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程序员文章站 2023-12-20 20:45:46



复制代码 代码如下:

-- ----------------------------
-- table structure for `depts`
-- ----------------------------
drop table if exists `depts`;
create table `depts` (
  `deptid` int(11) unsigned not null auto_increment comment '学院id',
  `deptname` varchar(50) not null comment '学院名称',
  primary key (`deptid`)
) engine=innodb auto_increment=14 default charset=utf8;

-- ----------------------------
-- records of depts
-- ----------------------------
insert into `depts` values ('1', '哲学院');
insert into `depts` values ('2', '经济学院');
insert into `depts` values ('3', '法学院');
insert into `depts` values ('4', '教育学院');
insert into `depts` values ('5', '文学院');
insert into `depts` values ('6', '历史学院');
insert into `depts` values ('7', '理学院');
insert into `depts` values ('8', '工学院');
insert into `depts` values ('9', '农学院');
insert into `depts` values ('10', '医学院');
insert into `depts` values ('11', '军事学院');
insert into `depts` values ('12', '管理学院');
insert into `depts` values ('13', '艺术学院');

复制代码 代码如下:

-- ----------------------------
-- table structure for `students`
-- ----------------------------
drop table if exists `students`;
create table `students` (
  `stuno` bigint(20) unsigned not null auto_increment comment '学号 从1000开始',
  `deptid` int(10) unsigned not null comment '学院id',
  `stuname` varchar(50) not null comment '学生姓名',
  primary key (`stuno`),
  key `fk_deptid` (`deptid`),
  constraint `fk_deptid` foreign key (`deptid`) references `depts` (`deptid`) on update cascade
) engine=innodb auto_increment=1006 default charset=utf8;

-- ----------------------------
-- records of students
-- ----------------------------
insert into `students` values ('1000', '13', '鸟叔');
insert into `students` values ('1001', '7', '乔布斯');
insert into `students` values ('1002', '3', '阿汤哥');
insert into `students` values ('1003', '3', '施瓦辛格');
insert into `students` values ('1004', '2', '贝克汉姆');
insert into `students` values ('1005', '3', '让雷诺');


使用group by和不使用group by:

复制代码 代码如下:

select b.deptid, b.deptname, count(*) as 'totalcount' from students a left join depts b on a.deptid=b.deptid group by b.deptid order by b.deptid;

使用group by之后,凡是没有对应学生记录的学院都没有显示出来(我不明白为什么。。。如果有人知道的话麻烦告诉我好吗?)
复制代码 代码如下:

| deptid | deptname     | totalcount |
|      2 | 经济学院     |          1 |
|      3 | 法学院       |          3 |
|      7 | 理学院       |          1 |
|     13 | 艺术学院     |          1 |

再来一个不使用group by的查询:
复制代码 代码如下:

select a.deptid, a.deptname, (select count(*) from students b where b.deptid=a.deptid) as 'totalcount' from depts a;

复制代码 代码如下:

| deptid | deptname     | totalcount |
|      1 | 哲学院       |          0 |
|      2 | 经济学院     |          1 |
|      3 | 法学院       |          3 |
|      4 | 教育学院     |          0 |
|      5 | 文学院       |          0 |
|      6 | 历史学院     |          0 |
|      7 | 理学院       |          1 |
|      8 | 工学院       |          0 |
|      9 | 农学院       |          0 |
|     10 | 医学院       |          0 |
|     11 | 军事学院     |          0 |
|     12 | 管理学院     |          0 |
|     13 | 艺术学院     |          1 |



复制代码 代码如下:

package net.csdn.blog.chaijunkun.dao;

import javax.persistence.entitymanager;
import javax.persistence.persistencecontext;

import org.springframework.stereotype.service;

public class objectdaoserviceimpl implements objectdaoservice {

 private entitymanager entitymanager;

 public entitymanager getentitymanager(){
  return this.entitymanager;





复制代码 代码如下:

package net.csdn.blog.chaijunkun.pojo;

import java.io.serializable;

import javax.persistence.column;
import javax.persistence.entity;
import javax.persistence.generatedvalue;
import javax.persistence.generationtype;
import javax.persistence.id;
import javax.persistence.table;

public class depts implements serializable {

 private static final long serialversionuid = 3602227759878736655l;

 @generatedvalue(strategy= generationtype.auto)
 @column(name= "deptid")
 private integer deptid;

 @column(name= "deptname", length= 50, nullable= false)
 private string deptname;

 //getters and setters...

复制代码 代码如下:

package net.csdn.blog.chaijunkun.pojo;

import java.io.serializable;

import javax.persistence.column;
import javax.persistence.entity;
import javax.persistence.generatedvalue;
import javax.persistence.generationtype;
import javax.persistence.id;
import javax.persistence.joincolumn;
import javax.persistence.manytoone;
import javax.persistence.table;

@table(name= "students")
public class students implements serializable {

 private static final long serialversionuid = -5942212163629824609l;

 @generatedvalue(strategy= generationtype.auto)
 @column(name= "stuno")
 private long stuno;

 @joincolumn(name= "deptid", nullable= false)<span style="white-space: pre"> </span>
 private depts depts;

 @column(name= "stuname", length= 50, nullable= false)
 private string stuname;

 //getters and setters...


复制代码 代码如下:

package net.csdn.blog.chaijunkun.pojo;

import java.io.serializable;

public class report implements serializable {

 private static final long serialversionuid = 4497500574990765498l;

 private integer deptid;

 private string deptname;

 private integer totalcount;

 public report(){};

 public report(integer deptid, string deptname, integer totalcount) {
  this.deptid = deptid;
  this.deptname = deptname;
  this.totalcount = totalcount;

 //getters and setters...


复制代码 代码如下:

package net.csdn.blog.chaijunkun.dao;

import java.util.list;

import javax.annotation.resource;
import javax.persistence.entitymanager;
import javax.persistence.typedquery;

import org.springframework.stereotype.service;

import net.csdn.blog.chaijunkun.pojo.depts;
import net.csdn.blog.chaijunkun.pojo.report;
import net.csdn.blog.chaijunkun.pojo.students;

public class reportserviceimpl implements reportservice {

 private objectdaoservice objectdaoservice;

 public list<report> getreport() {
  string jpql= string.format("select new %3$s(a.deptid, a.deptname, (select count(*) from %2$s b where b.deptid= a.deptid) as totalcount) from %1$s a",

  entitymanager entitymanager= objectdaoservice.getentitymanager();
  typedquery<report> reporttypedquery= entitymanager.createquery(jpql, report.class);
  //另外有详细查询条件的在jpql中留出参数位置来(?1 ?2 ?3....),然后在这设置
  //reporttypedquery.setparameter(1, params);
  list<report> reports= reporttypedquery.getresultlist();
  return reports;



另外,向大家推荐一本书——apress出版社出版的《pro jpa 2 mastering the java trade persistence api》,这本书详细介绍了jpa的相关技术,非常实用。

