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Sql Server 数据库索引整理语句,自动整理数据库索引

程序员文章站 2023-12-03 11:05:28
在一个大型数据库中,数据的更改是非常频繁的。 而建立在这些数据上的索引也是需要经常去维护的。 否则这这些数据索引就起不到起应起的作用。甚至会成为数据库本身的负担。 我们就要...
我们就要定期的对数据库的索引进行维护 我在msdn上发现了这个脚本不过其中有些小问题我已经修正 大家可以使用这个脚本对数据库的索引进行日常维护
复制代码 代码如下:

set nocount on;
declare @objectid int;
declare @indexid int;
declare @partitioncount bigint;
declare @schemaname sysname;
declare @objectname sysname;
declare @indexname sysname;
declare @partitionnum bigint;
declare @partitions bigint;
declare @frag float;
declare @command varchar(8000);
declare @dbid int;
-- ensure the temporary table does not exist
if exists (select name from sys.objects where name = 'work_to_do')
drop table work_to_do;
-- conditionally select from the function, converting object and index ids to names.
set @dbid=db_id();
object_id as objectid,
index_id as indexid,
partition_number as partitionnum,
avg_fragmentation_in_percent as frag
into work_to_do from sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats (@dbid, null, null , null, 'limited')
where avg_fragmentation_in_percent > 10.0 and index_id > 0;
-- declare the cursor for the list of partitions to be processed.
declare partitions cursor for select * from work_to_do;

-- open the cursor.
open partitions;

-- loop through the partitions.
fetch next
from partitions
into @objectid, @indexid, @partitionnum, @frag;

while @@fetch_status = 0
select @objectname = o.name, @schemaname = s.name
from sys.objects as o
join sys.schemas as s on s.schema_id = o.schema_id
where o.object_id = @objectid;

select @indexname = name
from sys.indexes
where object_id = @objectid and index_id = @indexid;

select @partitioncount = count (*)
from sys.partitions
where object_id = @objectid and index_id = @indexid;

-- 30 is an arbitrary decision point at which to switch between reorganizing and rebuilding
if @frag < 30.0
select @command = 'alter index [' + @indexname + '] on ' + @schemaname + '.[' + @objectname + '] reorganize';
if @partitioncount > 1
select @command = @command + ' partition=' + convert (char, @partitionnum);

exec (@command);

if @frag >= 30.0
select @command = 'alter index [' + @indexname +'] on ' + @schemaname + '.[' + @objectname + '] rebuild';
if @partitioncount > 1
select @command = @command + ' partition=' + convert (char, @partitionnum);

exec (@command);
print 'executed ' + @command;

fetch next from partitions into @objectid, @indexid, @partitionnum, @frag;
-- close and deallocate the cursor.
close partitions;
deallocate partitions;

-- drop the temporary table
if exists (select name from sys.objects where name = 'work_to_do')
drop table work_to_do;

这个脚本在运行时 会建立一个表 work_to_do 整理完毕后会自动删除这个表。如果大家不喜欢这样的话也可以用 一个 临时表解决 .