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程序员文章站 2023-11-27 19:09:28
枚举中有values方法用于按照枚举定义的顺序生成一个数组,可以用来历遍。我们自定义的枚举类都是继承自java.lang.enum,拥有一下实例中的功能: 复制代码 代码如...
复制代码 代码如下:

//: enumerated/enumclass.java
// capabilities of the enum class
import static net.mindview.util.print.*;
enum shrubbery { ground, crawling, hanging }
public class enumclass {
  public static void main(string[] args) {
    for(shrubbery s : shrubbery.values()) {
      print(s + " ordinal: " + s.ordinal());
      printnb(s.compareto(shrubbery.crawling) + " ");
      printnb(s.equals(shrubbery.crawling) + " ");
      print(s == shrubbery.crawling);
    // produce an enum value from a string name:
    for(string s : "hanging crawling ground".split(" ")) {
      shrubbery shrub = enum.valueof(shrubbery.class, s);
} /* output:
ground ordinal: 0
-1 false false
class shrubbery
joshua bloch was extremely helpful in developing this chapter.
crawling ordinal: 1
true true
class shrubbery
hanging ordinal: 2
false false
class shrubbery

复制代码 代码如下:

//: enumerated/spiciness.java
package enumerated;
public enum spiciness {not, mild, medium, hot, flaming} ///:~
//: enumerated/burrito.java
package enumerated;
import static enumerated.spiciness.*;
public class burrito {
  spiciness degree;
  public burrito(spiciness degree) { this.degree = degree;}
  public string tostring() { return "burrito is "+ degree;}
  public static void main(string[] args) {
    system.out.println(new burrito(not));
    system.out.println(new burrito(medium));
    system.out.println(new burrito(hot));
} /* output:
burrito is not
burrito is medium
burrito is hot

复制代码 代码如下:

//: enumerated/ozwitch.java
// the witches in the land of oz.
import static net.mindview.util.print.*;
public enum ozwitch {
  // instances must be defined first, before methods:
  west("miss gulch, aka the wicked witch of the west"),north("glinda, the good witch of the north"),east("wicked witch of the east, wearer of the ruby " + "slippers, crushed by dorothy's house"),south("good by inference, but missing");
  private string description;
  // constructor must be package or private access:
  private ozwitch(string description) {
    this.description = description;
  public string getdescription() { return description; }
  public static void main(string[] args) {
    for(ozwitch witch : ozwitch.values())
      print(witch + ": " + witch.getdescription());
} /* output:
west: miss gulch, aka the wicked witch of the west
north: glinda, the good witch of the north
east: wicked witch of the east, wearer of the ruby slippers, crushed by dorothy's house
south: good by inference, but missing

复制代码 代码如下:

//: enumerated/spaceship.java
public enum spaceship {
  scout, cargo, transport, cruiser, battleship, mothership;
  public string tostring() {
    string id = name();
    string lower = id.substring(1).tolowercase();
    return id.charat(0) + lower;
  public static void main(string[] args) {
    for(spaceship s : values()) {
} /* output:

复制代码 代码如下:

//: enumerated/trafficlight.java
// enums in switch statements.
import static net.mindview.util.print.*;
// define an enum type:
enum signal { green, yellow, red, }
  public class trafficlight {
    signal color = signal.red;
    public void change() {
    switch(color) {
      // note that you don't have to say signal.red
      // in the case statement:
      case red: color = signal.green;
      case green: color = signal.yellow;
      case yellow: color = signal.red;
  public string tostring() {
    return "the traffic light is " + color;
  public static void main(string[] args) {
    trafficlight t = new trafficlight();
    for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
} /* output:
the traffic light is red
the traffic light is green
the traffic light is yellow
the traffic light is red
the traffic light is green
the traffic light is yellow
the traffic light is red

复制代码 代码如下:

