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程序员文章站 2023-12-10 19:51:22
先来看看几种比较单一的方式: imei 方式:telephonymanager.getdeviceid(): 问题 范围:只能支持拥有通话功能的...





  1. 范围:只能支持拥有通话功能的设备,对于平板不可以。
  2. 持久性:返厂,数据擦除的时候不彻底,保留了原来的标识。
  3. 权限:需要权限:android.permission.read_phone_state
  4. bug: 有些厂家的实现有bug,返回一些不可用的数据




2.2(froyo,8)版本系统会不可信,来自主要生产厂商的主流手机,至少有一个普遍发现的bug,这些有问题的手机相同的android_id: 9774d56d682e549c


serial number

从android 2.3 (“gingerbread”)开始可用,可以通过android.os.build.serial获取,对于没有通话功能的设备,它会返回一个唯一的device id,




支持率比较高的(支持票数157):androidid --> 剔除2.2版本(api 8)中有问题的手机,使用uuid替代

import android.content.context; 
import android.content.sharedpreferences; 
import android.provider.settings.secure; 
import android.telephony.telephonymanager; 
import java.io.unsupportedencodingexception; 
import java.util.uuid; 
public class deviceuuidfactory { 
  protected static final string prefs_file = "device_id.xml"; 
  protected static final string prefs_device_id = "device_id"; 
  protected static volatile uuid uuid; 
  public deviceuuidfactory(context context) { 
    if (uuid == null) { 
      synchronized (deviceuuidfactory.class) { 
        if (uuid == null) { 
          final sharedpreferences prefs = context 
              .getsharedpreferences(prefs_file, 0); 
          final string id = prefs.getstring(prefs_device_id, null); 
          if (id != null) { 
            // use the ids previously computed and stored in the 
            // prefs file 
            uuid = uuid.fromstring(id); 
          } else { 
            final string androidid = secure.getstring( 
              context.getcontentresolver(), secure.android_id); 
            // use the android id unless it's broken, in which case 
            // fallback on deviceid, 
            // unless it's not available, then fallback on a random 
            // number which we store to a prefs file 
            try { 
              if (!"9774d56d682e549c".equals(androidid)) { 
                uuid = uuid.nameuuidfrombytes(androidid 
              } else { 
                final string deviceid = ((telephonymanager)  
                uuid = deviceid != null ? uuid 
                        .getbytes("utf8")) : uuid 
            } catch (unsupportedencodingexception e) { 
              throw new runtimeexception(e); 
            // write the value out to the prefs file 
                .putstring(prefs_device_id, uuid.tostring()) 
   * returns a unique uuid for the current android device. as with all uuids, 
   * this unique id is "very highly likely" to be unique across all android 
   * devices. much more so than android_id is. 
   * the uuid is generated by using android_id as the base key if appropriate, 
   * falling back on telephonymanager.getdeviceid() if android_id is known to 
   * be incorrect, and finally falling back on a random uuid that's persisted 
   * to sharedpreferences if getdeviceid() does not return a usable value. 
   * in some rare circumstances, this id may change. in particular, if the 
   * device is factory reset a new device id may be generated. in addition, if 
   * a user upgrades their phone from certain buggy implementations of android 
   * 2.2 to a newer, non-buggy version of android, the device id may change. 
   * or, if a user uninstalls your app on a device that has neither a proper 
   * android id nor a device id, this id may change on reinstallation. 
   * note that if the code falls back on using telephonymanager.getdeviceid(), 
   * the resulting id will not change after a factory reset. something to be 
   * aware of. 
   * works around a bug in android 2.2 for many devices when using android_id 
   * directly. 
   * @see http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=10603 
   * @return a uuid that may be used to uniquely identify your device for most 
   *     purposes. 
  public uuid getdeviceuuid() { 
    return uuid; 

根据版本进行判断的方式:serial序列号-->uuid (支持数31)

