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复制代码 代码如下:import java.util.*; public class welcome {     public stati...

复制代码 代码如下:

import java.util.*;

public class welcome {

    public static void main(string[] args)
           * test 1: methods can't modify numeric parameters
          system.out.println("testing triplevalue:");
          double percent = 10;
          system.out.println("before: percent =" + percent);
          percent = triplevalue(percent);
          system.out.println("after: percent =" + percent);  //这里输出为30了!正常的结果

           * test 2: methods can change the state of object parameters
          system.out.println("\ntesting triplesalary:");
          employee harry = new employee("harry", 50000);
          system.out.println("before: salary =" + harry.getsalary());
          system.out.println("after: salary =" + harry.getsalary());

           * test 3: methods can't attach new objects to object parameters
          system.out.println("\ntesting swap:");
          employee a = new employee("alice", 70000);
          employee b = new employee("bob", 60000);
          system.out.println("before: a  =" + a.getname());
          system.out.println("before: b  =" + b.getname());
          swap(a, b);
          system.out.println("after: a=" + a.getname());
          system.out.println("after: b=" + b.getname());

       public static double triplevalue(double x) // doesn't work
          return x = 3 * x;
          //system.out.println("end of method: x=" + x);

       public static void triplesalary(employee x) // works
          system.out.println("end of method: salary=" + x.getsalary());

       public static void swap(employee x, employee y)
          employee temp = x;
          x = y;
          y = temp;
          system.out.println("end of method: x=" + x.getname());
          system.out.println("end of method: y=" + y.getname());

    class employee // simplified employee class
       public employee(string n, double s)
          name = n;
          salary = s;

       public string getname()
          return name;

       public double getsalary()
          return salary;

       public void raisesalary(double bypercent)
          double raise = salary * bypercent / 100;
          salary += raise;

       private string name;
       private double salary;

如果是以下代码:system.out.println("after: percent =" + percent);  //这里输出为10了!因为静态方法达不成你要的效果


复制代码 代码如下:

 * this program demonstrates parameter passing in java.
 * @version 1.00 2000-01-27
 * @author cay horstmann
public class paramtest
   public static void main(string[] args)
       * test 1: methods can't modify numeric parameters
      system.out.println("testing triplevalue:");
      double percent = 10;
      system.out.println("before: percent=" + percent);
      system.out.println("after: percent=" + percent);

       * test 2: methods can change the state of object parameters
      system.out.println("\ntesting triplesalary:");
      employee harry = new employee("harry", 50000);
      system.out.println("before: salary=" + harry.getsalary());
      system.out.println("after: salary=" + harry.getsalary());

       * test 3: methods can't attach new objects to object parameters
      system.out.println("\ntesting swap:");
      employee a = new employee("alice", 70000);
      employee b = new employee("bob", 60000);
      system.out.println("before: a=" + a.getname());
      system.out.println("before: b=" + b.getname());
      swap(a, b);
      system.out.println("after: a=" + a.getname());
      system.out.println("after: b=" + b.getname());

   public static void triplevalue(double x) // doesn't work
      x = 3 * x;
      system.out.println("end of method: x=" + x);

   public static void triplesalary(employee x) // works
      system.out.println("end of method: salary=" + x.getsalary());

   public static void swap(employee x, employee y)
      employee temp = x;
      x = y;
      y = temp;
      system.out.println("end of method: x=" + x.getname());
      system.out.println("end of method: y=" + y.getname());

class employee // simplified employee class
   public employee(string n, double s)
      name = n;
      salary = s;

   public string getname()
      return name;

   public double getsalary()
      return salary;

   public void raisesalary(double bypercent)
      double raise = salary * bypercent / 100;
      salary += raise;

   private string name;
   private double salary;

