sql server 运维时CPU,内存,操作系统等信息查询(用sql语句)
1、(1)获取数据库服务器cpu核数等信息(只适用于sql 2005以及以上版本数据库)
--cpu_count :指定系统中的逻辑 cpu 数
--hyperthread_ratio :指定一个物理处理器包公开的逻辑内核数与物理内核数的比.虚拟机
-- 中可以表示每个虚拟插槽的核数。虚拟中[physical cpu count]其实
-- 表示虚拟插槽数
select s.cpu_count as [loggic cpu count]
,s.hyperthread_ratio as [hyperthread ratio]
,s.cpu_count/s.hyperthread_ratio as [physical cpu count]
from sys.dm_os_sys_info s option (recompile)
(2) 获取数据库服务器cpu核数(适用于所有版本
create table #temptable
[index] varchar(2000) ,
[name] varchar(2000) ,
[internal_value] varchar(2000) ,
[character_value] varchar(2000)
insert into #temptable
exec xp_msver;
select internal_value as virtualcpucount
from #temptable
where name = 'processorcount';
drop table #temptable;
declare @xp_msver table (
[idx] [int] null
,[c_name] [varchar](100) null
,[int_val] [float] null
,[c_val] [varchar](128) null
insert into @xp_msver
exec ('[master]..[xp_msver]');;
with [processorinfo]
as (
select ([cpu_count] / [hyperthread_ratio]) as [number_of_physical_cpus]
when hyperthread_ratio = cpu_count
then cpu_count
else (([cpu_count] - [hyperthread_ratio]) / ([cpu_count] / [hyperthread_ratio]))
end as [number_of_cores_per_cpu]
when hyperthread_ratio = cpu_count
then cpu_count
else ([cpu_count] / [hyperthread_ratio]) * (([cpu_count] - [hyperthread_ratio]) / ([cpu_count] / [hyperthread_ratio]))
end as [total_number_of_cores]
,[cpu_count] as [number_of_virtual_cpus]
select [c_val]
from @xp_msver
where [c_name] = 'platform'
) as [cpu_category]
from [sys].[dm_os_sys_info]
select [number_of_physical_cpus]
,ltrim(right([cpu_category], charindex('x', [cpu_category]) - 1)) as [cpu_category]
from [processorinfo]
declare @xp_msver table (
[idx] [int] null
,[c_name] [varchar](100) null
,[int_val] [float] null
,[c_val] [varchar](128) null
insert into @xp_msver
exec ('[master]..[xp_msver]');;
with [processorinfo]
as (
select ([cpu_count] / [hyperthread_ratio]) as [number_of_physical_cpus]
,[hyperthread_ratio] as [number_of_cores_per_cpu]
,[cpu_count] as [total_number_of_cores]
,[cpu_count] as [number_of_virtual_cpus]
select [c_val]
from @xp_msver
where [c_name] = 'platform'
) as [cpu_category]
from [sys].[dm_os_sys_info]
select [number_of_physical_cpus]
,ltrim(right([cpu_category], charindex('x', [cpu_category]) - 1)) as [cpu_category]
from [processorinfo]
目前我所知道的只能通过sql语句获取服务器物理内存大小,内存的使用情况。 至于内存条型号,
如下所示,从sys.dm_os_sys_info里面获取的physical_memory_in_bytes 或physical_memory_kb 的值总是低于实际物理内存。
1、(1)适用于sql server 2008以及以上的版本:查看物理内存大小,已经使用的物理内存以及还剩下的物理内存。
select ceiling(total_physical_memory_kb * 1.0 / 1024 / 1024) as [physical memory size]
,cast(available_physical_memory_kb * 1.0 / 1024 / 1024
as decimal(8, 4)) as [unused physical memory]
,cast(( total_physical_memory_kb - available_physical_memory_kb ) * 1.0
/ 1024 / 1024 as decimal(8, 4)) as [used physical memory]
,cast(system_cache_kb*1.0 / 1024/1024 as decimal(8, 4)) as [system cache size]
from sys.dm_os_sys_memory
create table #temptable
[index] varchar(2000) ,
[name] varchar(2000) ,
[internal_value] varchar(2000) ,
[character_value] varchar(2000)
insert into #temptable
exec xp_msver;
select internal_value/1024 as physicalmemory
from #temptable
where name = 'physicalmemory';
drop table #temptable;
(3)适用于sql server 2012 到 sql server 2014
select ceiling(physical_memory_kb*1.0/1024/1024) as [physical memory size]
from sys.dm_os_sys_info option (recompile);
set nocount on
declare @result int;
declare @objectinfo int;
declare @driveinfo char(1);
declare @totalsize varchar(20);
declare @outdrive int;
declare @unitmb bigint;
declare @freerat float;
set @unitmb = 1048576;
create table #diskcapacity
[diskcd] char(1) ,
freesize int ,
totalsize int
insert #diskcapacity([diskcd], freesize )
exec master.dbo.xp_fixeddrives;
exec sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1
reconfigure with override;
exec sp_configure 'ole automation procedures', 1;
