2023-12-20 13:31:40
// 多个生产者和多个消费者,能生产n个产品的情况
// 多个生产者和多个消费者,能生产n个产品的情况 using system; using system.threading; public class holdintegersynchronized{ private int[] buffer; //缓冲区 private int occupiedbuffercount = 0; private int readposition = 0 , writeposition = 0; //下一个读到的位置和写到的位置 public holdintegersynchronized(int capacity){ buffer = new int[capacity]; } public int buffersize{ get{ return buffer.length; } } public int buffer{ get{ int buffercopy; // 加锁 lock(this){ while(occupiedbuffercount == 0){ //多个消费者,所以此处改用while console.writeline(thread.currentthread.name + " tries to read. "); displaystate("buffer empty. " + thread.currentthread.name + " waits."); monitor.wait(this); // 为临界区之外等待的生产者放行,让他来"生产" // 一直到生产者生产结束,调用了monitor.pauseall() // 才能继续执行下去,此时,消费者自动重新获得this的锁 } --occupiedbuffercount; buffercopy = buffer[readposition]; readposition = (readposition + 1) % buffer.length; displaystate(thread.currentthread.name + " reads " + buffercopy); // 通知,让等待的 生产者线程 进入started状态,如果生产者处于临界区之外,这句话执行完后他仍然在临界区之外 monitor.pulseall(this); // 释放锁 }//lock return buffercopy; } set{ // 加锁 lock(this){ while(occupiedbuffercount == buffer.length){ console.writeline(thread.currentthread.name + " tries to write. "); displaystate("buffer full. " + thread.currentthread.name + " waits."); monitor.wait(this); // 为临界区之外等待消费者放行,让他来"消费" // 一直到消费者调用了monitor.pause() // 才能继续执行下去,此时,生产者自动重新获得this的锁 } buffer[writeposition] = value; ++occupiedbuffercount; writeposition = (writeposition + 1) % buffer.length; displaystate(thread.currentthread.name + " writes " + value); // 通知,让wait状态的 消费者 进入started状态,如果消费者处于临界区之外,这句话执行完后他仍然在临界区之外 monitor.pulseall(this); // 释放锁 } } } public void displaystate(string operation){ console.write("{0,-35}",operation); for(int i = 0; i < buffersize; i++ ){ int a = readposition; int b = writeposition; if( a <= i && i < b) { console.write("{0,-9}",buffer[i]); }else if( b < a && !( b <= i && i < a ) ){ console.write("{0,-9}",buffer[i]); }else if( occupiedbuffercount == buffersize){ console.write("{0,-9}",buffer[i]); }else{ console.write("{0,-9}",""); } } console.writeline("{0}/r/n",occupiedbuffercount); } } class producer{ private holdintegersynchronized sharedlocation; private random randomsleeptime; public producer(holdintegersynchronized shared,random random){ sharedlocation = shared; randomsleeptime = random; } public void produce(){ for (int count=0; count<3; count++) { thread.sleep(randomsleeptime.next(1,2000)); sharedlocation.buffer = randomsleeptime.next(5,10); } console.writeline(thread.currentthread.name + " done producing./r/nterminating " + thread.currentthread.name + "./r/n"); } } class consumer{ private holdintegersynchronized sharedlocation; private random randomsleeptime; public consumer(holdintegersynchronized shared,random random){ sharedlocation = shared; randomsleeptime = random; } public void consume(){ int sum = 0; for (int count=0; count<4; count++) { thread.sleep(randomsleeptime.next(1,2000)); sum += sharedlocation.buffer; } console.writeline(thread.currentthread.name + " read values totaling:" + sum + "/r/nterminating " + thread.currentthread.name + "."); } } class sharedcell{ static void main(string[] args){ holdintegersynchronized holdinteger = new holdintegersynchronized(5); random random = new random(); thread[] producerthreads = new thread[4]; thread[] consumerthreads = new thread[3]; console.write("{0,-35}","operation"); for(int i = 0;i < holdinteger.buffersize;i++){ console.write("{0,-9}","elem " + i); } console.writeline("occupied count/r/n"); for(int i = 0; i < producerthreads.length;i++){ producer producer = new producer(holdinteger,random); producerthreads[i] = new thread(new threadstart(producer.produce)); producerthreads[i].name = "producer no." + i; } for(int i = 0; i < consumerthreads.length;i++){ consumer consumer = new consumer(holdinteger,random); consumerthreads[i] = new thread(new threadstart(consumer.consume)); consumerthreads[i].name = "consumer no." + i; } for(int i = 0; i < producerthreads.length;i++){ producerthreads[i].start(); } for(int i = 0; i < consumerthreads.length;i++){ consumerthreads[i].start(); } } }