2023-12-16 09:59:04
注,原来摘抄代码里面没有模板,在copy过来发现插入word中的图片大小不一样,我们如何查找设置图片大小带代码的那一块,建议自己用在word里面插入一张图片,通过openxml tools 反编译出c#代码,然后改变图片的大小,再次反编译。
使用byeond compare 【 下载地址】比较c#代码,就会发现是因为new dw.extent() { cx = 990000l, cy = 792000l} 是因为这段设置造成的。以后其实很多地方都可以借助openxml tools反编译来进行对比。查看设置样式的属性位置。
msdn openxml学习链接: 。感兴趣的朋友可以查看一下。
using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.text; using system.threading.tasks; using documentformat.openxml; using documentformat.openxml.packaging; using documentformat.openxml.wordprocessing; using system.io; using dw = documentformat.openxml.drawing.wordprocessing; using pic = documentformat.openxml.drawing.pictures; using a = documentformat.openxml.drawing; namespace addpictureintoword { public class program { public static void main(string[] args) { string picpath = "u=639047729,3872612606&fm=11&gp=0.bmp"; string filepath = "test.docx"; addpictureintoword(filepath, picpath); } public static void addpictureintoword(string filepath, string picturepath) { using (wordprocessingdocument doc = wordprocessingdocument.open(filepath, true)) { string pictype = picturepath.split('.').last(); imageparttype imageparttype; imagepart imagepart = null; // 通过后缀名判断图片类型, true 表示忽视大小写 if (enum.tryparse<imageparttype>(pictype, true, out imageparttype)) { imagepart = doc.maindocumentpart.addimagepart(imageparttype); } imagepart.feeddata(file.open(picturepath, filemode.open)); // 读取图片二进制流 addimagetobody(doc, doc.maindocumentpart.getidofpart(imagepart)); } } // 摘抄自http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/bb497430(v=office.15).aspx?cs-save-lang=1&cs-lang=csharp#code-snippet-5 private static void addimagetobody(wordprocessingdocument worddoc, string relationshipid) { // define the reference of the image. var element = new drawing( new dw.inline( new dw.extent() { cx = 990000l, cy = 792000l }, // 调节图片大小 new dw.effectextent() { leftedge = 0l, topedge = 0l, rightedge = 0l, bottomedge = 0l }, new dw.docproperties() { id = (uint32value)1u, name = "picture 1" }, new dw.nonvisualgraphicframedrawingproperties( new a.graphicframelocks() { nochangeaspect = true }), new a.graphic( new a.graphicdata( new pic.picture( new pic.nonvisualpictureproperties( new pic.nonvisualdrawingproperties() { id = (uint32value)0u, name = "new bitmap image.jpg" }, new pic.nonvisualpicturedrawingproperties()), new pic.blipfill( new a.blip( new a.blipextensionlist( new a.blipextension() { uri = "{28a0092b-c50c-407e-a947-70e740481c1c}" }) ) { embed = relationshipid, compressionstate = a.blipcompressionvalues.print }, new a.stretch( new a.fillrectangle())), new pic.shapeproperties( new a.transform2d( new a.offset() { x = 0l, y = 0l }, new a.extents() { cx = 990000l, cy = 792000l }), //与上面的对准 new a.presetgeometry( new a.adjustvaluelist() ) { preset = a.shapetypevalues.rectangle })) ) { uri = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/picture" }) ) { distancefromtop = (uint32value)0u, distancefrombottom = (uint32value)0u, distancefromleft = (uint32value)0u, distancefromright = (uint32value)0u, editid = "50d07946" }); // append the reference to body, the element should be in a run. worddoc.maindocumentpart.document.body.appendchild(new paragraph(new run(element))); } } }