2023-11-29 23:02:28
1. 需要有可以显示hindi语言的字体,我在网上下载了一个:droidhindi.ttf
2. 需要修改的地方主要有
1) 将下载的字体文件拷贝到:./frameworks/base/data/fonts/
2) 修改./frameworks/base/data/fonts/android.mk,将droidhindi.ttf添加到copy_from:
copy_from := \
droidsans.ttf \
droidsans-bold.ttf \
droidsansarabic.ttf \
droidsanshebrew.ttf \
droidsansthai.ttf \
droidhindi.ttf \
droidserif-regular.ttf \
droidserif-bold.ttf \
droidserif-italic.ttf \
droidserif-bolditalic.ttf \
droidsansmono.ttf \
3) hindi的语言代码是hi_in,修改./device/qcom/common/common.mk,将hindi的语言代码加进去,这样在你的设置->语言和键盘->选择语言里面就可以看见hindi语言了:
product_locales := en_us en_gb es_es es_us fr_fr zh_cn zh_tw hi_in it_it pt_pt ru_ru
4) 修改./external/skia/src/ports/skfonthost_android.cpp,将droidhindi.ttf加进去。网上介绍的很多方法都没有提到这一步,如果没有这一步的话,添加的语言是不生效的,显示的是乱码,因为android无法找到hindi语言可以显示的字体,还是会选择默认字体去显示。修改的地方为:
/* fonts must be grouped by family, with the first font in a family having the
list of names (even if that list is empty), and the following members having
null for the list. the names list must be null-terminated
static const fontinitrec gsystemfonts[] = {
{ "droidsans.ttf", gsansnames },
{ "droidsans-bold.ttf", null },
{ "droidserif-regular.ttf", gserifnames },
{ "droidserif-bold.ttf", null },
{ "droidserif-italic.ttf", null },
{ "droidserif-bolditalic.ttf", null },
{ "droidsansmono.ttf", gmononames },
/* these are optional, and can be ignored if not found in the file system.
these are appended to gfallbackfonts[] as they are seen, so we list
them in the order we want them to be accessed by nextlogicalfont().
{ "droidsansarabic.ttf", gfbnames },
{ "droidsanshebrew.ttf", gfbnames },
{ "droidsansthai.ttf", gfbnames },
{ "droidhindi.ttf", gfbnames }, // 新添加的语言
{ "mtlmr3m.ttf", gfbnames }, // motoya japanese font
{ "mtlc3m.ttf", gfbnames }, // motoya japanese font
{ "droidsansjapanese.ttf", gfbnames },
{ "droidsansfallback.ttf", gfbnames }
5) 去./build/target/product/full.mk看看系统选择的是哪个语言列表,我的是:
$(call inherit-product, build/target/product/languages_small.mk)
product_locales := en_us en_gb fr_fr hi_in it_it de_de es_es
3. 剩下的就是重新编译一下,然后flash到手机或模拟器上就可以了。
1. 需要有可以显示hindi语言的字体,我在网上下载了一个:droidhindi.ttf
2. 需要修改的地方主要有
1) 将下载的字体文件拷贝到:./frameworks/base/data/fonts/
2) 修改./frameworks/base/data/fonts/android.mk,将droidhindi.ttf添加到copy_from:
复制代码 代码如下:
copy_from := \
droidsans.ttf \
droidsans-bold.ttf \
droidsansarabic.ttf \
droidsanshebrew.ttf \
droidsansthai.ttf \
droidhindi.ttf \
droidserif-regular.ttf \
droidserif-bold.ttf \
droidserif-italic.ttf \
droidserif-bolditalic.ttf \
droidsansmono.ttf \
3) hindi的语言代码是hi_in,修改./device/qcom/common/common.mk,将hindi的语言代码加进去,这样在你的设置->语言和键盘->选择语言里面就可以看见hindi语言了:
复制代码 代码如下:
product_locales := en_us en_gb es_es es_us fr_fr zh_cn zh_tw hi_in it_it pt_pt ru_ru
4) 修改./external/skia/src/ports/skfonthost_android.cpp,将droidhindi.ttf加进去。网上介绍的很多方法都没有提到这一步,如果没有这一步的话,添加的语言是不生效的,显示的是乱码,因为android无法找到hindi语言可以显示的字体,还是会选择默认字体去显示。修改的地方为:
复制代码 代码如下:
/* fonts must be grouped by family, with the first font in a family having the
list of names (even if that list is empty), and the following members having
null for the list. the names list must be null-terminated
static const fontinitrec gsystemfonts[] = {
{ "droidsans.ttf", gsansnames },
{ "droidsans-bold.ttf", null },
{ "droidserif-regular.ttf", gserifnames },
{ "droidserif-bold.ttf", null },
{ "droidserif-italic.ttf", null },
{ "droidserif-bolditalic.ttf", null },
{ "droidsansmono.ttf", gmononames },
/* these are optional, and can be ignored if not found in the file system.
these are appended to gfallbackfonts[] as they are seen, so we list
them in the order we want them to be accessed by nextlogicalfont().
{ "droidsansarabic.ttf", gfbnames },
{ "droidsanshebrew.ttf", gfbnames },
{ "droidsansthai.ttf", gfbnames },
{ "droidhindi.ttf", gfbnames }, // 新添加的语言
{ "mtlmr3m.ttf", gfbnames }, // motoya japanese font
{ "mtlc3m.ttf", gfbnames }, // motoya japanese font
{ "droidsansjapanese.ttf", gfbnames },
{ "droidsansfallback.ttf", gfbnames }
5) 去./build/target/product/full.mk看看系统选择的是哪个语言列表,我的是:
$(call inherit-product, build/target/product/languages_small.mk)
product_locales := en_us en_gb fr_fr hi_in it_it de_de es_es
3. 剩下的就是重新编译一下,然后flash到手机或模拟器上就可以了。
下一篇: Tomcat内存溢出分析及解决方法