# march-13-2006
# cpuuse trigger script by noel
# bash code to watch a running program's cpu usage.
# if it's above a set value, it will auto send an email.
# you will need to set a cron job to run this script every xx minutes
# set some needed things:
processtowatch="convert" # in my case i need to watch convert
emailaddress="root@host" # this is my main emailaddress
triggervalue=90 # if the cpu use is above 90% send an email. do not use a dot or comma!
tempfilename=tmp-cpu # some name of the temp file for the ps, grep data
ps auxww | grep "$processtowatch" | grep -v grep > /tmp/$tempfilename
export line
read line
while [ -n "$line" ]
set $line
read line
if [ $(echo "$3" | sed -e 's/\.[0-9]*//g') -gt $triggervalue ]; then
mail -s "cpu message alert for: $processtowatch" $emailaddress <<-end
this is to inform you that the following process: $processtowatch with pid (process id) $2 is now using more than your preset $triggervalue value.
process: $processtowatch is using: $3 of cpu power!
the command used is: $11
)< /tmp/$tempfilename
上一篇: Shell脚本处理浮点数的运算和比较实例
下一篇: Shell脚本编程中常用的数学运算实例