//: enumerated/reflection.java
// analyzing enums using reflection.
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.util.*;
import net.mindview.util.*;
import static net.mindview.util.print.*;
enum explore { here, there }
public class reflection {
  public static set<string> analyze(class<?> enumclass) {
    print("----- analyzing " + enumclass + " -----");
    for(type t : enumclass.getgenericinterfaces())
    print("base: " + enumclass.getsuperclass());
    print("methods: ");
    set<string> methods = new treeset<string>();
    for(method m : enumclass.getmethods())
    return methods;
  public static void main(string[] args) {
    set<string> exploremethods = analyze(explore.class);
    set<string> enummethods = analyze(enum.class);
    print("explore.containsall(enum)? " +
    printnb("explore.removeall(enum): ");
    // decompile the code for the enum:
    osexecute.command("javap explore");
} /* output:
----- analyzing class explore -----
base: class java.lang.enum
[compareto, equals, getclass, getdeclaringclass, hashcode, name, notify, notifyall, ordinal, tostring, valueof, values, wait]
----- analyzing class java.lang.enum -----
interface java.io.serializable
base: class java.lang.object
[compareto, equals, getclass, getdeclaringclass, hashcode, name, notify, notifyall, ordinal, tostring, valueof, wait]
explore.containsall(enum)? true
explore.removeall(enum): [values]
compiled from "reflection.java"
final class explore extends java.lang.enum{
public static final explore here;
public static final explore there;
public static final explore[] values();
public static explore valueof(java.lang.string);
static {};

复制代码 代码如下:

//: enumerated/upcastenum.java
// no values() method if you upcast an enum
enum search { hither, yon }
public class upcastenum {
  public static void main(string[] args) {
    search[] vals = search.values();
    enum e = search.hither; // upcast
    // e.values(); // no values() in enum
    for(enum en : e.getclass().getenumconstants())
} /* output:

复制代码 代码如下:

//: enumerated/cartoons/enumimplementation.java
// an enum can implement an interface
package enumerated.cartoons;
import java.util.*;
import net.mindview.util.*;
enum cartooncharacter implements generator<cartooncharacter> {
  slappy, spanky, punchy, silly, bouncy, nutty, bob;
  private random rand = new random(47);
  public cartooncharacter next() {
    return values()[rand.nextint(values().length)];
public class enumimplementation {
  public static <t> void printnext(generator<t> rg) {
    system.out.print(rg.next() + ", ");
  public static void main(string[] args) {
    // choose any instance:
    cartooncharacter cc = cartooncharacter.bob;
    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
} /* output:
bob, punchy, bob, spanky, nutty, punchy, slappy, nutty, nutty, slappy,

复制代码 代码如下:

//: net/mindview/util/enums.java
package net.mindview.util;
import java.util.*;
public class enums {
  private static random rand = new random(47);
  public static <t extends enum<t>> t random(class<t> ec) {
    return random(ec.getenumconstants());
  public static <t> t random(t[] values) {
    return values[rand.nextint(values.length)];
} ///:~

复制代码 代码如下:

//: enumerated/randomtest.java
import net.mindview.util.*;
enum activity { sitting, lying, standing, hopping, running, dodging, jumping, falling, flying }
public class randomtest {
  public static void main(string[] args) {
    for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
      system.out.print(enums.random(activity.class) + " ");
} /* output:
standing flying running standing running standing lying dodging sitting running hopping hopping hopping running standing lying falling running flying lying

复制代码 代码如下:

//: enumerated/menu/food.java
// subcategorization of enums within interfaces.
package enumerated.menu;
public interface food {enum appetizer implements food {salad, soup, spring_rolls;}
  enum maincourse implements food {lasagne, burrito, pad_thai,lentils, hummous, vindaloo;}
  enum dessert implements food {tiramisu, gelato, black_forest_cake,fruit, creme_caramel;}
  enum coffee implements food {black_coffee, decaf_coffee, espresso,latte, cappuccino, tea, herb_tea;}
} ///:~

复制代码 代码如下:

