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程序员文章站 2023-12-03 10:43:40
本文实例讲述了android开发中4个常用的工具类。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下: 1、土司工具类(toast管理) /** * toast统一管理类...



 * toast统一管理类
 * @project app_zxing
 * @package com.android.scan
 * @author chenlin
 * @version 1.0
 * @date 2013年7月6日
 * @note todo
public class toastutil {
  private toastutil() {
    /* cannot be instantiated */
    throw new unsupportedoperationexception("cannot be instantiated");
  public static boolean isshow = true;
   * 短时间显示toast
   * @param context
   * @param message
  public static void show(context context, charsequence message) {
    if (isshow)
      toast.maketext(context, message, toast.length_short).show();
   * 短时间显示toast
   * @param context
   * @param message
  public static void showshort(context context, int message) {
    if (isshow)
      toast.maketext(context, message, toast.length_short).show();
   * 长时间显示toast
   * @param context
   * @param message
  public static void showlong(context context, charsequence message) {
    if (isshow)
      toast.maketext(context, message, toast.length_long).show();
   * 长时间显示toast
   * @param context
   * @param message
  public static void showlong(context context, int message) {
    if (isshow)
      toast.maketext(context, message, toast.length_long).show();
   * 自定义显示toast时间
   * @param context
   * @param message
   * @param duration
  public static void show(context context, charsequence message, int duration) {
    if (isshow)
      toast.maketext(context, message, duration).show();
   * 自定义显示toast时间
   * @param context
   * @param message
   * @param duration
  public static void show(context context, int message, int duration) {
    if (isshow)
      toast.maketext(context, message, duration).show();


 * sharedpreferences封装类sputils
 * @project  app_zxing
 * @package  com.android.scan
 * @author   chenlin
 * @version  1.0
 * @date    2013年6月6日
 * @note    todo
public class sputils {
   * 保存在手机里面的文件名
  public static final string file_name = "share_data";
   * 保存数据的方法,我们需要拿到保存数据的具体类型,然后根据类型调用不同的保存方法
   * @param context
   * @param key
   * @param object
  public static void put(context context, string key, object object) {
    sharedpreferences sp = context.getsharedpreferences(file_name, context.mode_private);
    sharedpreferences.editor editor = sp.edit();
    if (object instanceof string) {
      editor.putstring(key, (string) object);
    } else if (object instanceof integer) {
      editor.putint(key, (integer) object);
    } else if (object instanceof boolean) {
      editor.putboolean(key, (boolean) object);
    } else if (object instanceof float) {
      editor.putfloat(key, (float) object);
    } else if (object instanceof long) {
      editor.putlong(key, (long) object);
    } else {
      editor.putstring(key, object.tostring());
   * 得到保存数据的方法,我们根据默认值得到保存的数据的具体类型,然后调用相对于的方法获取值
   * @param context
   * @param key
   * @param defaultobject
   * @return
  public static object get(context context, string key, object defaultobject) {
    sharedpreferences sp = context.getsharedpreferences(file_name, context.mode_private);
    if (defaultobject instanceof string) {
      return sp.getstring(key, (string) defaultobject);
    } else if (defaultobject instanceof integer) {
      return sp.getint(key, (integer) defaultobject);
    } else if (defaultobject instanceof boolean) {
      return sp.getboolean(key, (boolean) defaultobject);
    } else if (defaultobject instanceof float) {
      return sp.getfloat(key, (float) defaultobject);
    } else if (defaultobject instanceof long) {
      return sp.getlong(key, (long) defaultobject);
    return null;
   * 移除某个key值已经对应的值
   * @param context
   * @param key
  public static void remove(context context, string key) {
    sharedpreferences sp = context.getsharedpreferences(file_name, context.mode_private);
    sharedpreferences.editor editor = sp.edit();
   * 清除所有数据
   * @param context
  public static void clear(context context) {
    sharedpreferences sp = context.getsharedpreferences(file_name, context.mode_private);
    sharedpreferences.editor editor = sp.edit();
   * 查询某个key是否已经存在
   * @param context
   * @param key
   * @return
  public static boolean contains(context context, string key) {
    sharedpreferences sp = context.getsharedpreferences(file_name, context.mode_private);
    return sp.contains(key);
   * 返回所有的键值对
   * @param context
   * @return
  public static map<string, ?> getall(context context) {
    sharedpreferences sp = context.getsharedpreferences(file_name, context.mode_private);
    return sp.getall();
   * 创建一个解决sharedpreferencescompat.apply方法的一个兼容类
   * @author zhy
  private static class sharedpreferencescompat {
    private static final method sapplymethod = findapplymethod();
     * 反射查找apply的方法
     * @return
    @suppresswarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
    private static method findapplymethod() {
      try {
        class clz = sharedpreferences.editor.class;
        return clz.getmethod("apply");
      } catch (nosuchmethodexception e) {
      return null;
     * 如果找到则使用apply执行,否则使用commit
     * @param editor
    public static void apply(sharedpreferences.editor editor) {
      try {
        if (sapplymethod != null) {
      } catch (illegalargumentexception e) {
      } catch (illegalaccessexception e) {
      } catch (invocationtargetexception e) {


