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Android studio 3.0上进行多渠道打包遇到的问题小结(超简洁版)

程序员文章站 2023-11-12 09:22:46
error:all flavors must now belong to a named flavor dimension. the flavor 'xiaomi' is...

error:all flavors must now belong to a named flavor dimension. the flavor 'xiaomi' is not assigned to a flavor dimension. learn more at https://d.android.com/r/tools/flavordimensions-missing-error-message.html

android studio 3.0上进行多渠道打包时编译时出现这个错误




flavordimensions "default" 
 productflavors { 
 kuan { 
  dimension "default" 
  manifestplaceholders = [umeng_channel_value: "kuan"] 
 xiaomi { 
  dimension "default" 
  manifestplaceholders = [umeng_channel_value: "xiaomi"] 
 qh360 { 
  dimension "default" 
  manifestplaceholders = [umeng_channel_value: "qh360"] 
 baidu { 
  dimension "default" 
  manifestplaceholders = [umeng_channel_value: "baidu"] 
 wandoujia { 
  dimension "default" 
  manifestplaceholders = [umeng_channel_value: "wandoujia"] 


flavordimensions "default" 
 productflavors { 
  kuan {dimension "default"} 
  xiaomi {dimension "default"} 
  qh360 {dimension "default"} 
  baidu {dimension "default"} 
  wandoujia {dimension "default"} 
 productflavors.all { 
  flavor -> flavor.manifestplaceholders = [umeng_channel_value: name] 



you must assign each product flavor you configure to one of the flavor dimensions.

你必须指定一种 flavor dimensions

void flavordimensions(string... dimensions) 

flavordimensions 后面可以添加多个不同类型的参数例如:

flavordimensions "api", "mode" 


productflavors { 
 demo { 
  // assigns this product flavor to the "mode" flavor dimension. 
  dimension "mode" 
 full { 
  dimension "mode" 
 // configurations in the "api" product flavors override those in "mode" 
 // flavors and the defaultconfig {} block. gradle determines the priority 
 // between flavor dimensions based on the order in which they appear next 
 // to the flavordimensions property above--the first dimension has a higher 
 // priority than the second, and so on. 
 minapi24 { 
  dimension "api" 
  minsdkversion '24' 
  // to ensure the target device receives the version of the app with 
  // the highest compatible api level, assign version codes in increasing 
  // value with api level. to learn more about assigning version codes to 
  // support app updates and uploading to google play, read multiple apk support 
  versioncode 30000 + android.defaultconfig.versioncode 
  versionnamesuffix "-minapi24" 
 minapi23 { 
  dimension "api" 
  minsdkversion '23' 
  versioncode 20000 + android.defaultconfig.versioncode 
  versionnamesuffix "-minapi23" 
 minapi21 { 
  dimension "api" 
  minsdkversion '21' 
  versioncode 10000 + android.defaultconfig.versioncode 
  versionnamesuffix "-minapi21" 



以上所述是小编给大家介绍的android studio 3.0上进行多渠道打包遇到的问题小结(超简洁版),希望对大家有所帮助