//: enumerated/menu/typeoffood.java
package enumerated.menu;
import static enumerated.menu.food.*;
public class typeoffood {
  public static void main(string[] args) {
    food food = appetizer.salad;
    food = maincourse.lasagne;
    food = dessert.gelato;
    food = coffee.cappuccino;
} ///:~

复制代码 代码如下:

//: enumerated/menu/course.java
package enumerated.menu;
import net.mindview.util.*;
public enum course {
  private food[] values;
  private course(class<? extends food> kind) {
    values = kind.getenumconstants();
  public food randomselection() {
    return enums.random(values);
} ///:~

复制代码 代码如下:

//: enumerated/menu/meal.java
package enumerated.menu;
public class meal {
  public static void main(string[] args) {
    for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
      for(course course : course.values()) {
        food food = course.randomselection();
} /* output:

复制代码 代码如下:

//: enumerated/securitycategory.java
// more succinct subcategorization of enums.
import net.mindview.util.*;
enum securitycategory {
  stock(security.stock.class), bond(security.bond.class);
  security[] values;
  securitycategory(class<? extends security> kind) {
    values = kind.getenumconstants();
  interface security {
    enum stock implements security { short, long, margin }
    enum bond implements security { municipal, junk }
  public security randomselection() {
    return enums.random(values);
  public static void main(string[] args) {
    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      securitycategory category = enums.random(securitycategory.class);
      system.out.println(category + ": " +
} /* output:
bond: municipal
bond: municipal
stock: margin
stock: margin
bond: junk
stock: short
stock: long
stock: long
bond: municipal
bond: junk

复制代码 代码如下:

//: enumerated/menu/meal2.java
package enumerated.menu;
import net.mindview.util.*;
public enum meal2 {
  private food[] values;
  private meal2(class<? extends food> kind) {
    values = kind.getenumconstants();
  public interface food {
    enum appetizer implements food {salad, soup, spring_rolls;}
    enum maincourse implements food {lasagne, burrito, pad_thai,lentils, hummous, vindaloo;}
    enum dessert implements food {tiramisu, gelato, black_forest_cake,fruit, creme_caramel;}
    enum coffee implements food {black_coffee, decaf_coffee, espresso,latte, cappuccino, tea, herb_tea;}
  public food randomselection() {
    return enums.random(values);
  public static void main(string[] args) {
    for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
      for(meal2 meal : meal2.values()) {
        food food = meal.randomselection();
} /* same output as meal.java *///:~

  在java se5中添加了enumset来将枚举和set组合用于替换基于整型的位标志。位标志通常用来指示某种信息的开关,但是在代码中是对位进行操作而不是有意义的概念,因此不容易理解。enumset的效率比位标志要快,在内部使用long性表示一个位向量,然后就可以使用更加概念化的语言来表示某个位的开关,而不用担心效率。enumset中的元素必须来自同一个枚举,下面定义一个报警器位置的枚举:
复制代码 代码如下:

//: enumerated/alarmpoints.java
package enumerated;
public enum alarmpoints {stair1, stair2, lobby, office1, office2, office3,office4, bathroom, utility, kitchen} ///:~

复制代码 代码如下:

//: enumerated/enumsets.java
// operations on enumsets
package enumerated;
import java.util.*;
import static enumerated.alarmpoints.*;
import static net.mindview.util.print.*;
public class enumsets {
  public static void main(string[] args) {
    enumset<alarmpoints> points = enumset.noneof(alarmpoints.class); // empty set
    points.addall(enumset.of(stair1, stair2, kitchen));
    points = enumset.allof(alarmpoints.class);
    points.removeall(enumset.of(stair1, stair2, kitchen));
    points.removeall(enumset.range(office1, office4));
    points = enumset.complementof(points);
} /* output:
[stair1, stair2, bathroom, kitchen]
[lobby, office1, office2, office3, office4, bathroom, utility]
[lobby, bathroom, utility]
[stair1, stair2, office1, office2, office3, office4, kitchen]

复制代码 代码如下:

