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docker tag和docker push的使用详解

程序员文章站 2022-03-18 13:27:55
docker tag 详解 docker tag 命令的使用,以及如何将本地的镜像推送到daocloud.io,这里不用docker hub作实验,是因为,docker...

docker tag 详解

docker tag 命令的使用,以及如何将本地的镜像推送到daocloud.io,这里不用docker hub作实验,是因为,docker hub网速不给力,容易推送失败。

使用docker tag使用镜像id重命名

chenyangdemacbook-pro:~ chenyang$ docker images
repository     tag         image id      created       size
hello-world     latest       fce289e99eb9    9 weeks ago     1.84 kb
chenyangdemacbook-pro:~ chenyang$ 
chenyangdemacbook-pro:~ chenyang$ docker images
repository     tag         image id      created       size
hello-world     latest       fce289e99eb9    9 weeks ago     1.84 kb
chenyangdemacbook-pro:~ chenyang$ docker tag fce289e99 hello-world:v1
chenyangdemacbook-pro:~ chenyang$ docker images
repository     tag         image id      created       size
hello-world     latest       fce289e99eb9    9 weeks ago     1.84 kb
hello-world     v1         fce289e99eb9    9 weeks ago     1.84 kb

使用docker tag使用镜像tag重命名

chenyangdemacbook-pro:~ chenyang$ docker images
repository     tag         image id      created       size
hello-world     latest       fce289e99eb9    9 weeks ago     1.84 kb
hello-world     v1         fce289e99eb9    9 weeks ago     1.84 kb
chenyangdemacbook-pro:~ chenyang$ docker tag hello-world:latest hello-world:v2
chenyangdemacbook-pro:~ chenyang$ docker images
repository     tag         image id      created       size
hello-world     latest       fce289e99eb9    9 weeks ago     1.84 kb
hello-world     v1         fce289e99eb9    9 weeks ago     1.84 kb
hello-world     v2         fce289e99eb9    9 weeks ago     1.84 kb

使用docker push 推送镜像到daocloud.io


chenyangdemacbook-pro:~ chenyang$ docker login daocloud.io
username (chenyang_1010): chenyang_1010
login succeeded
chenyangdemacbook-pro:~ chenyang$ 


chenyangdemacbook-pro:~ chenyang$ docker tag hello-world daocloud.io/zter/hello-world:v1
chenyangdemacbook-pro:~ chenyang$ docker images
repository           tag         image id      created       size
hello-world          latest       fce289e99eb9    9 weeks ago     1.84 kb
hello-world          v1         fce289e99eb9    9 weeks ago     1.84 kb
hello-world          v2         fce289e99eb9    9 weeks ago     1.84 kb
daocloud.io/zter/hello-world  v1         fce289e99eb9    9 weeks ago     1.84 kb
chenyangdemacbook-pro:~ chenyang$ docker push daocloud.io/zter/hello-world:v1
the push refers to a repository [daocloud.io/zter/hello-world]
af0b15c8625b: pushed 
v1: digest: sha256:39bbd4a41b5d3b164632d3b4a295c0db31139992a8fe985f949dac7ccff7aa54 size: 524


docker tag和docker push的使用详解
