2023-11-29 16:11:40
memcached 是一个高性能的分布式内存对象缓存系统,用于动态web应用以减轻数据库...
memcached 是一个高性能的分布式内存对象缓存系统,用于动态web应用以减轻数据库负载。它通过在内存中缓存数据和对象来减少读取数据库的次数,从而提高动态、数据库驱动网站的速度。本文利用memcached 的实例和spring的拦截器实现缓存自定义的实现。利用拦截器读取自定义的缓存标签,key值的生成策略。
package com.jeex.sci; @target(elementtype.method) @retention(retentionpolicy.runtime) @inherited @documented public @interface cacheable { string namespace(); string key() default ""; int[] keyargs() default { } ; string[] keyproperties() default { } ; string keygenerator() default ""; int expires() default 1800; }
package com.jeex.sci; @target(elementtype.method) @retention(retentionpolicy.runtime) @inherited @documented public @interface cacheevict { string namespace(); string key() default ""; int[] keyargs() default { } ; string[] keyproperties() default { } ; string keygenerator() default ""; }
spring如果需要前后通知的话,一般会实现methodinterceptor public object invoke(methodinvocation invocation) throws throwable
public object invoke(methodinvocation invoction) throws throwable { method method = invoction.getmethod(); cacheable c = method.getannotation(cacheable.class); if (c != null) { return handlecacheable(invoction, method, c); } cacheevict ce = method.getannotation(cacheevict.class); if (ce != null) { return handlecacheevict(invoction, ce); } return invoction.proceed(); }
private object handlecacheable(methodinvocation invoction, method method, cacheable c) throws throwable { string key = getkey(invoction, keyinfo.fromcacheable(c)); if (key.equals("")) { if (log.isdebugenabled()){ log.warn("empty cache key, the method is " + method); } return invoction.proceed(); } long nstag = (long) memcachedget(c.namespace()); if (nstag == null) { nstag = long.valueof(system.currenttimemillis()); memcachedset(c.namespace(), 24*3600, long.valueof(nstag)); } key = makememcachedkey(c.namespace(), nstag, key); object o = null; o = memcachedget(key); if (o != null) { if (log.isdebugenabled()) { log.debug("cache hit: cache key = " + key); } } else { if (log.isdebugenabled()) { log.debug("cache miss: cache key = " + key); } o = invoction.proceed(); memcachedset(key, c.expires(), o); } return o; }
private object handlecacheevict(methodinvocation invoction, cacheevict ce) throws throwable { string key = getkey(invoction, keyinfo.fromcacheevict(ce)); if (key.equals("")) { if (log.isdebugenabled()) { log.debug("evicting " + ce.namespace()); } memcacheddelete(ce.namespace()); } else { long nstag = (long) memcachedget(ce.namespace()); if (nstag != null) { key = makememcachedkey(ce.namespace(), nstag, key); if (log.isdebugenabled()) { log.debug("evicting " + key); } memcacheddelete(key); } } return invoction.proceed(); }
//使用拦截到方法的参数生成参数 private string getkeywithargs(object[] args, int[] argindex) { stringbuilder key = new stringbuilder(); boolean first = true; for (int index: argindex) { if (index < 0 || index >= args.length) { throw new illegalargumentexception("index out of bound"); } if (!first) { key.append(':'); } else { first = false; } key = key.append(args[index]); } return key.tostring(); }
private string getkeywithproperties(object o, string props[]) throws exception { stringbuilder key = new stringbuilder(); boolean first = true; for (string prop: props) { //把bean的属性转为获取方法的名字 string methodname = "get" + prop.substring(0, 1).touppercase() + prop.substring(1); method m = o.getclass().getmethod(methodname); object r = m.invoke(o, (object[]) null); if (!first) { key.append(':'); } else { first = false; } key = key.append(r); } return key.tostring(); }
//使用生成器生成key private string getkeywithgenerator(methodinvocation invoction, string keygenerator) throws exception { class<?> ckg = class.forname(keygenerator); cachekeygenerator ikg = (cachekeygenerator)ckg.newinstance(); return ikg.generate(invoction.getarguments()); }
private static class keyinfo { string key; int[] keyargs; string keyproperties[]; string keygenerator; static keyinfo fromcacheable(cacheable c) { keyinfo ki = new keyinfo(); ki.key = c.key(); ki.keyargs = c.keyargs(); ki.keygenerator = c.keygenerator(); ki.keyproperties = c.keyproperties(); return ki; } static keyinfo fromcacheevict(cacheevict ce) { keyinfo ki = new keyinfo(); ki.key = ce.key(); ki.keyargs = ce.keyargs(); ki.keygenerator = ce.keygenerator(); ki.keyproperties = ce.keyproperties(); return ki; } string key() { return key; } int[] keyargs() { return keyargs; } string[] keyproperties() { return keyproperties; } string keygenerator() { return keygenerator; } }
//使用参数设置key @cacheable(namespace="blacklist", keyargs={0, 1}) public int anothermethond(int a, int b) { return 100; }
package com.jeex.sci.test; import net.spy.memcached.memcachedclient; import org.junit.test; import org.springframework.context.applicationcontext; import org.springframework.context.support.filesystemxmlapplicationcontext; public class testmain { public static void main(string args[]) throws interruptedexception{ applicationcontext ctx = new filesystemxmlapplicationcontext("/src/test/resources/beans.xml"); memcachedclient mc = (memcachedclient) ctx.getbean("memcachedclient"); blacklistdaoimpl dao = (blacklistdaoimpl)ctx.getbean("blacklistdaoimpl"); while (true) { system.out.println("################################getting start######################"); mc.flush(); blacklistquery query = new blacklistquery(1, ""); dao.searchblacklistcount(query); dao.searchblacklistcount2(query); blacklistquery query2 = new blacklistquery(1, ""); dao.anothermethond(333, 444); dao.searchblacklistcount2(query2); dao.searchblacklistcount3(query2); dao.evict(query); dao.searchblacklistcount2(query); dao.evictall(); dao.searchblacklistcount3(query2); thread.sleep(300); } } }