LaTex - tlmgr - Solve the problems such as ‘! LaTeX Error: File `pgfornament.sty‘ not found‘.
2023-12-25 10:30:09
Running Latex file on the basis of the latest Tex-Live might lead to problems such as
! LaTeX Error: File `pgfornament.sty' not found.
- This is resulted from loss of some package file. We can use package manager of Tex-live tlmgr to solve this problem.
- Open our terminal and run
tlmgr update --self -all
Or just run
tlmgr update --self
tlmgr install pgfornament
- Most of these types of problems can be solved by using this method.
rmarkdown 编译成 pdf 文件时报错 LaTeX Error: File `xxx.sty' not found.
LaTex - tlmgr - Solve the problems such as ‘! LaTeX Error: File `pgfornament.sty‘ not found‘.
使用IET_latex_template中遇到的错误'Package pdftex.def Error: File `XXX-eps-converted-to.pdf' not found: using draft setting'
使用IET_latex_template中遇到的错误'Package pdftex.def Error: File `XXX-eps-converted-to.pdf' not found: using draft setting'