//: enumerated/bigenumset.java
import java.util.*;
public class bigenumset {
  enum big { a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10,a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20, a21,a22, a23, a24, a25, a26, a27, a28, a29, a30, a31, a32,
a33, a34, a35, a36, a37, a38, a39, a40, a41, a42, a43,a44, a45, a46, a47, a48, a49, a50, a51, a52, a53, a54,a55, a56, a57, a58, a59, a60, a61, a62, a63, a64, a65,
a66, a67, a68, a69, a70, a71, a72, a73, a74, a75 }
  public static void main(string[] args) {
    enumset<big> bigenumset = enumset.allof(big.class);
} /* output:
[a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20, a21, a22, a23, a24, a25, a26, a27, a28, a29, a30, a31, a32, a33, a34, a35, a36, a37, a38, a39, a40, a41, a42, a43, a44, a45, a46, a47, a48, a49, a50, a51, a52, a53, a54, a55, a56, a57, a58, a59, a60, a61, a62, a63, a64, a65, a66, a67, a68, a69, a70, a71, a72, a73, a74, a75]

复制代码 代码如下:

//: enumerated/enummaps.java
// basics of enummaps.
package enumerated;
import java.util.*;
import static enumerated.alarmpoints.*;
import static net.mindview.util.print.*;
interface command { void action(); }
public class enummaps {
  public static void main(string[] args) {
    enummap<alarmpoints,command> em = new enummap<alarmpoints,command>(alarmpoints.class);
    em.put(kitchen, new command() {
      public void action() { print("kitchen fire!"); }
    em.put(bathroom, new command() {
      public void action() { print("bathroom alert!"); }
    for(map.entry<alarmpoints,command> e : em.entryset()) {
      printnb(e.getkey() + ": ");
    try { // if there's no value for a particular key:
    } catch(exception e) {
} /* output:
bathroom: bathroom alert!
kitchen: kitchen fire!

复制代码 代码如下:

//: enumerated/constantspecificmethod.java
import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;
public enum constantspecificmethod {
  date_time {string getinfo() {return dateformat.getdateinstance().format(new date());}},
  classpath {string getinfo() {return system.getenv("classpath");}},
version {string getinfo() {return system.getproperty("java.version");}};
  abstract string getinfo();
  public static void main(string[] args) {
    for(constantspecificmethod csm : values())
} /* (execute to see output) *///:~

复制代码 代码如下:

//: enumerated/notclasses.java
// {exec: javap -c likeclasses}
import static net.mindview.util.print.*;
enum likeclasses {winken { void behavior() { print("behavior1"); } },blinken { void behavior() { print("behavior2"); } },nod { void behavior() { print("behavior3"); } };
  abstract void behavior();
public class notclasses {
  // void f1(likeclasses.winken instance) {} // nope
} /* output:
compiled from "notclasses.java"
abstract class likeclasses extends java.lang.enum{
public static final likeclasses winken;
public static final likeclasses blinken;
public static final likeclasses nod;

复制代码 代码如下:

//: enumerated/carwash.java
import java.util.*;
import static net.mindview.util.print.*;
public class carwash {
  public enum cycle {underbody {void action() { print("spraying the underbody"); }},
wheelwash {void action() { print("washing the wheels"); }},
         prewash {void action() { print("loosening the dirt"); }},
         basic {void action() { print("the basic wash"); }},
         hotwax {void action() { print("applying hot wax"); }},
         rinse {void action() { print("rinsing"); }},
         blowdry {void action() { print("blowing dry"); }};
         abstract void action();
  enumset<cycle> cycles = enumset.of(cycle.basic, cycle.rinse);
  public void add(cycle cycle) { cycles.add(cycle); }
  public void washcar() {
    for(cycle c : cycles)
  public string tostring() { return cycles.tostring(); }
  public static void main(string[] args) {
    carwash wash = new carwash();
    // order of addition is unimportant:
    wash.add(cycle.blowdry); // duplicates ignored
} /* output:
[basic, rinse]
the basic wash
[basic, hotwax, rinse, blowdry]
the basic wash
applying hot wax
blowing dry

复制代码 代码如下:

