2023-11-20 23:21:10
using system;
using system.io;...
using system; using system.io; using system.collections; using system.io.compression; using system.collections.generic; class folderzip { private const long buffer_size = 20480; static void main(string[] args) { string sourcepath=@"c:\tmp"; queue<filesysteminfo> folders = new queue<filesysteminfo>(new directoryinfo(sourcepath).getfilesysteminfos()); string copytopath = @"d:\temp"; copytopath = (copytopath.lastindexof(path.directoryseparatorchar) == copytopath.length - 1) ? copytopath : copytopath+path.directoryseparatorchar + path.getfilename(sourcepath); directory.createdirectory(copytopath); while (folders.count > 0) { filesysteminfo atom = folders.dequeue(); fileinfo sourcefile = atom as fileinfo; if (sourcefile == null) { directoryinfo directory = atom as directoryinfo; directory.createdirectory(directory.fullname.replace(sourcepath,copytopath)); foreach (filesysteminfo nextatom in directory.getfilesysteminfos()) folders.enqueue(nextatom); } else { string sourcefilename = sourcefile.fullname; string zipfilename = sourcefile.fullname.replace(sourcepath,copytopath) + ".zip"; if (!file.exists(zipfilename)) { filestream sourcestream = null; filestream destinationstream = null; gzipstream compressedstream = null; try { // read the bytes from the source file into a byte array sourcestream = new filestream(sourcefilename, filemode.open, fileaccess.read, fileshare.read); // open the filestream to write to destinationstream = new filestream(zipfilename, filemode.openorcreate, fileaccess.write); // create a compression stream pointing to the destiantion stream compressedstream = new deflatestream(destinationstream, compressionmode.compress, true); long buffersize = sourcestream.length < buffer_size ? sourcestream.length : buffer_size; byte[] buffer = new byte[buffersize]; int bytesread = 0; long byteswritten = 0; while ((bytesread = sourcestream.read(buffer, 0, buffer.length)) != 0) { compressedstream.write(buffer, 0, bytesread); byteswritten += buffersize; } } catch (applicationexception) { continue; } finally { // make sure we allways close all streams if (sourcestream != null) sourcestream.close(); if (compressedstream != null) compressedstream.close(); if (destinationstream != null) destinationstream.close(); } } } } } }