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  * create and/or open a database that will be used for reading and writing.
  * the first time this is called, the database will be opened and
  * {@link #oncreate}, {@link #onupgrade} and/or {@link #onopen} will be
  * called.
  * <p>once opened successfully, the database is cached, so you can
  * call this method every time you need to write to the database.
  * (make sure to call {@link #close} when you no longer need the database.)
  * errors such as bad permissions or a full disk may cause this method
  * to fail, but future attempts may succeed if the problem is fixed.</p>
  * <p class="caution">database upgrade may take a long time, you
  * should not call this method from the application main thread, including
  * from {@link android.content.contentprovider#oncreate contentprovider.oncreate()}.
  * @throws sqliteexception if the database cannot be opened for writing
  * @return a read/write database object valid until {@link #close} is called
 public synchronized sqlitedatabase getwritabledatabase() {
  if (mdatabase != null) {
   if (!mdatabase.isopen()) {
    // darn! the user closed the database by calling mdatabase.close()
    mdatabase = null;
   } else if (!mdatabase.isreadonly()) {
    return mdatabase; // the database is already open for business
  if (misinitializing) {
   throw new illegalstateexception("getwritabledatabase called recursively");
  // if we have a read-only database open, someone could be using it
  // (though they shouldn't), which would cause a lock to be held on
  // the file, and our attempts to open the database read-write would
  // fail waiting for the file lock. to prevent that, we acquire the
  // lock on the read-only database, which shuts out other users.
  boolean success = false;
  sqlitedatabase db = null;
  if (mdatabase != null) mdatabase.lock();
  try {
   misinitializing = true;
   if (mname == null) {
    db = sqlitedatabase.create(null);
   } else {
    db = mcontext.openorcreatedatabase(mname, 0, mfactory, merrorhandler);
   int version = db.getversion();
   if (version != mnewversion) {
    try {
     if (version == 0) {
     } else {
      if (version > mnewversion) {
       ondowngrade(db, version, mnewversion);
      } else {
       onupgrade(db, version, mnewversion);
    } finally {
   success = true;
   return db;
  } finally {
   misinitializing = false;
   if (success) {
    if (mdatabase != null) {
     try { mdatabase.close(); } catch (exception e) { }
    mdatabase = db;
   } else {
    if (mdatabase != null) mdatabase.unlock();
    if (db != null) db.close();
  * create and/or open a database. this will be the same object returned by
  * {@link #getwritabledatabase} unless some problem, such as a full disk,
  * requires the database to be opened read-only. in that case, a read-only
  * database object will be returned. if the problem is fixed, a future call
  * to {@link #getwritabledatabase} may succeed, in which case the read-only
  * database object will be closed and the read/write object will be returned
  * in the future.
  * <p class="caution">like {@link #getwritabledatabase}, this method may
  * take a long time to return, so you should not call it from the
  * application main thread, including from
  * {@link android.content.contentprovider#oncreate contentprovider.oncreate()}.
  * @throws sqliteexception if the database cannot be opened
  * @return a database object valid until {@link #getwritabledatabase}
  * or {@link #close} is called.
 public synchronized sqlitedatabase getreadabledatabase() {
  if (mdatabase != null) {
   if (!mdatabase.isopen()) {
    // darn! the user closed the database by calling mdatabase.close()
    mdatabase = null;
   } else {
    return mdatabase; // the database is already open for business
  if (misinitializing) {
   throw new illegalstateexception("getreadabledatabase called recursively");
  try {
   return getwritabledatabase();
  } catch (sqliteexception e) {
   if (mname == null) throw e; // can't open a temp database read-only!
   log.e(tag, "couldn't open " + mname + " for writing (will try read-only):", e);
  sqlitedatabase db = null;
  try {
   misinitializing = true;
   string path = mcontext.getdatabasepath(mname).getpath();
   db = sqlitedatabase.opendatabase(path, mfactory, sqlitedatabase.open_readonly,
   if (db.getversion() != mnewversion) {
    throw new sqliteexception("can't upgrade read-only database from version " +
      db.getversion() + " to " + mnewversion + ": " + path);
   log.w(tag, "opened " + mname + " in read-only mode");
   mdatabase = db;
   return mdatabase;
  } finally {
   misinitializing = false;
   if (db != null && db != mdatabase) db.close();


public class databasecontext extends contextwrapper {
 public databasecontext(context context){
  super( context );
  * 获得数据库路径,如果不存在,则创建对象对象
  * @param name
  * @param mode
  * @param factory
 public file getdatabasepath(string name) {
  boolean sdexist = android.os.environment.media_mounted.equals(android.os.environment.getexternalstoragestate());
   return null;
   string dbdir= fileutils.getflashbpath();
   dbdir += "db";//数据库所在目录
   string dbpath = dbdir+"/"+name;//数据库路径
   file dirfile = new file(dbdir);
   boolean isfilecreatesuccess = false; 
   file dbfile = new file(dbpath);
    try {   
     isfilecreatesuccess = dbfile.createnewfile();//创建文件
    } catch (ioexception e) {
    isfilecreatesuccess = true;
    return dbfile;
    return null;
  * 重载这个方法,是用来打开sd卡上的数据库的,android 2.3及以下会调用这个方法。
  * @param name
  * @param mode
  * @param factory
 public sqlitedatabase openorcreatedatabase(string name, int mode, sqlitedatabase.cursorfactory factory) {
  sqlitedatabase result = sqlitedatabase.openorcreatedatabase(getdatabasepath(name), null);
  return result;
  * android 4.0会调用此方法获取数据库。
  * @see android.content.contextwrapper#openorcreatedatabase(java.lang.string, int, 
  *   android.database.sqlite.sqlitedatabase.cursorfactory,
  *   android.database.databaseerrorhandler)
  * @param name
  * @param mode
  * @param factory
  * @param errorhandler
 public sqlitedatabase openorcreatedatabase(string name, int mode, cursorfactory factory, databaseerrorhandler errorhandler) {
  sqlitedatabase result = sqlitedatabase.openorcreatedatabase(getdatabasepath(name), null);
  return result;


databasecontext dbcontext = new databasecontext(context);
super(dbcontext, mdatabasename, null, version);


