有一个button 按钮,要想为该按钮设置onclick事件和ontouch事件
mtestbutton.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() { @override public void onclick(view view) { log.d(tag, "onclick execute"); } }); mtestbutton.setontouchlistener(new view.ontouchlistener() { @override public boolean ontouch(view view, motionevent motionevent) { log.d(tag, "ontouch execute, action event " + motionevent.getaction()); return false; } });
此时,我们现在分析一下,是ontouch先执行,还是onclick执行,接下来我从framework 源码去探寻一下整个事件的执行流程和原理:
我们知道 button ,textview 等基础控件的基类都是view,只要你触摸到了任何一个控件,就一定会调用该控件的dispatchtouchevent方法。那当我们去点击按钮的时候,就会去调用button类(实际上是基类view)里的dispatchtouchevent方法,所以接下来看view源码中dispatchtouchevent()方法的具体实现:
public boolean dispatchtouchevent(motionevent event) { if (montouchlistener != null && (mviewflags & enabled_mask) == enabled && montouchlistener.ontouch(this, event)) { return true; } return ontouchevent(event); }
分析上述代码,第2行 如果三个条件都为真的话,就返回true,否则执行ontouchevent,先看第一个条件montouchlistener!=null,这个条件就是如果设置了ontouchlistener就会为true,否则是false; 第二个条件(mviewflags & enabled_mask) == enabled是判断当前点击的控件是否是enable的,按钮默认都是enable的,因此这个条件恒定为true;第三个条件就比较复杂了,montouchlistener.ontouch(this, event),这个其实就是去回调控件注册touch事件时的ontouch方法。也就是说如果我们在ontouch方法里返回true,就会让这三个条件全部成立,从而整个方法直接返回true。如果我们在ontouch方法里返回false,就会再去执行ontouchevent(event)方法。ontouchevent(motionevent event)方法同样也是在view中定义的一个方法,主要是处理传递到view 的手势事件,包括action_down,action_move,action_up,action_cancel四种事件。
接下来我们结合上面的具体例子,来分析一下这个过程,首先会执行dispatchtouchevent(motionevent event) ,所以ontouch方法肯定是早于onclick方法的,如果在ontouch里返回false,就会出现下面的现象:
10-20 18:57:49.670: debug/mainactivity(20153): ontouch execute, action event 0
10-20 18:57:49.715: debug/mainactivity(20153): ontouch execute, action event 1
10-20 18:57:49.715: debug/mainactivity(20153): onclick execute
10-20 19:01:59.795: debug/mainactivity(21010): ontouch execute, action event 0
10-20 19:01:59.860: debug/mainactivity(21010): ontouch execute, action event 1
结果是onclick事件没有执行了,原因是如果ontouch返回true的话,则dispatchevent(motionevent event)方法直接返回true了,相当于不往下传递事件了,所以onclick不会执行,相反如果ontouch返回false的话(此时会执行onclick方法),则会执行 ontouchevent(motionevent event)方法,由此可以得出这样一个结论,onclick事件的具体调用执行肯定是在ontouchevent(motionevent event)方法源码中,接下来分析一下该函数的源码:
public boolean ontouchevent(motionevent event) { final int viewflags = mviewflags; if ((viewflags & enabled_mask) == disabled) { // a disabled view that is clickable still consumes the touch // events, it just doesn't respond to them. return (((viewflags & clickable) == clickable || (viewflags & long_clickable) == long_clickable)); } if (mtouchdelegate != null) { if (mtouchdelegate.ontouchevent(event)) { return true; } } if (((viewflags & clickable) == clickable || (viewflags & long_clickable) == long_clickable)) { switch (event.getaction()) { case motionevent.action_up: boolean prepressed = (mprivateflags & prepressed) != 0; if ((mprivateflags & pressed) != 0 || prepressed) { // take focus if we don't have it already and we should in // touch mode. boolean focustaken = false; if (isfocusable() && isfocusableintouchmode() && !isfocused()) { focustaken = requestfocus(); } if (!mhasperformedlongpress) { // this is a tap, so remove the longpress check removelongpresscallback(); // only perform take click actions if we were in the pressed state if (!focustaken) { // use a runnable and post this rather than calling // performclick directly. this lets other visual state // of the view update before click actions start. if (mperformclick == null) { mperformclick = new performclick(); } if (!post(mperformclick)) { performclick(); } } } if (munsetpressedstate == null) { munsetpressedstate = new unsetpressedstate(); } if (prepressed) { mprivateflags |= pressed; refreshdrawablestate(); postdelayed(munsetpressedstate, viewconfiguration.getpressedstateduration()); } else if (!post(munsetpressedstate)) { // if the post failed, unpress right now munsetpressedstate.run(); } removetapcallback(); } break; case motionevent.action_down: if (mpendingcheckfortap == null) { mpendingcheckfortap = new checkfortap(); } mprivateflags |= prepressed; mhasperformedlongpress = false; postdelayed(mpendingcheckfortap, viewconfiguration.gettaptimeout()); break; case motionevent.action_cancel: mprivateflags &= ~pressed; refreshdrawablestate(); removetapcallback(); break; case motionevent.action_move: final int x = (int) event.getx(); final int y = (int) event.gety(); // be lenient about moving outside of buttons int slop = mtouchslop; if ((x < 0 - slop) || (x >= getwidth() + slop) || (y < 0 - slop) || (y >= getheight() + slop)) { // outside button removetapcallback(); if ((mprivateflags & pressed) != 0) { // remove any future long press/tap checks removelongpresscallback(); // need to switch from pressed to not pressed mprivateflags &= ~pressed; refreshdrawablestate(); } } break; } return true; } return false; }
public boolean performclick() { sendaccessibilityevent(accessibilityevent.type_view_clicked); if (monclicklistener != null) { playsoundeffect(soundeffectconstants.click); monclicklistener.onclick(this); return true; } return false; }
public void setonclicklistener(onclicklistener l) { if (!isclickable()) { setclickable(true); } monclicklistener = l; }
而上述这个方法就是我们在application层经常使用的方法,即我们给button 设置点击事件的时候就会调用该方法了,分析到这了,我们知道了onclick方法确实是在ontouchevent方法中,那么除了要设置 onclicklistener,调用onclick的条件又是什么呢?我们从38行代码往前推,从第14行可以分析出:
只要该控件是可点击的或者是长按类型的,则会进入到motionevent.action_up这个分支当中 ,然后经过各种条件判断,则会进入到38行的performclick()方法中。