2023-12-25 12:24:09
yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ libstdc++-devel bison byacc flex
[root@localhost te...
yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ libstdc++-devel bison byacc flex
[root@localhost test]# unzip [root@localhost test]# ls v2.7.0 [root@localhost test]# cd v2.7.0/ [root@localhost v2.7.0]# ls answer_sets query_templates specification tools EULA.txt query_variants tests [root@localhost v2.7.0]# cd tools/ [root@localhost tools]# make #可以先输入./dsdgen -help 查看相关用法 #下面语句表示生成1G数据到/tmp/目录下 [root@localhost tools]# ./dsdgen -scale 1 -dir /tmp/ dsdgen Population Generator (Version 2.7.0) Copyright Transaction Processing Performance Council (TPC) 2001 - 2017 Warning: This scale factor is valid for QUALIFICATION ONLY #等待一段时间后,可以查看生成的数据 [root@localhost tools]# ls /tmp/ call_center.dat customer_demographics.dat inventory.dat store.dat web_returns.dat catalog_page.dat data item.dat store_returns.dat web_sales.dat catalog_returns.dat date_dim.dat ks-script-Ygt989 store_sales.dat web_site.dat catalog_sales.dat dbgen_version.dat promotion.dat time_dim.dat yum.log customer_address.dat household_demographics.dat reason.dat warehouse.dat customer.dat income_band.dat ship_mode.dat web_page.dat #查看生成数据的具体内容 [root@localhost tools]# cat /tmp/reason.dat 1|AAAAAAAABAAAAAAA|Package was damaged| 2|AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA|Stopped working| 3|AAAAAAAADAAAAAAA|Did not get it on time| 4|AAAAAAAAEAAAAAAA|Not the product that was ordred| 5|AAAAAAAAFAAAAAAA|Parts missing| 6|AAAAAAAAGAAAAAAA|Does not work with a product that I have| 7|AAAAAAAAHAAAAAAA|Gift exchange| 8|AAAAAAAAIAAAAAAA|Did not like the color| 9|AAAAAAAAJAAAAAAA|Did not like the model| 10|AAAAAAAAKAAAAAAA|Did not like the make| 11|AAAAAAAALAAAAAAA|Did not like the warranty| 12|AAAAAAAAMAAAAAAA|No service location in my area| 13|AAAAAAAANAAAAAAA|Found a better price in a store| 14|AAAAAAAAOAAAAAAA|Found a better extended warranty in a store| 15|AAAAAAAAPAAAAAAA|Not working any more| 16|AAAAAAAAABAAAAAA|Did not fit| 17|AAAAAAAABBAAAAAA|Wrong size| 18|AAAAAAAACBAAAAAA|Lost my job| 19|AAAAAAAADBAAAAAA|unauthoized purchase| 20|AAAAAAAAEBAAAAAA|duplicate purchase| 21|AAAAAAAAFBAAAAAA|its is a boy| 22|AAAAAAAAGBAAAAAA|it is a girl| 23|AAAAAAAAHBAAAAAA|reason 23| 24|AAAAAAAAIBAAAAAA|reason 24| 25|AAAAAAAAJBAAAAAA|reason 25| 26|AAAAAAAAKBAAAAAA|reason 26| 27|AAAAAAAALBAAAAAA|reason 27| 28|AAAAAAAAMBAAAAAA|reason 28| 29|AAAAAAAANBAAAAAA|reason 29| 30|AAAAAAAAOBAAAAAA|reason 31| 31|AAAAAAAAPBAAAAAA|reason 31| 32|AAAAAAAAACAAAAAA|reason 32| 33|AAAAAAAABCAAAAAA|reason 33| 34|AAAAAAAACCAAAAAA|reason 34| 35|AAAAAAAADCAAAAAA|reason 35|