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程序员文章站 2023-12-13 08:09:22
用代码获取app启动页图片  // // applesystemservice.swift // swift-animations // /...


// applesystemservice.swift
// swift-animations
// created by youxianming on 16/8/11.
// copyright © 2016年 youxianming. all rights reserved.

import uikit

class applesystemservice : nsobject {
  get the lauch image.
  - returns: the lauch image.
 class func launchimage() -> uiimage {
  var lauchimage  : uiimage!
  var vieworientation : string!
  let viewsize  = uiscreen.mainscreen().bounds.size
  let orientation  = uiapplication.sharedapplication().statusbarorientation
  if orientation == .landscapeleft || orientation == .landscaperight {
   vieworientation = "landscape"
  } else {
   vieworientation = "portrait"
  let imagesinfoarray = nsbundle.mainbundle().infodictionary!["uilaunchimages"]
  for dict : dictionary <string, string> in imagesinfoarray as! array {
   let imagesize = cgsizefromstring(dict["uilaunchimagesize"]!)
   if cgsizeequaltosize(imagesize, viewsize) && vieworientation == dict["uilaunchimageorientation"]! as string {
    lauchimage = uiimage(named: dict["uilaunchimagename"]!)
  return lauchimage

源码 - objective-c 

// applesystemservice.h
// applesystemservice
// created by youxianming on 16/7/2.
// copyright © 2016年 youxianming. all rights reserved.

#import <foundation/foundation.h>
#import <uikit/uikit.h>

@interface applesystemservice : nsobject

 * get the lauch image.
 * @return the lauch image.
+ (uiimage *)launchimage;


// applesystemservice.m
// applesystemservice
// created by youxianming on 16/7/2.
// copyright © 2016年 youxianming. all rights reserved.

#import "applesystemservice.h"

@implementation applesystemservice

+ (uiimage *)launchimage {

 uiimage    *lauchimage  = nil;
 nsstring    *vieworientation = nil;
 cgsize     viewsize  = [uiscreen mainscreen].bounds.size;
 uiinterfaceorientation orientation  = [[uiapplication sharedapplication] statusbarorientation];
 if (orientation == uiinterfaceorientationlandscapeleft || orientation == uiinterfaceorientationlandscaperight) {
  vieworientation = @"landscape";
 } else {
  vieworientation = @"portrait";
 nsarray *imagesdictionary = [[[nsbundle mainbundle] infodictionary] valueforkey:@"uilaunchimages"];
 for (nsdictionary *dict in imagesdictionary) {
  cgsize imagesize = cgsizefromstring(dict[@"uilaunchimagesize"]);
  if (cgsizeequaltosize(imagesize, viewsize) && [vieworientation isequaltostring:dict[@"uilaunchimageorientation"]]) {
   lauchimage = [uiimage imagenamed:dict[@"uilaunchimagename"]];

 return lauchimage;



