mptcp on ns3 simulation
关于mptcp的研究论文,在谷歌学术上搜索,大概有好几百篇,但是搜索关于mptcp的仿真实现,却只有那么几个[1,2,3,4]。需要说明的是,[1,2,4]代码都有一个祖宗,都是从[5]这份代码里改的。[3]的作者靠着这份代码,还发了一篇computer network的文章[6],实现的到底如何,因为实在是没法用,也就不做评论了。
我这个学期初,最先调试的是[1]的代码,并发现了两个bug,虽说他的代码并不维护了,我依然提交了issue,提醒后来者注意。There is a saying in Game of Throne-The night is dark and full of terror. And here, I will say, the code is dark and full of bugs.
I prepared to do some research on MPTCP packets scheduling and its congestion control algorithm. At that time, I am a newbie in ns3 simulation.The code compiling and debug nearly cost me one week, which make me want the say the F-word several times. As a third year Phd-candidate without any publishing paper, I was really depressed. Finally, I gave it up due to I cant running a mptcp simulation code without any bugs. This annoying process makes me learn some thing.
Now, I still want to continue my research work on MPTCP. I compiled the code[2], it seems the code contains some bugs also. The simulation process will terminate before the stop time. I totally know the road to success is not quite straight. But I do not have to much spare time to debug its code. So, I gave it up also.
Finally, I found[4], and put the mptcp part into the codebase of[1]. And I make some minor modification on this code. And The following is the simulation results. I run the simulation twice, one with fully coupled congestion control algorithm and the other with the configuration of uncoupled congestion control.
I upload the modified code on Baidu Wangpan[7], with the hope to help others to avoid such obstacles. The simulation result can be got under the trace file.
The tips to build:
cd mptcp-ns3/ns-3.13
sudo su
./waf configure
./waf build
./waf --run scratch/mpTopology
[6]An implementation of multipath TCP in ns3
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