2023-12-17 20:05:22
首先前台页面放置一个radiobuttonlist 控件
首先前台页面放置一个radiobuttonlist 控件
<asp:radiobuttonlist runat="server" id="radiobuttonlist1" borderstyle="none" repeatcolumns="3" cssclass="" repeatlayout="flow" autopostback="true" onselectedindexchanged="radiobuttonlist1_selectedindexchanged"> </asp:radiobuttonlist>
.cs文件 后台绑定数据
namespace btapp { public partial class technology : { string id; protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e) { if (!ispostback) { aspnetpager1.pagesize = 10; if (request.querystring["id"] != null) { id = request.querystring["id"]; } else { id = ""; } getdatabind(id); dropdownlistdatabind(); } } //radiobuttonlist绑定后台数据 private void dropdownlistdatabind() { expertinfobll bll = new expertinfobll(); datatable dt = bll.getdepinfo(); foreach (datarow dr in dt.rows) { radiobuttonlist1.items.add(dr["name"].tostring());//循环读出数据库的数据 } this.radiobuttonlist1.datasource = dt; this.radiobuttonlist1.datatextfield = "name"; this.radiobuttonlist1.datavaluefield = "id"; this.radiobuttonlist1.repeatdirection = repeatdirection.horizontal; this.radiobuttonlist1.databind(); } private void getdatabind(string id) { //这里写解码和数据库返回结果 technologybll bll = new technologybll(); string strwhere = " 1=1 "; if (id != "" && id != null) { strwhere += string.format(" and a.depinfo_id = '{0}'", id); } aspnetpager1.recordcount = bll.getcountlist(strwhere); //绑定数据 datatable dt = bll.getlist((aspnetpager1.currentpageindex - 1) * aspnetpager1.pagesize, aspnetpager1.pagesize, strwhere, "createtime"); this.repeater1.datasource = dt; this.repeater1.databind(); } protected void aspnetpager1_pagechanged(object sender, eventargs e) { getdatabind(id); } //根据选择单选按钮的不同id,触发事件 protected void radiobuttonlist1_selectedindexchanged(object sender, eventargs e) { string id; id = radiobuttonlist1.selectedvalue; getdatabind(id); } } }
technologybll 层的方法
namespace btappbll { public class technologybll { technologydal dal = new technologydal(); public datatable getlist(int startpage, int pagesize, string where, string orderby) { datatable dtable = dal.getlist(startpage, pagesize, where, orderby); return dtable; } public int getcountlist(string where) { int record = dal.getcountlist(where); return record; } public datatable getlistshow(string technologyid) { datatable dtable = dal.getmodel(technologyid); return dtable; } public datatable getpicture(string technologyid) { datatable dtable = dal.getpicture(technologyid); return dtable; } } }
namespace btappdal { public class technologydal { public datatable getlist(int startpage, int pagesize, string where, string orderby) { string strsql = string.format("select a.technologyid,a.technologyname,a.summarize,a.effect,a.mainpoint,a.appropriatearea,a.attention,a.createtime,a.creatuser,a.updatetime, from technology as a \n" + "left join sys_depinfo as b on \n" + "where a.isactive='1' and {0} ", where); string proc = "proc_commonpagerwithstatement"; sqlconnection con = sqldbhelper.connection; sqlparameter[] sp = { new sqlparameter("@intstartindex", startpage), new sqlparameter("@intpagesize", pagesize), new sqlparameter("@varstatement", strsql), new sqlparameter("@varsortexpression", orderby+" desc") }; datatable dt = sqldbhelper.getdataset(proc, sp, con); return dt; } public int getcountlist(string where) { int countrecord = 0; string strsql = string.format("select count(technologyid) as countrecord from(select a.technologyid,a.technologyname,a.summarize,a.effect,a.mainpoint,a.appropriatearea,a.attention,a.createtime,a.creatuser,a.updatetime, from technology as a \n" + "left join sys_depinfo as b on \n" + "where a.isactive='1' and {0} ) as c", where); sqlconnection con = sqldbhelper.connection; try { if (con.state ==; datatable dt = sqldbhelper.getdatatable(strsql); if (dt.rows.count > 0) countrecord = int.parse(dt.rows[0]["countrecord"].tostring()); } catch (exception) { throw; } finally { if (con.state == { con.close(); } } return countrecord; } public datatable getmodel(string technologyid) { string strsql = string.format("select a.technologyid,a.technologyname,a.summarize,a.effect,a.mainpoint,a.appropriatearea,a.attention,a.createtime,a.creatuser,a.updatetime, from technology as a \n" + "left join sys_depinfo as b on \n" + "where a.isactive='1' and a.technologyid = '{0}' ", technologyid); datatable datatable = sqldbhelper.getdatatable(strsql); return datatable; } public datatable getpicture(string technologyid) { string strsql = string.format("select top 5 a.files_id,a.files_name,a.files_path from dbo.com_files as a \n" + "left join as b on a.foreignkey_id=b.technologyid \n" + "where b.isactive=1 and a.foreignkey_id = '{0}' ", technologyid); datatable datatable = sqldbhelper.getdatatable(strsql); return datatable; } } }
expertinfobll 层的方法
public datatable getdepinfo() { datatable dtable = dal.getdepinfo(); return dtable; }
public datatable getdepinfo() { try { stringbuilder str = new stringbuilder(@"select id,name from dbo.sys_depinfo where is_active='1' and depinfotype='1'"); datatable data = sqldbhelper.getdatatable(str.tostring()); if (data.rows.count > 0) { return data; } else { return null; } } catch (exception) { return null; } }
protected void radiobuttonlist1_selectedindexchanged(object sender, eventargs e) { string id; id = radiobuttonlist1.selectedvalue; getdatabind(id); }