2023-12-12 14:47:40
当我在电脑上工作,我经常会被一些东西吸引,比如某宝,结果三个小时过去了我都完全没有注意到。所以我通过c#做了一个简单闹钟程序,这个小程序主要使用c# timer对象,让用户设定一个倒计时的时长,如果时间到了,就播放一个wav音频文件(也就是闹铃)。
using system; using system.drawing; using system.collections; using system.componentmodel; using system.windows.forms; using system.data; using system.threading; using system.timers; using system.io; using system.reflection; namespace timeralarm { public class timerform : system.windows.forms.form { //controls and components private system.windows.forms.textbox timerinput; private system.windows.forms.button startbutton; private system.windows.forms.button resetbutton; private system.componentmodel.icontainer components; //timer and associated variables private system.timers.timer timerclock = new system.timers.timer(); private int clocktime = 0; private int alarmtime = 0; public timerform() { initializecomponent(); initializetimer(); } protected override void dispose( bool disposing ) { if( disposing ) { if (components != null) { components.dispose(); } } base.dispose( disposing ); } #region windows form designer generated code /// <summary> /// required method for designer support - do not modify /// the contents of this method with the code editor. /// </summary> private void initializecomponent() { this.components = new system.componentmodel.container(); system.resources.resourcemanager resources = new system. resources.resourcemanager(typeof(timerform)); this.timerinput = new system.windows.forms.textbox(); this.startbutton = new system.windows.forms.button(); this.resetbutton = new system.windows.forms.button(); this.suspendlayout(); // // timerinput // this.timerinput.location = new system.drawing.point(12, 13); this.timerinput.name = "timerinput"; this.timerinput.size = new system.drawing.size(50, 20); this.timerinput.tabindex = 0; this.timerinput.text = "00:00:00"; // // startbutton // this.startbutton.flatstyle = system.windows.forms. flatstyle.system; this.startbutton.location = new system.drawing.point(75, 11); this.startbutton.name = "startbutton"; this.startbutton.tabindex = 1; this.startbutton.text = "start"; this.startbutton.click += new system.eventhandler (this.startbutton_click); // // resetbutton // this.resetbutton.flatstyle = system.windows.forms. flatstyle.system; this.resetbutton.location = new system.drawing.point(161, 11); this.resetbutton.name = "resetbutton"; this.resetbutton.tabindex = 2; this.resetbutton.text = "reset"; this.resetbutton.click += new system.eventhandler(this.resetbutton_click); // // timerform // this.autoscalebasesize = new system.drawing.size(5, 13); this.clientsize = new system.drawing.size(247, 46); this.controls.addrange(new system.windows.forms.control[] { this.resetbutton, this.startbutton, this.timerinput}); this.formborderstyle = system.windows.forms. formborderstyle.fixedsingle; this.icon = ((system.drawing.icon)(resources. getobject("$this.icon"))); this.maximizebox = false; this.name = "timerform"; this.startposition = system.windows.forms. formstartposition.centerscreen; this.text = "alarm timer"; this.resize += new system.eventhandler(this. timerform_resized); this.resumelayout(false); } #endregion public void initializetimer() { this.timerclock.elapsed += new elapsedeventhandler(ontimer); this.timerclock.interval = 1000; this.timerclock.enabled = true; } [stathread] static void main() { application.run(new timerform()); } private void timerform_resized(object sender, system.eventargs e) { if( this.windowstate == formwindowstate.minimized ) { this.hide(); } } private void startbutton_click(object sender, system.eventargs e) { this.clocktime = 0; inputtoseconds( this.timerinput.text ); } private void resetbutton_click(object sender, system.eventargs e) { try { this.clocktime = 0; this.alarmtime = 0; this.timerinput.text = "00:00:00"; } catch( exception ex ) { messagebox.show("resetbutton_click(): " + ex.message ); } } public void ontimer(object source, elapsedeventargs e) { try { this.clocktime++; int countdown = this.alarmtime - this.clocktime ; if( this.alarmtime != 0 ) { this.timerinput.text = secondstotime(countdown); } //sound alarm if( this.clocktime == this.alarmtime ) { messagebox.show("play sound"); } } catch( exception ex ) { messagebox.show("ontimer(): " + ex.message ); } } private void inputtoseconds( string timerinput ) { try { string[] timearray = new string[3]; int minutes = 0; int hours = 0; int seconds = 0; int occurence = 0; int length = 0; occurence = timerinput.lastindexof(":"); length = timerinput.length; //check for invalid input if( occurence == -1 || length != 8 ) { messagebox.show("invalid time format."); resetbutton_click( null, null ); } else { timearray = timerinput.split(':'); seconds = convert.toint32( timearray[2] ); minutes = convert.toint32( timearray[1] ); hours = convert.toint32( timearray[0] ); this.alarmtime += seconds; this.alarmtime += minutes*60; this.alarmtime += (hours*60)*60; } } catch( exception e ) { messagebox.show("inputtoseconds(): " + e.message ); } } public string secondstotime( int seconds ) { int minutes = 0; int hours = 0; while( seconds >= 60 ) { minutes += 1; seconds -= 60; } while( minutes >= 60 ) { hours += 1; minutes -= 60; } string strhours = hours.tostring(); string strminutes = minutes.tostring(); string strseconds = seconds.tostring(); if( strhours.length < 2 ) strhours = "0" + strhours; if( strminutes.length < 2 ) strminutes = "0" + strminutes; if( strseconds.length < 2 ) strseconds = "0" + strseconds; return strhours + ":" + strminutes + ":" + strseconds; } } }