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程序员文章站 2023-12-14 18:10:22
本文给大家分享的是查看mysql连接的root密码的方法,下面话不多说来来看正文: 1.首先我们进到mysql的bin目录下 ➜ cd /usr/...



➜ cd /usr/local/mysql/bin


➜ bin sudo su


sh-3.2# ./mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &
[1] 9451
sh-3.2# 2017-01-03t15:40:10.6nz mysqld_safe logging to '/usr/local/mysql/data/yzydemacbook-pro.local.err'.
2017-01-03t15:40:10.6nz mysqld_safe starting mysqld daemon with databases from /usr/local/mysql/data


./mysql -uroot
welcome to the mysql monitor. commands end with ; or \g.
your mysql connection id is 2
server version: 5.7.12 mysql community server (gpl)

copyright (c) 2000, 2016, oracle and/or its affiliates. all rights reserved.

oracle is a registered trademark of oracle corporation and/or its
affiliates. other names may be trademarks of their respective

type 'help;' or '\h' for help. type '\c' to clear the current input statement.


mysql> use mysql
reading table information for completion of table and column names
you can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -a

database changed


mysql> show tables;
| tables_in_mysql   |
| columns_priv    |
| db      |
| engine_cost    |
| event      |
| func      |
| general_log    |
| gtid_executed    |
| help_category    |
| help_keyword    |
| help_relation    |
| help_topic    |
| innodb_index_stats  |
| innodb_table_stats  |
| ndb_binlog_index   |
| plugin     |
| proc      |
| procs_priv    |
| proxies_priv    |
| server_cost    |
| servers     |
| slave_master_info   |
| slave_relay_log_info  |
| slave_worker_info   |
| slow_log     |
| tables_priv    |
| time_zone     |
| time_zone_leap_second  |
| time_zone_name   |
| time_zone_transition  |
| time_zone_transition_type |
| user      |
31 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> show columns from user;
| field     | type        | null | key | default    | extra |
| host     | char(60)       | no | pri |      |  |
| user     | char(32)       | no | pri |      |  |
| select_priv   | enum('n','y')      | no |  | n      |  |
| insert_priv   | enum('n','y')      | no |  | n      |  |
| update_priv   | enum('n','y')      | no |  | n      |  |
| delete_priv   | enum('n','y')      | no |  | n      |  |
| create_priv   | enum('n','y')      | no |  | n      |  |
| drop_priv    | enum('n','y')      | no |  | n      |  |
| reload_priv   | enum('n','y')      | no |  | n      |  |
| shutdown_priv   | enum('n','y')      | no |  | n      |  |
| process_priv   | enum('n','y')      | no |  | n      |  |
| file_priv    | enum('n','y')      | no |  | n      |  |
| grant_priv    | enum('n','y')      | no |  | n      |  |
| references_priv  | enum('n','y')      | no |  | n      |  |
| index_priv    | enum('n','y')      | no |  | n      |  |
| alter_priv    | enum('n','y')      | no |  | n      |  |
| show_db_priv   | enum('n','y')      | no |  | n      |  |
| super_priv    | enum('n','y')      | no |  | n      |  |
| create_tmp_table_priv | enum('n','y')      | no |  | n      |  |
| lock_tables_priv  | enum('n','y')      | no |  | n      |  |
| execute_priv   | enum('n','y')      | no |  | n      |  |
| repl_slave_priv  | enum('n','y')      | no |  | n      |  |
| repl_client_priv  | enum('n','y')      | no |  | n      |  |
| create_view_priv  | enum('n','y')      | no |  | n      |  |
| show_view_priv   | enum('n','y')      | no |  | n      |  |
| create_routine_priv | enum('n','y')      | no |  | n      |  |
| alter_routine_priv  | enum('n','y')      | no |  | n      |  |
| create_user_priv  | enum('n','y')      | no |  | n      |  |
| event_priv    | enum('n','y')      | no |  | n      |  |
| trigger_priv   | enum('n','y')      | no |  | n      |  |
| create_tablespace_priv | enum('n','y')      | no |  | n      |  |
| ssl_type    | enum('','any','x509','specified') | no |  |      |  |
| ssl_cipher    | blob        | no |  | null     |  |
| x509_issuer   | blob        | no |  | null     |  |
| x509_subject   | blob        | no |  | null     |  |
| max_questions   | int(11) unsigned     | no |  | 0      |  |
| max_updates   | int(11) unsigned     | no |  | 0      |  |
| max_connections  | int(11) unsigned     | no |  | 0      |  |
| max_user_connections | int(11) unsigned     | no |  | 0      |  |
| plugin     | char(64)       | no |  | mysql_native_password |  |
| authentication_string | text        | yes |  | null     |  |
| password_expired  | enum('n','y')      | no |  | n      |  |
| password_last_changed | timestamp       | yes |  | null     |  |
| password_lifetime  | smallint(5) unsigned    | yes |  | null     |  |
| account_locked   | enum('n','y')      | no |  | n      |  |
45 rows in set (0.02 sec)


mysql> select authentication_string from user where user='root';
| authentication_string      |
| *781d25322166db7ff99ba4a1fa5ed30439a60dde |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)