reconfigure with override;
exec @result = master.sys.sp_oacreate 'scripting.filesystemobject',@objectinfo out;
declare cr_diskinfo cursor local fast_forward
select diskcd from #diskcapacity
order by diskcd
open cr_diskinfo;
fetch next from cr_diskinfo into @driveinfo
while @@fetch_status=0
exec @result = sp_oamethod @objectinfo,'getdrive', @outdrive out, @driveinfo
exec @result = sp_oagetproperty @outdrive,'totalsize', @totalsize out
update #diskcapacity
set totalsize=@totalsize/@unitmb
where diskcd=@driveinfo
fetch next from cr_diskinfo into @driveinfo
close cr_diskinfo
deallocate cr_diskinfo;
exec @result=sp_oadestroy @objectinfo
exec sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1
reconfigure with override;
exec sp_configure 'ole automation procedures', 0;
reconfigure with override;
exec sp_configure 'show advanced options', 0
reconfigure with override;
select diskcd as [drive cd] ,
str(totalsize*1.0/1024,6,2) as [total size(gb)] ,
str((totalsize - freesize)*1.0/1024,6,2) as [used space(gb)] ,
str(freesize*1.0/1024,6,2) as [free space(gb)] ,
str(( totalsize - freesize)*1.0/(totalsize)* 100.0,6,2) as [used rate(%)] ,
str(( freesize * 1.0/ ( totalsize ) ) * 100.0,6,2) as [free rate(%)]
from #diskcapacity;
drop table #diskcapacity
create table #language
[languagedtl] nvarchar(64) ,
[os_language_version] int
insert into #language
select 'english - united states' ,1033 union all
select 'english - united kingdom' ,2057 union all
select 'chinese - people''s *',2052 union all
select 'chinese - singapore' ,4100 union all
select 'chinese - *' ,1028 union all
select 'chinese - * sar' ,3076 union all
select 'chinese - macao sar' ,5124;
with systemversion(systeminfo,releaseno)
select 'windows 10' ,
union all
select 'windows server 2016 technical preview' ,
union all
select 'windows 8.1' ,
union all
select 'windows server 2012 r2' ,
union all
select 'windows 8' ,
union all
select 'windows server 2012' ,
union all
select 'windows 7' ,
union all
select 'windows server 2008 r2' ,
union all
select 'windows server 2008' ,
union all
select 'windows vista' ,
union all
select 'windows server 2003 r2' ,
union all
select 'windows server 2003' ,
union all
select 'windows xp 64-bit edition' ,
union all
select 'windows xp' ,
union all
select 'windows 2000' ,
select s.systeminfo
from sys.dm_os_windows_info w
inner join systemversion s on w.windows_release=s.releaseno
inner join #language l on l.os_language_version = w.os_language_version;
drop table #language
有可能出现不同操作系统具有相同version number值,例如windows 7 和windows server 2008 r2的version numberd都为6.1。导致下面查询结果出现多条记录(如下所示)。一般要酌情判断(如果生产服务器都为windows服务器,可以剔除windows xp、windows 7这类数据)。
使用sql语句获得服务器名称和ip地址 获取服务器名称:
select serverproperty('machinename')
select @@servername
select host_name()
exec sp_configure'show advanced options', 1
reconfigure with override
exec sp_configure'xp_cmdshell', 1
reconfigure with override
exec sp_configure'show advanced options', 0
reconfigure with override
declare @ipline varchar(200)
declare @pos int
declare @ip varchar(40)
set nocount on
set @ip = null
if object_id('tempdb..#temp') is not null drop table #temp
create table #temp(ipline varchar(200))
insert #temp exec master..xp_cmdshell'ipconfig'
select @ipline = ipline
from #temp
where upper(ipline) like '%ipv4 地址%'--这里需要注意一下,系统不同这里的匹配值就不同
if @ipline is not null
set @pos = charindex(':',@ipline,1);
set @ip = rtrim(ltrim(substring(@ipline ,
@pos + 1 ,
len(@ipline) - @pos)))
select distinct(rtrim(ltrim(substring(@ipline ,
@pos + 1 ,
len(@ipline) - @pos)))) as ipaddress from #temp
drop table #temp
set nocount off
但是很多情况下由于安全问题是不允许使用xp_cmdshell,可以通过查询sys.dm_exec_connections :
select servername = convert(nvarchar(128),serverproperty('servername'))
,local_net_address as 'ipaddressofsqlserver'
,client_net_address as 'clientipaddress'
from sys.dm_exec_connections where session_id = @@spid