2023-11-16 21:36:58
在asp中通过vbs类实现rsa加密与解密,建议入精华 本文章有两文件组成 test.asp 测试演示文件 clsrsa.asp 实现rsa加密与解密的...
test.asp 测试演示文件
clsrsa.asp 实现rsa加密与解密的vbs类文件
1. test.asp
rem 文章标题:在asp中通过vbs类实现rsa加密与解密
rem 收集整理:yanek
rem 联系:aspboy@263.net
<%option explicit%>
<!--#include file="clsrsa.asp"-->
dim lngkeye
dim lngkeyd
dim lngkeyn
dim strmessage
dim objrsa
if not request.form = "" then
lngkeye = request.form("keye")
lngkeyd = request.form("keyd")
lngkeyn = request.form("keyn")
strmessage = request.form("message")
set objrsa = new clsrsa
select case request.form("action")
case "generate keys"
call objrsa.genkey()
lngkeye = objrsa.publickey
lngkeyd = objrsa.privatekey
lngkeyn = objrsa.modulus
case "encrypt"
objrsa.publickey = lngkeye
objrsa.modulus = lngkeyn
strmessage = objrsa.encode(strmessage)
case "decrypt"
objrsa.privatekey = lngkeyd
objrsa.modulus = lngkeyn
strmessage = objrsa.decode(strmessage)
end select
set objrsa = nothing
end if
<title>rsa cipher demonstration</title>
<h1>rsa cipher demonstration</h1>
you will first need to generate your public/privage key-pair
before you can encrypt/decrypt messages.
<form method="post">
<td>public key</td>
<td><input name="keye" value="<%=server.htmlencode(lngkeye)%>"></td>
<td rowspan="3">
<input type="submit" name="action" value="generate keys">
<td>private key</td>
<td><input name="keyd" value="<%=server.htmlencode(lngkeyd)%>"></td>
<td><input name="keyn" value="<%=server.htmlencode(lngkeyn)%>"></td>
<td colspan="3">
test message:<br>
<textarea name="message" cols="50" rows="7"><%=server.htmlencode(strmessage)%></textarea>
<td align="right" colspan="3">
<input type="submit" name="action" value="encrypt">
<input type="submit" name="action" value="decrypt">
rem 实现rsa加密与解密的vbs类文件
rem 文章标题:在asp中通过vbs类实现rsa加密与解密
rem 收集整理:yanek
rem 联系:aspboy@263.net
' rsa encryption class
' .privatekey
' your personal private key. keep this hidden.
' .publickey
' key for others to encrypt data with.
' .modulus
' used with both public and private keys when encrypting
' and decrypting data.
' .genkey()
' creates public/private key set and modulus
' .crypt(plngmessage, plngkey)
' encrypts/decrypts message and returns
' as a string.
' .encode(pstrmessage)
' encrypts message and returns in double-hex format
' .decode(pstrmessage)
' decrypts message from double-hex format and returns a string
class clsrsa
public privatekey
public publickey
public modulus
public sub genkey()
dim llngphi
dim q
dim p
' 2 random primary numbers (0 to 1000)
p = rnd * 1000 \ 1
loop while not isprime(p)
q = rnd * 1000 \ 1
loop while not isprime(q)
' n = product of 2 primes
modulus = p * q \ 1
' random decryptor (2 to n)
privatekey = rnd * (modulus - 2) \ 1 + 2
llngphi = (p - 1) * (q - 1) \ 1
publickey = euler(llngphi, privatekey)
loop while publickey = 0 or publickey = 1
' loop if we can't crypt/decrypt a byte
loop while not testcrypt(255)
end sub
private function testcrypt(byref pbytdata)
dim lstrcrypted
lstrcrypted = crypt(pbytdata, publickey)
testcrypt = crypt(lstrcrypted, privatekey) = pbytdata
end function
private function euler(byref plngphi, byref plngkey)
dim llngr(3)
dim llngp(3)
dim llngq(3)
dim llngcounter
dim llngresult
euler = 0
llngr(1) = plngphi: llngr(0) = plngkey
llngp(1) = 0: llngp(0) = 1
llngq(1) = 2: llngq(0) = 0
llngcounter = -1
do until llngr(0) = 0
llngr(2) = llngr(1): llngr(1) = llngr(0)
llngp(2) = llngp(1): llngp(1) = llngp(0)
llngq(2) = llngq(1): llngq(1) = llngq(0)
llngcounter = llngcounter + 1
llngr(0) = llngr(2) mod llngr(1)
llngp(0) = ((llngr(2)\llngr(1)) * llngp(1)) + llngp(2)
llngq(0) = ((llngr(2)\llngr(1)) * llngq(1)) + llngq(2)
llngresult = (plngkey * llngp(1)) - (plngphi * llngq(1))
if llngresult > 0 then
euler = llngp(1)
euler = abs(llngp(1)) + plngphi
