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Amazon前VP:如何面试工程师 面试

程序员文章站 2023-12-28 19:18:46
Amazon前VP:如何面试工程师 [转载]

•Don’t forget to introduce yourself to help work out everyone’s nerves.

•“Tell me about your background” is not a useful question for a tech interview.

•Probe when you see a resume with a long list of skills. Separate the truth from filler.

•Don’t “try out” new questions on candidates. Know what a good answer sounds like.

•Make sure you have them write code! This is too often skipped.

•Dig into algorithms, data structures, code organization, simplicity.

•Use some questions that are vague and open-ended. See if they ask you questions to find out more.

•Ask a design question. See how people think about a bigger picture problem.

•Create core competences for your company. Make sure candidates measure up well.

•Make it tough but fun. Good developers want to know they’re talking to smart folks.

相关标签: 面试