//: enumerated/overrideconstantspecific.java
import static net.mindview.util.print.*;
public enum overrideconstantspecific {
  nut, bolt,washer {void f() { print("overridden method"); }};
  void f() { print("default behavior"); }
  public static void main(string[] args) {
    for(overrideconstantspecific ocs : values()) {
      printnb(ocs + ": ");
} /* output:
nut: default behavior
bolt: default behavior
washer: overridden method

复制代码 代码如下:

//: enumerated/postoffice.java
// modeling a post office.
enumerated types 743
import java.util.*;
import net.mindview.util.*;
import static net.mindview.util.print.*;
class mail {
  // the no's lower the probability of random selection:
  enum generaldelivery {yes,no1,no2,no3,no4,no5}
  enum scannability {unscannable,yes1,yes2,yes3,yes4}
  enum readability {illegible,yes1,yes2,yes3,yes4}
  enum address {incorrect,ok1,ok2,ok3,ok4,ok5,ok6}
  enum returnaddress {missing,ok1,ok2,ok3,ok4,ok5}
  generaldelivery generaldelivery;
  scannability scannability;
  readability readability;
  address address;
  returnaddress returnaddress;
  static long counter = 0;
  long id = counter++;
  public string tostring() { return "mail " + id; }
  public string details() {
  return tostring() + ", general delivery: " + generaldelivery + ", address scanability: " + scannability + ", address readability: " + readability +
", address address: " + address + ", return address: " + returnaddress;
  // generate test mail:
  public static mail randommail() {
    mail m = new mail();
    m.generaldelivery= enums.random(generaldelivery.class);
    m.scannability = enums.random(scannability.class);
    m.readability = enums.random(readability.class);
    m.address = enums.random(address.class);
    m.returnaddress = enums.random(returnaddress.class);
    return m;
  public static iterable<mail> generator(final int count) {
    return new iterable<mail>() {
      int n = count;
      public iterator<mail> iterator() {
        return new iterator<mail>() {
          public boolean hasnext() { return n-- > 0; }
          public mail next() { return randommail(); }
          public void remove() { // not implemented
            throw new unsupportedoperationexception();
public class postoffice {
  enum mailhandler {
    general_delivery {
      boolean handle(mail m) {
        switch(m.generaldelivery) {
          case yes:
            print("using general delivery for " + m);
            return true;
          default: return false;
    machine_scan {
      boolean handle(mail m) {
        switch(m.scannability) {
          case unscannable: return false;
            switch(m.address) {
              case incorrect: return false;
                print("delivering "+ m + " automatically");
              return true;
    visual_inspection {
      boolean handle(mail m) {
        switch(m.readability) {
          case illegible: return false;
            switch(m.address) {
              case incorrect: return false;
                print("delivering " + m + " normally");
              return true;
    return_to_sender {
      boolean handle(mail m) {
        switch(m.returnaddress) {
          case missing: return false;
            print("returning " + m + " to sender");
          return true;
    abstract boolean handle(mail m);
  static void handle(mail m) {
    for(mailhandler handler : mailhandler.values())
    print(m + " is a dead letter");
  public static void main(string[] args) {
    for(mail mail : mail.generator(10)) {
} /* output:
mail 0, general delivery: no2, address scanability: unscannable, address readability: yes3, address address: ok1, return address: ok1
delivering mail 0 normally
mail 1, general delivery: no5, address scanability: yes3, address readability: illegible, address address: ok5, return address: ok1
delivering mail 1 automatically
mail 2, general delivery: yes, address scanability: yes3, address readability: yes1, address address: ok1, return address: ok5
using general delivery for mail 2
mail 3, general delivery: no4, address scanability: yes3, address readability: yes1, address address: incorrect, return address: ok4
returning mail 3 to sender
mail 4, general delivery: no4, address scanability: unscannable, address readability: yes1, address address: incorrect, return address: ok2
returning mail 4 to sender
mail 5, general delivery: no3, address scanability: yes1, address readability: illegible, address address: ok4, return address: ok2
delivering mail 5 automatically
mail 6, general delivery: yes, address scanability: yes4, address readability: illegible, address address: ok4, return address: ok4
using general delivery for mail 6
mail 7, general delivery: yes, address scanability: yes3, address readability: yes4, address address: ok2, return address: missing
using general delivery for mail 7
mail 8, general delivery: no3, address scanability: yes1, address readability: yes3, address address: incorrect, return address: missing
mail 8 is a dead letter
mail 9, general delivery: no1, address scanability: unscannable, address readability: yes2, address address: ok1, return address: ok4
delivering mail 9 normally

