iOS 定制多样式二维码
- 导入coreimage/coreimage.h头文件
- 使用cifilter滤镜类生成二维码
- 对生成的二维码进行加工,使其更清晰
- 自定义二维码图案颜色
- 在二维码中心插入圆角小图片
- 在圆角图片下面加上一层圆角白色图片
+ (uiimage *)imageofqrfromurl: (nsstring *)networkaddress codesize: (cgfloat)codesize { if (!networkaddress|| (nsnull *)networkaddress == [nsnull null]) { return nil; } codesize = [self validatecodesize: codesize]; ciimage * originimage = [self createqrfromaddress: networkaddress]; uiimage * result = [uiimage imagewithciimage: originimage]; return result; }
/*! 验证二维码尺寸合法性*/ + (cgfloat)validatecodesize: (cgfloat)codesize { codesize = max(160, codesize); codesize = min(cgrectgetwidth([uiscreen mainscreen].bounds) - 80, codesize); return codesize; } /*! 利用系统滤镜生成二维码图*/ + (ciimage *)createqrfromaddress: (nsstring *)networkaddress { nsdata * stringdata = [networkaddress datausingencoding: nsutf8stringencoding]; cifilter * qrfilter = [cifilter filterwithname: @"ciqrcodegenerator"]; [qrfilter setvalue: stringdata forkey: @"inputmessage"]; [qrfilter setvalue: @"h" forkey: @"inputcorrectionlevel"]; return qrfilter.outputimage; } /! 验证二维码尺寸合法性/ - (cgfloat)validatecodesize: (cgfloat)codesize { codesize = max(160, codesize); codesize = min(cgrectgetwidth([uiscreen mainscreen].bounds) - 80, codesize); return codesize; } /! 利用系统滤镜生成二维码图/ - (ciimage *)createqrfromaddress: (nsstring *)networkaddress { nsdata * stringdata = [networkaddress datausingencoding: nsutf8stringencoding]; cifilter * qrfilter = [cifilter filterwithname: @"ciqrcodegenerator"]; [qrfilter setvalue: stringdata forkey: @"inputmessage"]; [qrfilter setvalue: @"h" forkey: @"inputcorrectionlevel"]; return qrfilter.outputimage; }
ps:对于cifilter想要更进一步了解,可以在xcode中使用快捷键shift+command+0打开文档,然后搜索core image filter reference获取更多滤镜的使用方法,这些滤镜可以用来实现类似美图秀秀的修图功能。
/! 对图像进行清晰化处理/ - (uiimage *)excludefuzzyimagefromciimage: (ciimage *)image size: (cgfloat)size { cgrect extent = cgrectintegral(image.extent); cgfloat scale = min(size / cgrectgetwidth(extent), size / cgrectgetheight(extent)); size_t width = cgrectgetwidth(extent) * scale; size_t height = cgrectgetheight(extent) * scale; //创建灰度色调空间 cgcolorspaceref colorspace = cgcolorspacecreatedevicegray(); cgcontextref bitmapref = cgbitmapcontextcreate(nil, width, height, 8, 0, colorspace, (cgbitmapinfo)kcgimagealphanone); cicontext * context = [cicontext contextwithoptions: nil]; cgimageref bitmapimage = [context createcgimage: image fromrect: extent]; cgcontextsetinterpolationquality(bitmapref, kcginterpolationnone); cgcontextscalectm(bitmapref, scale, scale); cgcontextdrawimage(bitmapref, extent, bitmapimage); cgimageref scaledimage = cgbitmapcontextcreateimage(bitmapref); cgcontextrelease(bitmapref); cgimagerelease(bitmapimage); cgcolorspacerelease(colorspace); return [uiimage imagewithcgimage: scaledimage]; }
那么这时候,我们把+(uiimage *)imageofqrfromurl: codesize:
uiimage * result =[self excludefuzzyimagefromciimage: originimage size: codesize];
