<script language="javascript">
<!-- begin
function selectscroller(n) {
optlist = document.scrollform.scroller;
optlist[optlist.length] = new option(optlist[0].text, "", false, false);
optlist[0] = null;
optlist.selectedindex = -1;
n = (n + 1) % optlist.length;
// change the speed below: 1000 = 1 second.
// end -->
<body onload="selectscroller(0);">
<form name="scrollform">
<select name="scroller" size=8>
<option>this select option list will
<option>scroll text by copying
<option>the top line to the bottom
<option>line before deleting the
<option>top line. this moves the
<option>options up one line and
<option>gives the impression of
<option>you can leave as many
<option>blank lines as you feel
<option>necessary to give the
<option>look of begining and
<option>this script was written
<option>in response to those
<option>who wanted a news
<option>scroller to work within
<option>a table's cell and for
<option>those who want old
<option>browsers to also see
<option>a scoller on the page.
上一篇: checkbox实现全选的多种方法 不断更新 原创
下一篇: 限制复选框的最大可选数