复制代码 代码如下:

//: enumerated/input.java
package enumerated;
import java.util.*;
public enum input {
  nickel(5), dime(10), quarter(25), dollar(100),toothpaste(200), chips(75), soda(100), soap(50),abort_transaction {
    public int amount() { // disallow
      throw new runtimeexception("abort.amount()");
  stop { // this must be the last instance.
    public int amount() { // disallow
      throw new runtimeexception("shut_down.amount()");
  int value; // in cents
  input(int value) { this.value = value; }
  input() {}
  int amount() { return value; }; // in cents
  static random rand = new random(47);
  public static input randomselection() {
    // don't include stop:
    return values()[rand.nextint(values().length - 1)];
} ///:~

复制代码 代码如下:

//: enumerated/vendingmachine.java
// {args: vendingmachineinput.txt}
package enumerated;
import java.util.*;
import net.mindview.util.*;
import static enumerated.input.*;
import static net.mindview.util.print.*;
enum category {
  money(nickel, dime, quarter, dollar),item_selection(toothpaste, chips, soda, soap),quit_transaction(abort_transaction),shut_down(stop);
  private input[] values;
  category(input... types) { values = types; }
  private static enummap<input,category> categories = new enummap<input,category>(input.class);
  static {
    for(category c : category.class.getenumconstants())
      for(input type : c.values)
        categories.put(type, c);
  public static category categorize(input input) {
    return categories.get(input);
public class vendingmachine {
  private static state state = state.resting;
  private static int amount = 0;
  private static input selection = null;
  enum stateduration { transient } // tagging enum
  enum state {
    resting {
      void next(input input) {
        switch(category.categorize(input)) {
          case money:
            amount += input.amount();
            state = adding_money;
          case shut_down:
            state = terminal;
    adding_money {
      void next(input input) {
        switch(category.categorize(input)) {
          case money:
            amount += input.amount();
          case item_selection:
            selection = input;
            if(amount < selection.amount())
              print("insufficient money for " + selection);
            else state = dispensing;
          case quit_transaction:
            state = giving_change;
          case shut_down:
            state = terminal;
    dispensing(stateduration.transient) {
      void next() {
        print("here is your " + selection);
        amount -= selection.amount();
        state = giving_change;
    giving_change(stateduration.transient) {
      void next() {
        if(amount > 0) {
          print("your change: " + amount);
          amount = 0;
        state = resting;
    terminal { void output() { print("halted"); } };
    private boolean istransient = false;
    state() {}
    state(stateduration trans) { istransient = true; }
    void next(input input) {
      throw new runtimeexception("only call " + "next(input input) for non-transient states");
    void next() {
      throw new runtimeexception("only call next() for " + "stateduration.transient states");
    void output() { print(amount); }
  static void run(generator<input> gen) {
    while(state != state.terminal) {
  public static void main(string[] args) {
    generator<input> gen = new randominputgenerator();
    if(args.length == 1)
      gen = new fileinputgenerator(args[0]);
// for a basic sanity check:
class randominputgenerator implements generator<input> {
  public input next() { return input.randomselection(); }
// create inputs from a file of ‘;'-separated strings:
class fileinputgenerator implements generator<input> {
  private iterator<string> input;
  public fileinputgenerator(string filename) {
    input = new textfile(filename, ";").iterator();
  public input next() {
      return null;
    return enum.valueof(input.class, input.next().trim());
} /* output:
here is your chips
here is your toothpaste
your change: 35
insufficient money for soda

insufficient money for soda
your change: 75

复制代码 代码如下:

quarter; quarter; quarter; chips;
dollar; dollar; toothpaste;
quarter; dime; abort_transaction;
quarter; dime; soda;
quarter; dime; nickel; soda;