end if
end function
public function crypt(plngmessage, plngkey)
on error resume next
dim llngmod
dim llngresult
dim llngindex
if plngkey mod 2 = 0 then
llngresult = 1
for llngindex = 1 to plngkey / 2
llngmod = (plngmessage ^ 2) mod modulus
' mod may error on key generation
llngresult = (llngmod * llngresult) mod modulus
if err then exit function
llngresult = plngmessage
for llngindex = 1 to plngkey / 2
llngmod = (plngmessage ^ 2) mod modulus
on error resume next
' mod may error on key generation
llngresult = (llngmod * llngresult) mod modulus
if err then exit function
end if
crypt = llngresult
end function
private function isprime(byref plngnumber)
dim llngsquare
dim llngindex
isprime = false
if plngnumber < 2 then exit function
if plngnumber mod 2 = 0 then exit function
llngsquare = sqr(plngnumber)
for llngindex = 3 to llngsquare step 2
if plngnumber mod llngindex = 0 then exit function
isprime = true
end function
public function encode(byval pstrmessage)
dim llngindex
dim llngmaxindex
dim lbytascii
dim llngencrypted
llngmaxindex = len(pstrmessage)
if llngmaxindex = 0 then exit function
for llngindex = 1 to llngmaxindex
lbytascii = asc(mid(pstrmessage, llngindex, 1))
llngencrypted = crypt(lbytascii, publickey)
encode = encode & numbertohex(llngencrypted, 4)
end function
public function decode(byval pstrmessage)
dim lbytascii
dim llngindex
dim llngmaxindex
dim llngencrypteddata
decode = ""
llngmaxindex = len(pstrmessage)
for llngindex = 1 to llngmaxindex step 4
llngencrypteddata = hextonumber(mid(pstrmessage, llngindex, 4))
lbytascii = crypt(llngencrypteddata, privatekey)
decode = decode & chr(lbytascii)
end function
private function numbertohex(byref plngnumber, byref plnglength)
numbertohex = right(string(plnglength, "0") & hex(plngnumber), plnglength)
end function
private function hextonumber(byref pstrhex)
hextonumber = clng("&h" & pstrhex)
end function
end class
test.asp 测试演示文件
clsrsa.asp 实现rsa加密与解密的vbs类文件
1. test.asp
复制代码 代码如下:
rem 文章标题:在asp中通过vbs类实现rsa加密与解密
rem 收集整理:yanek
rem 联系:aspboy@263.net
<%option explicit%>
<!--#include file="clsrsa.asp"-->
dim lngkeye
dim lngkeyd
dim lngkeyn
dim strmessage
dim objrsa
if not request.form = "" then
lngkeye = request.form("keye")
lngkeyd = request.form("keyd")
lngkeyn = request.form("keyn")
strmessage = request.form("message")
set objrsa = new clsrsa
select case request.form("action")
case "generate keys"
call objrsa.genkey()
lngkeye = objrsa.publickey
lngkeyd = objrsa.privatekey
lngkeyn = objrsa.modulus
case "encrypt"
objrsa.publickey = lngkeye
objrsa.modulus = lngkeyn
strmessage = objrsa.encode(strmessage)
case "decrypt"
objrsa.privatekey = lngkeyd
objrsa.modulus = lngkeyn
strmessage = objrsa.decode(strmessage)
end select
set objrsa = nothing
end if
<title>rsa cipher demonstration</title>
<h1>rsa cipher demonstration</h1>
you will first need to generate your public/privage key-pair
before you can encrypt/decrypt messages.
<form method="post">
<td>public key</td>
<td><input name="keye" value="<%=server.htmlencode(lngkeye)%>"></td>
<td rowspan="3">
<input type="submit" name="action" value="generate keys">
<td>private key</td>
<td><input name="keyd" value="<%=server.htmlencode(lngkeyd)%>"></td>
<td><input name="keyn" value="<%=server.htmlencode(lngkeyn)%>"></td>
<td colspan="3">
test message:<br>
<textarea name="message" cols="50" rows="7"><%=server.htmlencode(strmessage)%></textarea>
<td align="right" colspan="3">
<input type="submit" name="action" value="encrypt">
<input type="submit" name="action" value="decrypt">
复制代码 代码如下:
rem 实现rsa加密与解密的vbs类文件
rem 文章标题:在asp中通过vbs类实现rsa加密与解密
rem 收集整理:yanek
rem 联系:aspboy@263.net
' rsa encryption class
' .privatekey
' your personal private key. keep this hidden.
