2023-11-21 08:43:46
function dateco...
//获取几天后日期 function datecount(arg,date) { var date1 = arg; var date2 = new date(date1); date2.setdate(date2.getdate() + parseint(date)); var times = date2.getfullyear() + "-" + (date2.getmonth() + 1) + "-" + date2.getdate(); var year = 0; var month = 0; var day = 0; var currentdate = ""; year = date2.getfullyear(); month = date2.getmonth() + 1; day = date2.getdate(); currentdate += year + "-"; if (month >= 10) { currentdate += month + "-"; } else { currentdate += "0" + month + "-"; } if (day >= 10) { currentdate += day; } else { currentdate += "0" + day; } return currentdate; } date.prototype.format = function() { var s = ''; s += this.getfullyear() + '-'; // 获取年份。 if ((this.getmonth() + 1) >= 10) { // 获取月份。 s += (this.getmonth() + 1) + "-"; } else { s += "0" + (this.getmonth() + 1) + "-"; } if (this.getdate() >= 10) { // 获取日。 s += this.getdate(); } else { s += "0" + this.getdate(); } return (s); // 返回日期。 }; //两个日期之间的所有日期 function getall(begin, end) { var ab = begin.split("-"); var ae = end.split("-"); var db = new date(); db.setutcfullyear(ab[0], ab[1] - 1, ab[2]); var de = new date(); de.setutcfullyear(ae[0], ae[1] - 1, ae[2]); var unixdb = db.gettime(); var unixde = de.gettime(); var str = ""; for (var k = unixdb + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; k < unixde;) { str += (new date(parseint(k))).format() + ","; k = k + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; } return str; } //两个时间相差天数 function datedifference(sdate1, sdate2) { //sdate1和sdate2是2006-12-18格式 var adate, odate1, odate2, idays; adate = sdate1.split("-"); odate1 = new date(adate[1] + '-' + adate[2] + '-' + adate[0]); //转换为9-25-2017格式 adate = sdate2.split("-"); odate2 = new date(adate[1] + '-' + adate[2] + '-' + adate[0]); idays = parseint(math.abs(odate1 - odate2) / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24); return idays; }; module.exports = { datecount: datecount, getall: getall, datedifference: datedifference }
var hb = require('../../utils/util.js'); page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: { sourcelist: [{ "cliniclabelname": "医生a", "cliniclabelid": "8a2256334b021c33014b06124fd60181", "count": 5, "date": "2018-12-12", "isvisit": false, "noonname": "上午", "noon": 1, "total": 50, "dayofweek": "3", "keyue": true }, { "cliniclabelname": "医生d", "cliniclabelid": "8a2256334b021c33014b06124fd60181", "count": 5, "date": "2018-12-18", "isvisit": false, "noonname": "凌晨", "noon": 4, "total": 50, "dayofweek": "5", "keyue": true }, { "cliniclabelname": "医生b", "cliniclabelid": "8a2256334b021c33014b06124fd60181", "count": 5, "date": "2018-12-21", "isvisit": false, "noonname": "下午", "noon": 2, "total": 50, "dayofweek": "3", "keyue": true }, { "cliniclabelname": "医生c", "cliniclabelid": "8a2256334b021c33014b06124fd60181", "count": 5, "date": "2018-12-16", "isvisit": false, "noonname": "全天", "noon": 4, "total": 50, "dayofweek": "4", "keyue": true }, { "cliniclabelname": "医生d", "cliniclabelid": "8a2256334b021c33014b06124fd60181", "count": 5, "date": "2018-12-16", "isvisit": false, "noonname": "夜间", "noon": 3, "total": 50, "dayofweek": "5", "keyue": true } ], datearray: [], noonlist: [], startclinicdate: "2018-12-12", endclinicdate: "2018-12-19" }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onload: function(options) { this.removal(); }, removal: function() { var that =this; var objectarray = this.data.sourcelist; var newobject = []; for (var i = 0; i < objectarray.length; i++) //从第二项开始遍历 { newobject.push(objectarray[i].noonname); } var finalarray = [newobject[0]]; //结果数组 for (var j = 1; j < newobject.length; j++) //从第二项开始遍历 { //如果当前数组的第i项在当前数组中第一次出现的位置不是i, //那么表示第i项是重复的,忽略掉。