复制代码 代码如下:

//: enumerated/outcome.java
package enumerated;
public enum outcome { win, lose, draw } ///:~
//: enumerated/roshambo1.java
// demonstration of multiple dispatching.
package enumerated;
import java.util.*;
import static enumerated.outcome.*;
interface item {
  outcome compete(item it);
  outcome eval(paper p);
  outcome eval(scissors s);
  outcome eval(rock r);
class paper implements item {
  public outcome compete(item it) { return it.eval(this); }
  public outcome eval(paper p) { return draw; }
  public outcome eval(scissors s) { return win; }
  public outcome eval(rock r) { return lose; }
  public string tostring() { return "paper"; }
class scissors implements item {
  public outcome compete(item it) { return it.eval(this); }
  public outcome eval(paper p) { return lose; }
  public outcome eval(scissors s) { return draw; }
  public outcome eval(rock r) { return win; }
  public string tostring() { return "scissors"; }
class rock implements item {
  public outcome compete(item it) { return it.eval(this); }
  public outcome eval(paper p) { return win; }
  public outcome eval(scissors s) { return lose; }
  public outcome eval(rock r) { return draw; }
  public string tostring() { return "rock"; }
public class roshambo1 {
  static final int size = 20;
  private static random rand = new random(47);
  public static item newitem() {
    switch(rand.nextint(3)) {
      case 0: return new scissors();
      case 1: return new paper();
      case 2: return new rock();
  public static void match(item a, item b) {
    system.out.println(a + " vs. " + b + ": " + a.compete(b));
  public static void main(string[] args) {
    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
      match(newitem(), newitem());
} /* output:
rock vs. rock: draw
paper vs. rock: win
paper vs. rock: win
paper vs. rock: win
scissors vs. paper: win
scissors vs. scissors: draw
scissors vs. paper: win
rock vs. paper: lose
paper vs. paper: draw
rock vs. paper: lose
paper vs. scissors: lose
paper vs. scissors: lose
rock vs. scissors: win
rock vs. paper: lose
paper vs. rock: win
scissors vs. paper: win
paper vs. scissors: lose
paper vs. scissors: lose
paper vs. scissors: lose
paper vs. scissors: lose

复制代码 代码如下:

//: enumerated/roshambo2.java
// switching one enum on another.
package enumerated;
import static enumerated.outcome.*;
public enum roshambo2 implements competitor<roshambo2> {
  paper(draw, lose, win),scissors(win, draw, lose),rock(lose, win, draw);
  private outcome vpaper, vscissors, vrock;
  roshambo2(outcome paper,outcome scissors,outcome rock) {
    this.vpaper = paper;
    this.vscissors = scissors;
    this.vrock = rock;
  public outcome compete(roshambo2 it) {
    switch(it) {
      case paper: return vpaper;
      case scissors: return vscissors;
      case rock: return vrock;
  public static void main(string[] args) {
    roshambo.play(roshambo2.class, 20);
} /* output:
rock vs. rock: draw
scissors vs. rock: lose
scissors vs. rock: lose
enumerated types 753
scissors vs. rock: lose
paper vs. scissors: lose
paper vs. paper: draw
paper vs. scissors: lose
rock vs. scissors: win
scissors vs. scissors: draw
rock vs. scissors: win
scissors vs. paper: win
scissors vs. paper: win
rock vs. paper: lose
rock vs. scissors: win
scissors vs. rock: lose
paper vs. scissors: lose
scissors vs. paper: win
scissors vs. paper: win
scissors vs. paper: win
scissors vs. paper: win

复制代码 代码如下:

