f(0)=0 f(1)=1
f(n)= f(n-1) + f(n-2) (n>=2)
输入整数n (0 ≤ n ≤ 1,000,000,000),求斐波拉契数列第n项的值。由于f(n)值很大,要求只输出其模10000的结果。
例如,输入 9 ,输出 34 ; 输入 999999999 ,输出 626 ;
输入 1000000000,输出 6875。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define modnum 10000
struct matrix
__int64 mat[3][3]; // 存储矩阵中各元素
matrix matmul(matrix a ,matrix b,int n)
matrix c;
int i,j,k;
for (i = 1; i<=n ; i++)
for (j=1 ;j<=n ; j++)
for (k = 1 ;k<=n ;k++)
c.mat[i][j]=(c.mat[i][j]+a.mat[i][k] * b.mat[k][j]) % modnum;
return c;
matrix quickmatpow(matrix a ,int n,int b) // n阶矩阵a快速b次幂
matrix c;
memset(c.mat ,0 ,sizeof(c.mat));
int i;
for (i = 1 ;i <= n ;i++)
c.mat[i][i] = 1;
while (b!=0)
if (b & 1)
c = matmul(c ,a ,n); // c=c*a;
a = matmul(a ,a ,n); // a=a*a
b /= 2;
return c;
int main()
int n ;
matrix p ;
while(scanf("%d", &n) && n != -1)
if (n==0 )
p.mat[1][1]=1; p.mat[1][2]=1;
p.mat[2][1]=1; p.mat[2][2]=0;
p = quickmatpow(p,2,n);
printf("%d\n", p.mat[2][1]);
return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
struct matrix {
__int64 s11 , s12 , s21 , s22 ;
matrix f(matrix a,matrix b)
matrix p ;
p.s11 = (a.s11*b.s11 + a.s12*b.s21)%10000;
p.s12 = (a.s11*b.s12 + a.s12*b.s22)%10000;
p.s21 = (a.s21*b.s11 + a.s22*b.s21)%10000;
p.s22 = (a.s21*b.s12 + a.s22*b.s22)%10000;
return p ;
matrix quickpow(matrix p,int n) // 采用递归的方法实现矩阵快速幂运算
matrix q ;
q.s11 = q.s22 = 1 ; // 初始化为单位矩阵
q.s12 = q.s21 = 0 ;
if (n == 0)
return q ;
q = quickpow(p,n/2);
q = f(q,q);
if (n%2)
q = f(q,p);
return q ;
int main()
int n ;
matrix p ;
while(scanf("%d", &n) && n != -1)
p.s11 = p.s12 = p.s21 = 1 ;
p.s22 = 0 ;
p = quickpow(p,n);
printf("%d\n", p.s12);
return 0;
上面两个源程序提交给poj 3070 “fibonacci”,均可以accepted。
已知a数列的定义为: a[1]=a[2]=a[3]=1
a[x]=a[x-3]+a[x-1] (x>3)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define modnum 1000000007
struct matrix
__int64 mat[4][4]; // 存储矩阵中各元素
matrix matmul(matrix a ,matrix b,int n)
matrix c;
int i,j,k;
for (i = 1; i<=n ; i++)
for (j=1 ;j<=n ; j++)
for (k = 1 ;k<=n ;k++)
c.mat[i][j]=(c.mat[i][j]+a.mat[i][k] * b.mat[k][j]) % modnum;
return c;
matrix quickmatpow(matrix a ,int n,int b) // n阶矩阵a快速b次幂
matrix c;
memset(c.mat ,0 ,sizeof(c.mat));
int i;
for (i = 1 ;i <= n ;i++)
c.mat[i][i] = 1;
while (b!=0)
if (b & 1)
c = matmul(c ,a ,n); // c=c*a;
a = matmul(a ,a ,n); // a=a*a
b /= 2;
return c;
int main()
int t,n;
matrix p ;
while (t--)
if (n<4)
p.mat[1][1]=1; p.mat[1][2]=0; p.mat[1][3]=1;
p.mat[2][1]=1; p.mat[2][2]=0; p.mat[2][3]=0;
p.mat[3][1]=0; p.mat[3][2]=1; p.mat[3][3]=0;
p = quickmatpow(p,3,n-3);
return 0;
【例3】firepersons (poj 2118)。
the association for courtly manners, an international organization for standardization of social interactions (better known under the name absurdly clumsy moralists, but let's not take prejudice.) has decided to create a new international standard defining ranks of firepersons (formerly firemen, but the international standards of course must be politically correct.) - each fireperson receives an integer number describing his rank and when they arrive to a fire, they must enter the fire ground in order of increasing ranks and the low ranked firepersons must keep the fire burning long enough for the high ranked firepersons to enjoy extinguishing sufficiently.