+ (uiimage *)imageofqrfromurl: (nsstring *)networkaddress codesize: (cgfloat)codesize red: (nsuinteger)red green: (nsuinteger)green blue: (nsuinteger)blue { if (!networkaddress || (nsnull *)networkaddress == [nsnull null]) { return nil; } /** 颜色不可以太接近白色*/ nsuinteger rgb = (red << 16) + (green << 8) + blue; nsassert((rgb & 0xffffff00) <= 0xd0d0d000, @"the color of qr code is two close to white color than it will diffculty to scan"); codesize = [self validatecodesize: codesize]; ciimage * originimage = [self createqrfromaddress: networkaddress]; uiimage * progressimage = [self excludefuzzyimagefromciimage: originimage size: codesize]; //到了这里二维码已经可以进行扫描了 uiimage * effectiveimage = [self imagefillblackcolorandtransparent: progressimage red: red green: green blue: blue]; //进行颜色渲染后的二维码 return effectiveimage; }
/*! 对生成二维码图像进行颜色填充*/ + (uiimage *)imagefillblackcolorandtransparent: (uiimage *)image red: (nsuinteger)red green: (nsuinteger)green blue: (nsuinteger)blue { const int imagewidth = image.size.width; const int imageheight = image.size.height; size_t bytesperrow = imagewidth * 4; uint32_t * rgbimagebuf = (uint32_t *)malloc(bytesperrow * imageheight); cgcolorspaceref colorspace = cgcolorspacecreatedevicergb(); cgcontextref context = cgbitmapcontextcreate(rgbimagebuf, imagewidth, imageheight, 8, bytesperrow, colorspace, kcgbitmapbyteorder32little | kcgimagealphanoneskiplast); cgcontextdrawimage(context, (cgrect){(cgpointzero), (image.size)}, image.cgimage); //遍历像素 int pixelnumber = imageheight * imagewidth; [self fillwhitetotransparentonpixel: rgbimagebuf pixelnum: pixelnumber red: red green: green blue: blue]; cgdataproviderref dataprovider = cgdataprovidercreatewithdata(null, rgbimagebuf, bytesperrow, providerreleasedata); cgimageref imageref = cgimagecreate(imagewidth, imageheight, 8, 32, bytesperrow, colorspace, kcgimagealphalast | kcgbitmapbyteorder32little, dataprovider, null, true, kcgrenderingintentdefault); uiimage * resultimage = [uiimage imagewithcgimage: imageref]; cgimagerelease(imageref); cgcolorspacerelease(colorspace); cgcontextrelease(context); return resultimage; } /! 遍历所有像素点进行颜色替换/ + (void)fillwhitetotransparentonpixel: (uint32_t *)rgbimagebuf pixelnum: (int)pixelnum red: (nsuinteger)red green: (nsuinteger)green blue: (nsuinteger)blue { uint32_t * pcurptr = rgbimagebuf; for (int i = 0; i < pixelnum; i++, pcurptr++) { if ((*pcurptr & 0xffffff00) < 0xd0d0d000) { uint8_t * ptr = (uint8_t *)pcurptr; ptr[3] = red; ptr[2] = green; ptr[1] = blue; } else { //将白色变成透明色 uint8_t * ptr = (uint8_t *)pcurptr; ptr[0] = 0; } } } void providerreleasedata(void * info, const void * data, size_t size) { free((void *)data); }
ps:在修改代码之前,应该想清楚是否需要删除原有代码。类似这种二维码的扩展,旧的二维码生成接口可以留下来,然后在其中调用多参数的全能构造器designated initializer。
