2023-12-11 09:19:16
import os
import shutil
#path of imgr
path = 'd:\\baidunetdiskdownload...
import os import shutil #path of imgr path = 'd:\\baidunetdiskdownload\\newim\\' #path of folder folderpath = 'd:\\baidunetdiskdownload\\foldersort\\' peoplenumber = 61 #new 61 folder numbers as sort_folder_number[61] sort_folder_number = [x for x in range(0,peoplenumber)] # makedir 61 folders ''' demo功能说明: 在folderpath处新建60个文件夹, 图片存储在path处 给每个文件夹分配150张图片(将9000张图片平均分配到60个文件夹) tips: 1: os.path.join(path1,path2...) this function is used to combine the path,it returns a path which is 'path1/path2...' 2: os.makedirs(path) this function is used to make a directory(new folder) in the path param 3: shutil.move(oldpath,newpath) this function is used to move file from param1 to param 2 4: os.path.exists(path) this function is used to check the filepath(param1) whether exists ''' for number in sort_folder_number: new_folder_path = os.path.join(folderpath,'%s'%number)#new_folder_path is ‘folderpath\number' if not os.path.exists(new_folder_path): os.makedirs(new_folder_path) print("new a floder named "+str(number)+'at the path of '+ new_folder_path) #give the img list file_list = os.listdir(path) '''define the first folodernumber''' foldernumber = 1 print('there are '+str(len(file_list))+' files at the path of '+path) for i in range(0,len(file_list)): old_file_path = os.path.join(path,str(i)+'.jpg') if os.path.isdir(old_file_path): '''if the path is a folder,program will pass it''' print('img does not exist ,path=' + old_file_path+' it is a dir' ) pass elif not os.path.exists(old_file_path): '''if the path does not exist,program will pass it''' print('img does not exist ,path='+old_file_path) pass else: '''define the number,it decides how many imgs each people process''' number = 150 #int(len(file_list)/peoplenumber) if(i%number ==0): foldernumber +=1 new_file_path = os.path.join(folderpath,'%s'%(foldernumber)) if not os.path.exists(new_file_path): print('not exist path:'+new_file_path) break shutil.move(old_file_path,new_file_path) print('success move file from '+ old_file_path +' to '+new_file_path)