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程序员文章站 2023-11-19 17:22:34
记录在工作中会常用到的部分sql select a.id, sum(a.tingdou_amount) 挺豆余额, sum(a.tbi_amount) t币余额, sum(a.tdian_amo...


select a.id, sum(a.tingdou_amount) 挺豆余额, sum(a.tbi_amount) t币余额, sum(a.tdian_amount) t点余额 from
         (select userid as id, 
                   avail_amount as tingdou_amount,
                   0 as tbi_amount,
                   0 as tdian_amount
                   from db_wlt_gameplatform.game_user_account
                   where userid in (123)
         union all
                   user_id as id, 
                   0 as tingdou_amount,
                   available_coin/500 as tbi_amount,
                   0 as tdian_amount
                   from db_wlt_gameplatform.game_customize_user_account
                   where user_id in (123)
         union all
                   u.id as id,
                   0 as tingdou_amount,
                   0 as tbi_amount,
                   sum( t.points )/500 as tdian_amount
                   from db_wlt_gamepoint.points_user_total t
                   inner join db_wlt_gameplatform.game_user u on t.passport_id = u.passport_id
                   where u.id in (123)
                   and (t.overdue_date > now( ) or overdue_date =  '0000-00-00 00:00:00')
                   and t.delete_flag =0
                   group by u.id)
as a
group by a.id