the ranks are assigned according to an arbitrary constant multiplier sequence. an acm-sequence of order k is an integer sequence defined by its first k terms a0, a1,...ak-1 and a recurrence relation an=σ1<=i<=kan-ibi mod 10 000 for n >= k, where the bi's are integer constants. the i-th oldest fireperson then gets rank ai.
your task is to calculate the rank of the i-th fireperson, given parameters of the acm-sequence and the number i.
the input consists of several instances. each instance is described on a single line containing the following integers separated by a single space: k, a0, , ak-1, b1, , bk, i. here 1 <= k <= 100 is the order of the sequence, 0 <= ai < 10 000 are the first k elements of the sequence, 0 <= bi < 10 000 are the multipliers and 0 <= i < 1 000 000 000 is the number of the element we ask for.
the input ends with a line containing a number 0.
the output consists of several lines corresponding to the instances on the input. the l-th line contains a single integer ai which is the i-th element of the sequence described by the l-th input instance.
sample input
2 0 1 1 1 6
sample output
本题的意思是: 设有递推式a(n)=σa(n-i)*b(i) mod 10000 (1<=i<=k),求a(i)。 由于题目给定0<=i<1000000000,i值很大,因此用数组保存每个a[i]直接递推实现不现实。 因此,本题采用矩阵乘法来完成。用矩阵乘法完成递推式的求值是一种典型的方法。 以输入输出样例为例先进行说明。 样例中 k=2,a0=0,a1=1,b1=1,b2=1,求a6。 用循环递推的方法模拟计算如下: a2=a1*b1+a0*b2=1*1+0*1=1 a3=a2*b1+a1*b2=1*1+1*1=2 a4=a3*b1+a2*b2=2*1+1*1=3 a5=a4*b1+a3*b2=3*1+2*1=5 a6=a5*b1+a4*b2=5*1+3*1=8 故输出 8。 采用矩阵计算时,先定义系数矩阵p和初始运算矩阵a p= | 0 1 | = |0 1| a=|a0| | b2 b1 | |1 1| |a1| 则 p*a= |0 1 |* |a0|= |a1 | 可得 a2=a1*b1+a0*b2 |b2 b1| |a1| |a0*b2+a1*b1| p*p*a=p*(p*a)= |0 1|*|a1|=|a2 | 可得a3=a1+a2 |1 1| |a2| |a1+a2| 同理,可得 p*p*p*p*p*a = |0 1|* |a4|=|a5 | 可得a6=a4+a5 |1 1| |a5| |a4+a5| 又由于矩阵乘法满足结合律,因此 p*p*p*p*p*a=(p*p*p*p*p)*a=(p^5)*a 即本题转化为求一个矩阵的n次方这样一个基本问题。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define modnum 10000
struct matrix
int mat[110][110];
matrix matmul(matrix a ,matrix b,int n)
matrix c;
int i,j,k;
for (k = 1; k<=n ; k++)
for (i=1 ;i<=n ; i++)
for (j = 1 ;j<=n ;j++)
c.mat[i][j] = (c.mat[i][j] + a.mat[i][k] * b.mat[k][j]) % modnum;
return c;
matrix quickmatpow(matrix a ,int b ,int n) // n阶矩阵a快速b次幂
matrix c;
memset(c.mat ,0 ,sizeof(c.mat));
int i;
for (i = 1 ;i <= n ;i++)
c.mat[i][i] = 1;
if (b & 1)
c = matmul(c ,a ,n); // c=c*a;
a = matmul(a ,a ,n); // a=a*a
b /= 2;
return c;
int main()
int k,n,i,sum;
int a[110] ,b[110];
matrix start ,ans;
while (scanf("%d" ,&k) && k!=0)
for (i = 0 ;i < k ;i ++)
scanf("%d" ,&a[i]);
for (i = 1 ;i <=k ;i ++)
scanf("%d" ,&b[i]);
scanf("%d" ,&n);
if (n<k)
printf("%d\n" ,a[n]);
memset(start.mat ,0 ,sizeof(start.mat));
for (i = 1 ;i < k ;i ++)
start.mat[i][i+1] = 1;
for (i = 1 ;i <= k ;i ++)
start.mat[k][i] = b[k-i+1];
ans = quickmatpow(start ,n-k+1,k);
sum = 0;
for(i = 1 ;i <= k ;i++)
sum = (sum + a[i-1] * ans.mat[k][i]) % modnum;
printf("%d\n" ,sum);
return 0;