否则存入结果数组 if (newobject.indexof(newobject[j]) == j) { finalarray.push(newobject[j]); } } var noonlist = []; for (var k = 0; k < finalarray.length; k++) //从第二项开始遍历 { noonlist.push({ noonname: finalarray[k], noon: that.getnoonnum(finalarray[k]), value: false, list: [] }) } that.setdata({ noonlist: noonlist.sort(that.compare("noon")) }) that.getsevendays(); }, getnoonnum: function(ele) { var num; switch (ele) { case '上午': num = 1; break; case '下午': num = 2; break; case '夜间': num = 3; break; case '凌晨': num = 4; break; case '全天': num = 5; break; } return num; }, compare: function compare(property){ return function (a, b) { var value1 = a[property]; var value2 = b[property]; return value1 - value2; } }, getsevendays: function() { var daysarray = []; var daydict = {}; var weekstr = ''; var weeknum = ''; var date = new date(); //当前日期 var newdate = new date(); //开始日期与结束日期之间相差天数 var datenum = hb.datedifference(this.data.startclinicdate, this.data.endclinicdate); //显示几周的表格 var weeknum = math.ceil((datenum + 1) / 7); var datearr = hb.getall(this.data.startclinicdate, hb.datecount(this.data.startclinicdate, weeknum * 7 - 1)); datearr = (this.data.startclinicdate + "," + datearr + hb.datecount(this.data.startclinicdate, weeknum * 7 - 1)).split(","); //获取两个日期之间日期 for (var i = 0; i < datearr.length; i++) { weeknum = this.getweeknum(this.getweekbyday(datearr[i])); daydict = { "date": datearr[i], "date_text": datearr[i].substring(5, 10), "weekname": this.getweekbyday(datearr[i]), "weeknum": weeknum }; daysarray.push(daydict); } this.setdata({ datearray: daysarray }); this.dealdata(); }, getweeknum: function(ele) { var num; switch (ele) { case '周一': num = 0; break; case '周二': num = 1; break; case '周三': num = 2; break; case '周四': num = 3; break; case '周五': num = 4; break; case '周六': num = 5; break; case '周日': num = 6; break; } return num; }, getweekbyday: function(value) { var day = new date(date.parse(value.replace(/-/g, '/'))); //将日期值格式化 var today = new array("周日", "周一", "周二", "周三", "周四", "周五", "周六"); //创建星期数组 return today[day.getday()]; }, dealdata: function() { var that = this; var tag = 0; var ar = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]; var objectarray = that.data.noonlist; let loopnum = that.data.datearray.length; for (var k = 0; k < objectarray.length; k++) { for (var m = 0; m < loopnum; m++) { objectarray[k].list.push({ keyue: false, date: hb.datecount(that.data.startclinicdate, m) }) } } for (var i = 0; i < that.data.sourcelist.length; i++) { var assignmentarray; for (var j = 0; j < objectarray.length; j++) { if (objectarray[j].noonname == that.data.sourcelist[i].noonname){ assignmentarray = objectarray[j]; } } assignmentarray.value = true; for (var n = 0; n < assignmentarray.list.length; n++) { if (assignmentarray.list[n].date == that.data.sourcelist[i].date) { assignmentarray.list[n].noon = that.data.sourcelist[i].noon, assignmentarray.list[n].cliniclabelid = that.data.sourcelist[i].cliniclabelid, assignmentarray.list[n].cliniclabelname = that.data.sourcelist[i].cliniclabelname, assignmentarray.list[n].count = that.data.sourcelist[i].count, assignmentarray.list[n].isvisit = that.data.sourcelist[i].isvisit, assignmentarray.list[n].noonname = that.data.sourcelist[i].noonname, assignmentarray.list[n].total = that.data.sourcelist[i].total, assignmentarray.list[n].dayofweek = that.data.sourcelist[i].dayofweek, assignmentarray.list[n].keyue = true } } } that.setdata({ noonlist: objectarray }) }, clickdoctor: function(e) { let index = e.currenttarget.dataset.item; let indexchild = e.currenttarget.dataset.itemchild; let arrobiect = this.data.noonlist; var objectlist = arrobiect[index].list[indexchild]; debugger } })
<!-- 医生排班表 --> <scroll-view scroll-x="true" class='scrollclass'> <view class='cell-table'> <view class='cell-table_header'> <view class="th"> <view class='cell_label'></view> </view> <block wx:for="{{datearray}}" wx:key=""> <view class='th'> <view class="cell_label centerclass">{{item.weekname}}</view> <view class="cell_date_label centerclass">{{item.date_text}}</view> </view> </block> </view> <block wx:for="{{noonlist}}" wx:key="" wx:for-index="parentindex" wx:if='{{item.value}}'> <view class='cell-table_main'> <!--上午下午晚上全天--> <view class='td' style='background-color:white;'> <view class="cell_label centerclass">{{item.noonname}}</view> </view> <block wx:key="" wx:for="{{item.list}}" wx:for-item="trade" wx:for-index="ind"> <view class='td' wx:if='{{trade.keyue}}'> <view class='cell-table_choose"' bindtap='clickdoctor' data-item='{{parentindex}}' data-itemchild='{{ind}}'>{{trade.count+"/"+trade.total}}</view> </view> <view class='td' wx:else> <view class='cell-table_empty"'></view> </view> </block> </view> </block> </view> </scroll-view>
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