' .publickey
' key for others to encrypt data with.
' .modulus
' used with both public and private keys when encrypting
' and decrypting data.
' .genkey()
' creates public/private key set and modulus
' .crypt(plngmessage, plngkey)
' encrypts/decrypts message and returns
' as a string.
' .encode(pstrmessage)
' encrypts message and returns in double-hex format
' .decode(pstrmessage)
' decrypts message from double-hex format and returns a string
class clsrsa
public privatekey
public publickey
public modulus
public sub genkey()
dim llngphi
dim q
dim p
' 2 random primary numbers (0 to 1000)
p = rnd * 1000 \ 1
loop while not isprime(p)
q = rnd * 1000 \ 1
loop while not isprime(q)
' n = product of 2 primes
modulus = p * q \ 1
' random decryptor (2 to n)
privatekey = rnd * (modulus - 2) \ 1 + 2
llngphi = (p - 1) * (q - 1) \ 1
publickey = euler(llngphi, privatekey)
loop while publickey = 0 or publickey = 1
' loop if we can't crypt/decrypt a byte
loop while not testcrypt(255)
end sub
private function testcrypt(byref pbytdata)
dim lstrcrypted
lstrcrypted = crypt(pbytdata, publickey)
testcrypt = crypt(lstrcrypted, privatekey) = pbytdata
end function
private function euler(byref plngphi, byref plngkey)
dim llngr(3)
dim llngp(3)
dim llngq(3)
dim llngcounter
dim llngresult
euler = 0
llngr(1) = plngphi: llngr(0) = plngkey
llngp(1) = 0: llngp(0) = 1
llngq(1) = 2: llngq(0) = 0
llngcounter = -1
do until llngr(0) = 0
llngr(2) = llngr(1): llngr(1) = llngr(0)
llngp(2) = llngp(1): llngp(1) = llngp(0)
llngq(2) = llngq(1): llngq(1) = llngq(0)
llngcounter = llngcounter + 1
llngr(0) = llngr(2) mod llngr(1)
llngp(0) = ((llngr(2)\llngr(1)) * llngp(1)) + llngp(2)
llngq(0) = ((llngr(2)\llngr(1)) * llngq(1)) + llngq(2)
llngresult = (plngkey * llngp(1)) - (plngphi * llngq(1))
if llngresult > 0 then
euler = llngp(1)
euler = abs(llngp(1)) + plngphi
end if
end function
public function crypt(plngmessage, plngkey)
on error resume next
dim llngmod
dim llngresult
dim llngindex
if plngkey mod 2 = 0 then
llngresult = 1
for llngindex = 1 to plngkey / 2
llngmod = (plngmessage ^ 2) mod modulus
' mod may error on key generation
llngresult = (llngmod * llngresult) mod modulus
if err then exit function
llngresult = plngmessage
for llngindex = 1 to plngkey / 2
llngmod = (plngmessage ^ 2) mod modulus
on error resume next
' mod may error on key generation
llngresult = (llngmod * llngresult) mod modulus
if err then exit function
end if
crypt = llngresult
end function
private function isprime(byref plngnumber)
dim llngsquare
dim llngindex
isprime = false
if plngnumber < 2 then exit function
if plngnumber mod 2 = 0 then exit function
llngsquare = sqr(plngnumber)
for llngindex = 3 to llngsquare step 2
if plngnumber mod llngindex = 0 then exit function
isprime = true
end function
public function encode(byval pstrmessage)
dim llngindex
dim llngmaxindex
dim lbytascii
dim llngencrypted
llngmaxindex = len(pstrmessage)
if llngmaxindex = 0 then exit function
for llngindex = 1 to llngmaxindex
lbytascii = asc(mid(pstrmessage, llngindex, 1))
llngencrypted = crypt(lbytascii, publickey)
encode = encode & numbertohex(llngencrypted, 4)
end function
public function decode(byval pstrmessage)
dim lbytascii
dim llngindex
dim llngmaxindex
dim llngencrypteddata
decode = ""
llngmaxindex = len(pstrmessage)
for llngindex = 1 to llngmaxindex step 4
llngencrypteddata = hextonumber(mid(pstrmessage, llngindex, 4))
lbytascii = crypt(llngencrypteddata, privatekey)
decode = decode & chr(lbytascii)
end function
private function numbertohex(byref plngnumber, byref plnglength)
numbertohex = right(string(plnglength, "0") & hex(plngnumber), plnglength)
end function
private function hextonumber(byref pstrhex)
hextonumber = clng("&h" & pstrhex)
end function
end class
上一篇: SQL Server优化50法汇总
下一篇: String类的获取功能、转换功能