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程序员文章站 2023-12-22 10:56:52
//Envrionment to hold Listeners
tv_listeners = new Array() ;
function listener( type , handler )  {
 this.type = type ;
 this.handler = handler ;
 this.id = tv_listeners.length ;
 tv_listeners[ tv_listeners.length ] = this ;
function addListener( type , handler ) {
  new listener( type , handler ) ; 
//=== END =====
// Hold the top item
tv_topnodeitem = null ;
//===== END =======
//Hold nodeitems , and supply a nodeitem Register
nodeitems = new Array() ;
function nodeitemRegister( obj )  {
  nodeitems[ nodeitems.length ] = obj ;
 return nodeitems.length - 1 ;
//=== END =======
//Custom a stack
//Class     : stack
//metheds  : get()
//          put( obj )
function stack() {
  this.value = new Array() ;
 this.cursor = 0 ;
function stack_get() {
   this.cursor = this.cursor - 1 ;
 return this.value[ this.cursor ] ;
function stack_put( obj )  {
   this.value[ this.cursor ] = obj ;
   this.cursor = this.cursor + 1 ;
stack.prototype.get = stack_get ;
stack.prototype.put = stack_put ;
//=======END ==========
// Define a public stack
userstack = new stack() ;
//====== END ===========
//Image List
treeview_box_0_none = "../images/4_clos.gif" ;
treeview_box_0_line = "../images/4_none.gif" ;
treeview_box_2_open = "../images/2_open.gif" ;
treeview_box_2_none = "../images/2_none.gif" ;
treeview_box_2_close = "../images/2_clos.gif" ;
treeview_box_1_open = "../images/3_open.gif" ;
treeview_box_1_none = "../images/3_none.gif" ;
treeview_box_1_close = "../images/3_clos.gif" ;
//Class : nodeitem
//status------------------------1:two-direction    0:nobox    0: disactivite
//               2:three-0direction   1:close-box  1: activite
//                          2:open-box
function nodeitem( parentkey , key , lable , img ) {
  this.lable = lable ;
 this.key = key ;
  this.parent = findNode( parentkey ) ;
 if( this.parent != null ) {
   aa = this.parent.status ;
   if( aa.substring( 1 , 2 ) == "0" )
     this.parent.status = aa.substring( 0 , 1 ) + "1" + aa.substring( 2 , 3 ) ;
   if( this.parent.maxsubitem != null ) 
     this.parent.maxsubitem.status = "2" + this.parent.maxsubitem.status.substring( 1 , 3 ) ;
    this.parent.subitems[ this.parent.subitems.length ] = this ;
    this.parent.maxsubitem = this ; 
  else {
   if( tv_topnodeitem != null )  {
    alert( "不能有两个顶项!" ) ;
  return ;
    tv_topnodeitem = this ;
 this.img = img ;
 this.tag = null ;
  this.status = "100" ;
 this.subitems = new Array() ;
 this.maxsubitem = null ;
  this.id = nodeitemRegister( this ) ;
 this.questionId = 0;
 this.description = "";
 //this.url = null;
 //added by msb for the sort and move up/down
 /*if ( this == tv_topnodeitem )
 this.nodeIndex = 0;
 } else {
 this.nodeIndex = this.parent.subitems.length;
 //end added
//added by msb for the sort and move up/down
function nodeitem_moveUp() {
 if (this == tv_topnodeitem) return; //topitem
 ssubitems = this.parent.subitems;
 for ( i=0; i
" ; str_f = "" ; for( j = this.parent ; j != null ; j = j.parent ) { if( j.status.substring( 0 , 1 ) == 1 ) str_f = "javascript动态生成树形菜单的方法_javascript技巧" + str_f ; else str_f = "javascript动态生成树形菜单的方法_javascript技巧" + str_f ; } str = str + str_f ; str += "javascript动态生成树形菜单的方法_javascript技巧" ; if( this.img == "" ) str += this.img ; else str += "javascript动态生成树形菜单的方法_javascript技巧" ; str += "
" + this.lable + "
" ; str += "" ; if( this.parent == null ) for(var i in document.all){ if (document.all[i].tagName == "BODY") { document.all[i].insertAdjacentHTML( "AfterBegin" , str ) ; break } } else document.all( "tv_panel_" + this.parent.id ).insertAdjacentHTML( "BeforeEnd" , str ) ; for( m = 0 ; m " ; str_f = "" ; for( j = this.parent ; j != null ; j = j.parent ) { if( j.status.substring( 0 , 1 ) == 1 ) str_f = "javascript动态生成树形菜单的方法_javascript技巧" + str_f ; else str_f = "javascript动态生成树形菜单的方法_javascript技巧" + str_f ; } str = str + str_f ; str += "javascript动态生成树形菜单的方法_javascript技巧" ; if( this.img == "" ) str += this.img ; else str += "javascript动态生成树形菜单的方法_javascript技巧" ; str += "
" + this.lable + "
" ; document.all( "preface" + this.id ).innerHTML = str ; document.all( "tv_panel_" + this.id ).innerHTML = "" ; for( m = 0 ; m