 * 跟网络相关的工具类
 * @project  app_zxing
 * @package  com.android.scan
 * @author   chenlin
 * @version  1.0
 * @date    2013年6月8日
 * @note    todo
public class netutils {
  private netutils() {
    /* cannot be instantiated */
    throw new unsupportedoperationexception("cannot be instantiated");
   * 判断网络是否连接
   * @param context
   * @return
  public static boolean isconnected(context context) {
    connectivitymanager connectivity = (connectivitymanager) context.getsystemservice(context.connectivity_service);
    if (null != connectivity) {
      networkinfo info = connectivity.getactivenetworkinfo();
      if (null != info && info.isconnected()) {
        if (info.getstate() == networkinfo.state.connected) {
          return true;
    return false;
   * 判断是否是wifi连接
  public static boolean iswifi(context context) {
    connectivitymanager cm = (connectivitymanager) context.getsystemservice(context.connectivity_service);
    if (cm == null)
      return false;
    return cm.getactivenetworkinfo().gettype() == connectivitymanager.type_wifi;
   * 打开网络设置界面
  public static void opensetting(activity activity) {
    intent intent = new intent("/");
    componentname cm = new componentname("com.android.settings", "com.android.settings.wirelesssettings");
    activity.startactivityforresult(intent, 0);


 * 获得屏幕相关的辅助类
 * @project  app_zxing
 * @package  com.android.scan
 * @author   chenlin
 * @version  1.0
 * @date    2013年6月6日
public class screenutils {
  private screenutils() {
    /* cannot be instantiated */
    throw new unsupportedoperationexception("cannot be instantiated");
   * 获得屏幕高度
   * @param context
   * @return
  public static int getscreenwidth(context context) {
    windowmanager wm = (windowmanager) context.getsystemservice(context.window_service);
    displaymetrics outmetrics = new displaymetrics();
    return outmetrics.widthpixels;
   * 获得屏幕宽度
   * @param context
   * @return
  public static int getscreenheight(context context) {
    windowmanager wm = (windowmanager) context.getsystemservice(context.window_service);
    displaymetrics outmetrics = new displaymetrics();
    return outmetrics.heightpixels;
   * 获得状态栏的高度
   * @param context
   * @return
  public static int getstatusheight(context context) {
    int statusheight = -1;
    try {
      class<?> clazz = class.forname("com.android.internal.r$dimen");
      object object = clazz.newinstance();
      int height = integer.parseint(clazz.getfield("status_bar_height").get(object).tostring());
      statusheight = context.getresources().getdimensionpixelsize(height);
    } catch (exception e) {
    return statusheight;
   * 获取当前屏幕截图,包含状态栏
   * @param activity
   * @return
  public static bitmap snapshotwithstatusbar(activity activity) {
    view view = activity.getwindow().getdecorview();
    bitmap bmp = view.getdrawingcache();
    int width = getscreenwidth(activity);
    int height = getscreenheight(activity);
    bitmap bp = null;
    bp = bitmap.createbitmap(bmp, 0, 0, width, height);
    return bp;
   * 获取当前屏幕截图,不包含状态栏
   * @param activity
   * @return
  public static bitmap snapshotwithoutstatusbar(activity activity) {
    view view = activity.getwindow().getdecorview();
    bitmap bmp = view.getdrawingcache();
    rect frame = new rect();
    int statusbarheight = frame.top;
    int width = getscreenwidth(activity);
    int height = getscreenheight(activity);
    bitmap bp = null;
    bp = bitmap.createbitmap(bmp, 0, statusbarheight, width, height - statusbarheight);
    return bp;

