( select distinct name from #扩展表 join #主表 on formid in (select id from #主表 where type=2) ) a set @sql = @sql + ' from #扩展表 join #主表 on formid =#主表.id where type=2 group by #主表.id,#主表.type,#主表.title' exec(@sql)
至此已经解决了我的问题,但是对于实际的项目运用还是缺少点什么,比如 分页、条件筛选。那么得在此基础上稍微修改一下,这个简单我自己会做了 -:) 。
declare @sql varchar(max) set @sql = 'with tb as (select row_number() over(order by #主表.id ) as rindex,#主表.id,#主表.type,#主表.title' select @sql = @sql + ',max(case name when ''' + name + ''' then [value] else null end)[' + name + ']' from ( select distinct name from #扩展表 join #主表 on formid in (select id from #主表 where type=2) ) a set @sql = @sql + ' from #扩展表 join #主表 on formid =#主表.id where type=2 group by #主表.id,#主表.type,#主表.title); select * from tb where ext_2b =''值1'' and rindex between 1 and 10 ' --拼接with 及查询条件 exec(@sql)
到这自我感觉应该差不多了,再改改做成个存储过程应该可以用了,但是吧,想着用程序也去实现一遍,看看哪种实行起来更方便 -:)
datatable tb = dbhelpersql.query("with tb as (select row_number over(order by #主表.id) as rindex,* from #主表 where id in (select formid from #扩展表 where value ='值2') adn type=2 );select * from tb where rindex between 1 and 10").tables[0]; var ar = new system.collections.arraylist(); foreach (datarow crow in dbhelpersql.query("select name from #扩展表 where formid in (select id from #主表 where type = 2)").tables[0].rows) { ar.add(crow[0]); tb.columns.add(crow[0].tostring(), typeof(string)); } //这里可以一次性加载tb数据集中包含的所有#扩展表数据,然后在内存中进行操作赋值,如下循环查询数据库赋值只是为了写的方便 for (var i =0; i <tb.rows.count;i++) { var formid = tb.rows[i]["id"]; foreach (var ari in ar) { tb.rows[i][ari.tostring()] = dbhelpersql.getsingle(string.format("select value from #临时表 where formid ={0} and name ='{1}'",formid,ari)); } } return tb;
select #主表.id,#主表.type,#主表.title ,max(case name when 'ext_2a' then [value] else null end)[ext_2a] ,max(case name when 'ext_2b' then [value] else null end)[ext_2b] ,max(case name when 'ext_2c' then [value] else null end)[ext_2c] from #扩展表 join #主表 on formid =#主表.id where type=2 group by #主表.id,#主表.type,#主表.title
string sql=" with tb as (select row_number over(order by #主表.id) rindex, #主表.id,#主表.type,#主表.title"; foreach (datarow crow in dbhelpersql.query("select name from #扩展表 where formid in (select id from #主表 where type = 2) group by name").tables[0].rows) { sql +=",max(case name when '"+crow["name"]+"' then [value] else null end) "+crow["name"]; } sql+=" from #扩展表 join #主表 on formid = #主表.id where type = 2 group by #主表.id,#主表.type,#主表.title); select * from tb where ext_2a ='值1' and rindex between 1 and 10 "; return dbhelpersql.query(sql).tables[0]; //此处单纯的sql语句拼接,也可以再次优化实现动态参数化。
这种情况是可以实现所有的列都能进行排序。 目前来讲,还只是去实现这个功能,还没有考虑性能优化之类的。
论坛原咨询帖: 。 记于此以作备份,好记性不如烂笔头。 -:)
SQL SERVER 实现多行转多列
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