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MySQL查询in操作 查询结果按in集合顺序显示

程序员文章站 2023-12-12 13:37:46
mysql 查询in操作,查询结果按in集合顺序显示 复制代码 代码如下:select * from test where id in(3,1,5) order by fi...
mysql 查询in操作,查询结果按in集合顺序显示
复制代码 代码如下:

select * from test where id in(3,1,5) order by find_in_set(id,'3,1,5');
select * from test where id in(3,1,5) order by substring_index('3,1,2',id,1);

sql: select * from table where id in (3,6,9,1,2,5,8,7);


sql: select * from table where id in (3,6,9,1,2,5,8,7) order by field(id,3,6,9,1,2,5,8,7);


mysql中not in语句对null值的处理

mysql> select count(name) from cve where name not in ('cve-1999-0001', 'cve-1999-0002');
| count(name) |
| 17629 |
1 row in set (0.02 sec)
mysql> select count(name) from cve where name not in ('cve-1999-0001', 'cve-1999-0002', null);
| count(name) |
| 0 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)
select count(distinct name)
from cve
where name not in (select cveid from cve_sig where cveid is not null)
select count(alarmid)
from alarm
where (cve not rlike '^cve-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}$' or cve is null)

mysql - not in
table:info primary key(id, info_type_id)
id, info_type_id, programme_id, episode_id
3, 4, 382, 100034
3, 8, 382, 100034
4, 8, 382, 100034
6, 8, 382, 100034
7, 8, 382, 100034
8, 8, 382, 100034
9, 8, 382, 100034
10, 8, 382, 100034
11, 8, 382, 100034
12, 8, 382, 100034
13, 8, 382, 100034
100001, 4, 382, 100034
100002, 4, 382, 100034

排除(id=3 && info_type_id=8) and (id=4 && info_type_id=8)這兩條記錄,即找出其它記錄
error: select * from info where episode_id=100034 and id not in(3,4) and info_type_id not in (8);
error result:
id, info_type_id, programme_id, episode_id
100001, 4, 382, 100034
100002, 4, 382, 100034
correct: select * from info where episode_id=100034 and (id<>3 or info_type_id<>8) and (id<>4 or info_type_id<>8);
correct result:
id, info_type_id, programme_id, episode_id
3, 4, 382, 100034
6, 8, 382, 100034
7, 8, 382, 100034
8, 8, 382, 100034
9, 8, 382, 100034
10, 8, 382, 100034
11, 8, 382, 100034
12, 8, 382, 100034
13, 8, 382, 100034
100001, 4, 382, 100034
100002, 4, 382, 100034
理解:id<>3 or info_type_id<>8排除掉id=3 && info_type_id=8這條記錄,當表中主鍵多于一個時,不能簡單地使用key1 not in (……) and key2 not in (……) ..

