C# copy files from source directory to destination file and rename repeated files and does not override
2023-11-22 08:18:22
static void CopyFiles() { string sourceDir = @"D:\C\ll"; string destDir = @"D:\LL"; if (!Directory.Exists(destDir)) { Directo... ......
static void copyfiles() { string sourcedir = @"d:\c\ll"; string destdir = @"d:\ll"; if (!directory.exists(destdir)) { directory.createdirectory(destdir); } string[] mp3files= directory.getfiles(sourcedir, "*.mp3", searchoption.alldirectories); if(mp3files!=null && mp3files.any()) { dictionary<string, string> dic = new dictionary<string, string>(); list<string> repeatedlist = new list<string>(); foreach (string mp3 in mp3files) { string mp3filename = path.getfilename(mp3); string newmp3filename = path.getfilename(mp3); if (dic.containskey(mp3filename)) { string guid = guid.newguid().tostring().substring(0, 6); newmp3filename = path.getfilenamewithoutextension(mp3filename) + guid + ".mp3"; dic.add(newmp3filename, newmp3filename); string repeatedmsg = $"mp3:{mp3},newmp3filename:{newmp3filename}"; repeatedlist.add(repeatedmsg); } else { dic.add(mp3filename, mp3filename); } string newmp3fullname = path.combine(destdir, newmp3filename); file.copy(mp3, newmp3fullname, false); console.writeline($"oldmp3:{mp3},newmp3fullname:{newmp3fullname}"); } dic = null; console.writeline($"\n\n there are {repeatedlist.count} repeated msg:"); repeatedlist.foreach(x => { console.writeline(x); }); } }
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