通过serial 即可,在覆盖率上,你已经成功的获得了98.4%的用户,剩下的1.6%的用户系统是在9 以下的。


 * return pseudo unique id 
 * @return id 
public static string getuniquepsuedoid() 
  // if all else fails, if the user does have lower than api 9 (lower 
  // than gingerbread), has reset their phone or 'secure.android_id' 
  // returns 'null', then simply the id returned will be solely based 
  // off their android device information. this is where the collisions 
  // can happen. 
  // thanks http://www.pocketmagic.net/?p=1662! 
  // try not to use display, host or id - these items could change. 
  // if there are collisions, there will be overlapping data 
  string m_szdevidshort = "35" + (build.board.length() % 10) + (build.brand.length() % 10) + (build.cpu_abi.length() % 10) + (build.device.length() % 10) + (build.manufacturer.length() % 10) + (build.model.length() % 10) + (build.product.length() % 10); 
  // thanks to @roman sl! 
  // http://*.com/a/4789483/950427 
  // only devices with api >= 9 have android.os.build.serial 
  // http://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/build.html#serial 
  // if a user upgrades software or roots their phone, there will be a duplicate entry 
  string serial = null; 
    serial = android.os.build.class.getfield("serial").get(null).tostring(); 
    // go ahead and return the serial for api => 9 
    return new uuid(m_szdevidshort.hashcode(), serial.hashcode()).tostring(); 
  catch (exception e) 
    // string needs to be initialized 
    serial = "serial"; // some value 
  // thanks @joe! 
  // http://*.com/a/2853253/950427 
  // finally, combine the values we have found by using the uuid class to create a unique identifier 
  return new uuid(m_szdevidshort.hashcode(), serial.hashcode()).tostring(); 

不用read_phone_state权限直接获取rom信息的方式:(支持率较低 16)

string m_szdevidshort = "35" + //we make this look like a valid imei 
      build.board.length()%10+ build.brand.length()%10 + 
      build.cpu_abi.length()%10 + build.device.length()%10 + 
      build.display.length()%10 + build.host.length()%10 + 
      build.id.length()%10 + build.manufacturer.length()%10 + 
      build.model.length()%10 + build.product.length()%10 + 
      build.tags.length()%10 + build.type.length()%10 + 
      build.user.length()%10 ; //13 digits 


public static string getdeviceid(context context) { 
    string deviceid = ""; 
    if (deviceid != null && !"".equals(deviceid)) { 
     return deviceid; 
    if (deviceid == null || "".equals(deviceid)) { 
      try { 
        deviceid = getlocalmac(context).replace(":", ""); 
      } catch (exception e) { 
    if (deviceid == null || "".equals(deviceid)) { 
      try { 
        deviceid = getandroidid(context); 
      } catch (exception e) { 
    if (deviceid == null || "".equals(deviceid)) { 
      if (deviceid == null || "".equals(deviceid)) { 
        uuid uuid = uuid.randomuuid(); 
        deviceid = uuid.tostring().replace("-", ""); 
    return deviceid; 
// imei码 
  private static string getimiestatus(context context) { 
    telephonymanager tm = (telephonymanager) context 
    string deviceid = tm.getdeviceid(); 
    return deviceid; 
  // mac地址 
  private static string getlocalmac(context context) { 
    wifimanager wifi = (wifimanager) context 
    wifiinfo info = wifi.getconnectioninfo(); 
    return info.getmacaddress(); 
  // android id 
  private static string getandroidid(context context) { 
    string androidid = settings.secure.getstring( 
        context.getcontentresolver(), settings.secure.android_id); 
    return androidid; 
  public static void savedeviceid(string str) { 
    try { 
      fileoutputstream fos = new fileoutputstream(file); 
      writer out = new outputstreamwriter(fos, "utf-8"); 
    } catch (ioexception e) { 
  public static string readdeviceid() { 
    stringbuffer buffer = new stringbuffer(); 
    try { 
      fileinputstream fis = new fileinputstream(file); 
      inputstreamreader isr = new inputstreamreader(fis, "utf-8"); 
      reader in = new bufferedreader(isr); 
      int i; 
      while ((i = in.read()) > -1) { 
        buffer.append((char) i); 
      return buffer.tostring(); 
    } catch (ioexception e) { 
      return null; 

