C# GZip Compress DeCompress
2023-11-10 21:43:52
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.IO.Compression; using... ......
using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.text; using system.threading.tasks; using system.io.compression; using system.io; using system.diagnostics; namespace consoleapp1 { class program { static void main(string[] args) { decompressdemo(); console.readline(); } private static void compressdemo() { string source = @"d:\"; string[] files = directory.getfiles(source, "*", searchoption.alldirectories); if(files!=null && files.any()) { foreach(var file in files) { compressfile(file); } } } private static void compressfile(string file) { console.writeline($"start to compress {file}"); stopwatch sw = new stopwatch(); sw.start(); string compressedfullname = path.combine(path.getdirectoryname(file), path.getfilenamewithoutextension(file)) + ".zip"; if (file.exists(compressedfullname)) { file.delete(compressedfullname); } task compresstask = task.run(() => { using (filestream fs = file.open(file, filemode.open)) { using (filestream compressedfilestream = file.create(compressedfullname)) { using (gzipstream gzipstream = new gzipstream(compressedfilestream, compressionmode.compress)) { fs.copyto(gzipstream); } } } }); compresstask.wait(); sw.stop(); if (compresstask.iscompleted) { console.writeline($"{file} has been compressed successfully,cost:{sw.elapsedmilliseconds} elapsedmilliseconds!"); } } private static void decompressdemo() { string source = @"d:\"; string[] compressedfiles = directory.getfiles(source, "*.zip"); if (compressedfiles != null && compressedfiles.any()) { foreach (var file in compressedfiles) { decompressfile(file); } } } private static void decompressfile(string file) { console.writeline($"start to decompress {file}"); stopwatch decompresssw = new stopwatch(); decompresssw.start(); string newfilename = path.combine(path.getdirectoryname(file)) + guid.newguid().tostring() + path.getfilenamewithoutextension(file); task decompresstask = task.run(() => { using (filestream fs = file.open(file, filemode.open)) { using (filestream decompressedstream = file.create(newfilename)) { using (gzipstream gzipdecompressedstream = new gzipstream(fs, compressionmode.decompress)) { gzipdecompressedstream.copyto(decompressedstream); } } } }); decompresstask.wait(); if(decompresstask.iscompleted) { decompresssw.stop(); console.writeline($"decompress as {newfilename} cost {decompresssw.elapsedmilliseconds} milliseconds"); } } } }