//: enumerated/competitor.java
// switching one enum on another.
package enumerated;
public interface competitor<t extends competitor<t>> {
  outcome compete(t competitor);
} ///:~

复制代码 代码如下:

//: enumerated/roshambo.java
// common tools for roshambo examples.
package enumerated;
import net.mindview.util.*;
public class roshambo {
  public static <t extends competitor<t>> void match(t a, t b) {
    system.out.println(a + " vs. " + b + ": " + a.compete(b));
  public static <t extends enum<t> & competitor<t>> void play(class<t> rsbclass, int size) {
    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
} ///:~

复制代码 代码如下:

//: enumerated/roshambo3.java
// using constant-specific methods.
package enumerated;
import static enumerated.outcome.*;
public enum roshambo3 implements competitor<roshambo3> {
  paper {
    public outcome compete(roshambo3 it) {
      switch(it) {
        default: // to placate the compiler
        case paper: return draw;
        case scissors: return lose;
        case rock: return win;
  scissors {
    public outcome compete(roshambo3 it) {
      switch(it) {
        case paper: return win;
        case scissors: return draw;
        case rock: return lose;
  rock {
    public outcome compete(roshambo3 it) {
      switch(it) {
        case paper: return lose;
        case scissors: return win;
        case rock: return draw;
  public abstract outcome compete(roshambo3 it);
  public static void main(string[] args) {
    roshambo.play(roshambo3.class, 20);
} /* same output as roshambo2.java *///:~

复制代码 代码如下:

//: enumerated/roshambo4.java
package enumerated;
public enum roshambo4 implements competitor<roshambo4> {
  rock {
    public outcome compete(roshambo4 opponent) {
      return compete(scissors, opponent);
  scissors {
    public outcome compete(roshambo4 opponent) {
      return compete(paper, opponent);
  paper {
    public outcome compete(roshambo4 opponent) {
      return compete(rock, opponent);
  outcome compete(roshambo4 loser, roshambo4 opponent) {
    return ((opponent == this) ? outcome.draw: ((opponent == loser) ? outcome.win: outcome.lose));
  public static void main(string[] args) {
    roshambo.play(roshambo4.class, 20);
} /* same output as roshambo2.java *///:~

复制代码 代码如下:

//: enumerated/roshambo5.java
// multiple dispatching using an enummap of enummaps.
package enumerated;
import java.util.*;
import static enumerated.outcome.*;
enum roshambo5 implements competitor<roshambo5> {
  paper, scissors, rock;
  static enummap<roshambo5,enummap<roshambo5,outcome>> table = new enummap<roshambo5,enummap<roshambo5,outcome>>(roshambo5.class);
  static {
    for(roshambo5 it : roshambo5.values())
      table.put(it, new enummap<roshambo5,outcome>(roshambo5.class));
    initrow(paper, draw, lose, win);
    initrow(scissors, win, draw, lose);
    initrow(rock, lose, win, draw);
  static void initrow(roshambo5 it, outcome vpaper, outcome vscissors, outcome vrock) {
    enummap<roshambo5,outcome> row = roshambo5.table.get(it);
    row.put(roshambo5.paper, vpaper);
    row.put(roshambo5.scissors, vscissors);
    row.put(roshambo5.rock, vrock);
  public outcome compete(roshambo5 it) {
    return table.get(this).get(it);
  public static void main(string[] args) {
    roshambo.play(roshambo5.class, 20);
} /* same output as roshambo2.java *///:~

复制代码 代码如下:

//: enumerated/roshambo6.java
// enums using "tables" instead of multiple dispatch.
package enumerated;
import static enumerated.outcome.*;
enum roshambo6 implements competitor<roshambo6> {
  paper, scissors, rock;
  private static outcome[][] table = {
    { draw, lose, win }, // paper
    { win, draw, lose }, // scissors
    { lose, win, draw }, // rock
  public outcome compete(roshambo6 other) {
    return table[this.ordinal()][other.ordinal()];
  public static void main(string[] args) {
    roshambo.play(roshambo6.class, 20);
} ///:~