+ (uiimage *)imageofqrfromurl: (nsstring *)networkaddress codesize: (cgfloat)codesize red: (nsuinteger)red green: (nsuinteger)green blue: (nsuinteger)blue insertimage: (uiimage *)insertimage roundradius: (cgfloat)roundradius { if (!networkaddress || (nsnull *)networkaddress == [nsnull null]) { return nil; } /** 颜色不可以太接近白色*/ nsuinteger rgb = (red << 16) + (green << 8) + blue; nsassert((rgb & 0xffffff00) <= 0xd0d0d000, @"the color of qr code is two close to white color than it will diffculty to scan"); codesize = [self validatecodesize: codesize]; ciimage * originimage = [self createqrfromaddress: networkaddress]; uiimage * progressimage = [self excludefuzzyimagefromciimage: originimage size: codesize]; //到了这里二维码已经可以进行扫描了 uiimage * effectiveimage = [self imagefillblackcolorandtransparent: progressimage red: red green: green blue: blue]; //进行颜色渲染后的二维码 return [self imageinsertedimage: effectiveimage insertimage: insertimage radius: roundradius]; }
/! 在二维码原图中心位置插入圆角图像/ + (uiimage *)imageinsertedimage: (uiimage *)originimage insertimage: (uiimage *)insertimage radius: (cgfloat)radius { if (!insertimage) { return originimage; } insertimage = [uiimage imageofroundrectwithimage: insertimage size: insertimage.size radius: radius]; uiimage * whitebg = [uiimage imagenamed: @"whitebg"]; whitebg = [uiimage imageofroundrectwithimage: whitebg size: whitebg.size radius: radius]; //白色边缘宽度 const cgfloat whitesize = 2.f; cgsize brinksize = cgsizemake(originimage.size.width / 4, originimage.size.height / 4); cgfloat brinkx = (originimage.size.width - brinksize.width) * 0.5; cgfloat brinky = (originimage.size.height - brinksize.height) * 0.5; cgsize imagesize = cgsizemake(brinksize.width - 2 * whitesize, brinksize.height - 2 * whitesize); cgfloat imagex = brinkx + whitesize; cgfloat imagey = brinky + whitesize; uigraphicsbeginimagecontext(originimage.size); [originimage drawinrect: (cgrect){ 0, 0, (originimage.size) }]; [whitebg drawinrect: (cgrect){ brinkx, brinky, (brinksize) }]; [insertimage drawinrect: (cgrect){ imagex, imagey, (imagesize) }]; uiimage * resultimage = uigraphicsgetimagefromcurrentimagecontext(); uigraphicsendimagecontext(); return resultimage; } - (uiimage *)imageofroundrectwithimage: (uiimage *)image size: (cgsize)size radius: (cgfloat)radius { if (!image) { return nil; } const cgfloat width = size.width; const cgfloat height = size.height; radius = max(5.f, radius); radius = min(10.f, radius); uiimage * img = image; cgcolorspaceref colorspace = cgcolorspacecreatedevicergb(); cgcontextref context = cgbitmapcontextcreate(null, width, height, 8, 4 * width, colorspace, kcgimagealphapremultipliedfirst); cgrect rect = cgrectmake(0, 0, width, height); //绘制圆角 cgcontextbeginpath(context); addroundrecttopath(context, rect, radius, img.cgimage); cgimageref imagemasked = cgbitmapcontextcreateimage(context); img = [uiimage imagewithcgimage: imagemasked]; cgcontextrelease(context); cgcolorspacerelease(colorspace); cgimagerelease(imagemasked); return img; }
在代码中,对中心位置的头像限制尺寸为二维码的四分之一,这个尺寸下的头像不失清晰度,而且图片尺寸也不至于遮盖了二维码的存储数据。上面的方法都可以在头文件中开发方法接口使用,这将实现这些代码的复用。另外,所有本文中写到的生成二维码的接口都应该在头文件中声明,并且在其实现中调用全能方法(不应当仅仅是构造器需要遵循designated initializer的原则):
+ (uiimage *)imageofqrfromurl: (nsstring *)networkaddress { return [self imageofqrfromurl: networkaddress codesize: 100.0f red: 0 green: 0 blue: 0 insertimage: nil roundradius: 0.f]; }